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Everything posted by legant

  1. This really isn't news. I remember this happening to coffee during some sort of bean crisis in the 70s or 80s. What was once a 16 oz can is now 11.5 oz. But the yogurt down-sizing really burns me. Think about all the recipes that call for a cup of yogurt. Are recipe writers taking that into consideration and adding other ingredients to make up for the 2 less ounces?
  2. I just discovered this thread. I know the arrival of strawberries has been anxiously awaited. Anything else?
  3. When I asked txaggie and cjsadler to be our next bloggers, I knew it wouldn't take too much convincing. You see: I've known them for almost five years now; we met while assistants at L'Academie. Since that time, we've cooked many meals together, shared recipes, sought each other out for advice and instruction and supported each other in our trials and tribulations in the kitchen. And... they take wonderful photographs. When they mentioned they were headed to the northwest region of Oregon, the idea for a road trip blog -- documenting their eating and dining experiences while traveling -- was born. They'll begin their blog here, in DC, and end in the Willamette Valley wine country. So fasten your seatbelts; it's sure to be an enlightening ride.
  4. You've got to be kidding!!! Four hours... and counting... before THE picnic event of the year. I'm saving my appetite for those deviled eggs.
  5. ...served on the Board of Directors for Les Dames d'Escoffier, for professional women in food, fine dining and hospitality. ...worked on last year's Cherry Blossom festival and created a program that involved Washington area restaurants for the first time. ...served on the Board of Directors for the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington and wrote a restaurant industry column, "City Ciao," for DC One.
  6. legant


    Walter Camp Jr., 79, who was president of one of Washington's first health food stores, Vita Food Co. I believe there were at least two stores: one next to the WaPo building on M street; the other on 14th street, now home to a watch repair shop.
  7. Okay... after a good soaking... overnight... it's time to start baking those beans. In addition to the baked beans, my crew will be bringing: water, a vegetarian side, and 2 desserts (1 will probably be gluten free). I want to give a shout-out to those... mainstays at past picnics... who are unable to make it this time around. Without embarrassing or neglecting anyone in particular I will say: you... and your contribution(s)... will be sorely missed. And, to those newbies or fence-sitters: ... well; there is nothing I can add to entice you to attend that hasn't been mentioned upthread. The food is wonderful, the people are fantastic if a bit distracted (True Story: At my first DR.com picnic/event a certain Rockwellian came up to introduce herself and welcome me. I admit: I offered only a cursory, returned greeting. She later said, as we dished the dirt, she completely understood: there are certain, non-negotiable priorities at a DR.com picnic. And, StephenB's and ScottJohnston's deviled eggs are in the top three. Pork products round out the list. She would be around a lot longer than any of the food offerings. So: don't be offended if someone asks whacha got there before they ask your name.) and a good time will be had by all.
  8. Uhm... I don't quite remember any Rosemary Fizz. Is that reason enough for it to make a repeat appearance.
  9. Dinner, gone terribly awry: Roast chicken: A cross between Keller's salt chicken and Cook's Illustrated's crispy roast chicken. Although the skin was crisp and the breast meat juicy, there was waaaay too much salt resulting in two salt burns. Argh. Stir-fry mix from someone at the Dupont market. I had a late night and wanted to eat earlier, rather than later, and... consequently... undercooked the greens. Blech. Sought comfort from the vending machine: dark chocolate M&Ms. The stupid bag got caught up in the rings, hanging precariously. Not precariously enough: no amount of pushing or rocking or cursing was able to dislodge the bag. Sigh.
  10. Just in case you're undecided about attending: ol_ironstomach asked: Think a springform mold will work as an egg ring for the emu egg experiment? Now, if the answer to that question does not pique your curiosity... [bTW: Rodman's has a set of 3 springform pans, 7-, 9-, and 11-inch, on sale for $11.99.]
  11. legant


    Lucy Appleby, 88; cheese-maker who fought pasteurisation Lucy Appleby was one of the most accomplished cheese-makers of her generation and took a bold and ultimately successful stand against attempts to have unpasteurised cheese-making banned in Britain
  12. Tonight, I raise my glass of Southern Comfort to Eight Belles
  13. Preparing for annual pilgramage to Columbus: any Thurman competitor I should check out? How's Dublin Village? Any suggestions for "light food and wine before the "big night out" in the Arena District"? Are Sedeo and Martini's still holding strong?
  14. Sorry to see what's-her-name leave. Really wished the Red Team could have come together, in the spirit of teamwork, and figured a way to helped her out. At least through one full service. Maybe she could have helped the Dessert station. Surprised Ramsey "eliminated" what's-her-name and no one else. It's not like AI, where they have a certain number of weeks to fill; HK could have made up for her departure by piecing together additional material. Didn't the previews show LouRoss getting "close" with someone? Did I miss that? Additional advice for those contemplating competing in future versions: study Ramsey's menus. Get a clue about what he does/doesn't like. I think Jen might have done this; she nailed the pizza.
  15. The tally so far: 50 ("maybe" are italicized) agm (+1) Al Dente booklubingbabe + BLBaby brettashley01 cucas87 DanielK (+3) Ferhat Yalcin (+1) ferment everything goldernticket Heather (+3) Ilaine (+3) jparrott lackadaisi (+1) legant (+5) LuvTeddyBears8 (+1) MBK MelGold NCPinDC Nutty Buddy ol_ironstomach Pat Scott Johnston squidsdc StephenB synaesthesia thistle (+3) Tweaked Walrus + Tripewriter xcanuck (+1) PM or post any changes/corrections and I'll update.
  16. I’m more than convinced these are Urban Legends, but some of the food related “facts” are quite interesting. In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme, Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.. Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, bring home the bacon. They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and chew the fat.. Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the upper crust. Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a wake.
  17. A very good friend... a cooking buddy... absolutely hates cold soups. So, in her honor: split pea soup with bacon. I may not be able to produce porn-worthy buttermilk biscuits, but I can do some damage to skillet cornbread. Aah... the joys of working from home on a cold, rainy, overcast Monday afternoon.
  18. legant


    Thanks Ramona! What a great blog. You had a little bit of everything: farmer's markets; recipes; picnic in the park; drool-on -the-keyboard pictures; and, of course, Rocky. I've thoroughly enjoyed your food pictures, both here and in the Dinner thread. Being a visual person and all that. Will you post a picture of your pantry? Many folks on the board write about using what they "have on hand." How extensive is your pantry? What are your five "must-have" items? [Moderator's note: Monovano's blog will be open for questions and comments until Tuesday.]
  19. Predictions based on tonight's show: Shayna is flying under the radar. She'll make the final five. LouRoss went from above the radar to below the radar. He (I'm finally convinced LouRoss is actually a he*) will probably be in the final five as well. Bobby has got to go within the next two weeks. Jen may have the skills, but she isn't a Ramsey roofie (*I've been biting my tongue, but now... dammit... I've said it.)
  20. legant


    Uhm... you've got some homemade cheese working there. Indian? Wishful thinking, I know. I haven't had paneer in such a long while.
  21. AdAge: Bon Appetit and Starbucks are pioneering a new advertising space in magazines: the masthead. In the May issue of Bon Appétit, Starbucks takes over the business-side masthead, asking the roll call of the magazine's executives, "What do you like best with your Starbucks coffee at home?" MediaWeek: When Starbucks ran its unusual advertising masthead takeover in the May issue of Condé Nast’s Bon Appétit, many observers praised the title for its creativity, while other advertisers clamored to be next.
  22. Deadline May 15: Trader Joe's Recipe Showdown
  23. legant


    Rhubarb, morels and ramps! Oh my! I'm feeling adventurous. What is this week's must try item? Last year's "new" foods were: garlic scape, epazote, eggplant (that looked like anything but the purple stuff at Giant) and the Bok choi cousins.
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