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Everything posted by legant

  1. Any place worth its salt is... must be... "OK for the single [female] diner." Palena is no exception. Although I often sit at the bar, I would have no misgivings about taking a table... solo... at Palena. If the staff doesn't... won't... make a single diner feel comfortable it's not worth my time, money, or effort regardless of highly praised the food. At Palena and others in my rotation (Corduroy, Dino, Circle Bistro) the whole staff -- from wait staff to bartenders to kitchen personnel to GM -- seems to go out of their way to make me feel at ease.
  2. Went to Neisha last fall. The only musical accompaniment we had were the continuous sirens from emergency vehicles. We ordered Panang curry w/ tofu and roasted duck curry; both were nothing to write home about. The Panang had lots of crushed peanuts, but very little "pang!" And, other than two strips of red pepper, no vegetables. The curry was lukewarm; the tofu was room temperature. The rice was undercooked; quite telling that an Asian restaurant can't get its rice together. There was a surprising lack of fish on the menu. Shrimp and scallops were the extent of it. (I see now they offer Tilapia, Rock fish and Flounder.) Nothing stuck out as a "must-try." However, when the wait staff makes unsolicited recommendations, go with that; they oft know something you don't. A neighboring table shared a bite of some noodle and shrimp dish, recommended by the server, which was quite good. It was a nice evening and we lingered over an early dinner on the barely filled patio; only two other tables were in use. (When we left, only six - still less than half - tables were occupied.) Yet, the check was bought rather quickly. One of those is there anything else moments and before the period was put on the no, thank you the bill was at the table. We dawdled a bit to enjoy the weather. However, when a second check arrived at our table - next to the first one... we got the message. Could it have been any clearer that they wanted us to leave? (I feared the second check had a $9 surcharge for occupying the table as long as we did.) However, they quickly realized the mistake and whisked the errant check from the table. Dinner for two - no appetizers, no dessert - with a glass of wine each, came to $23 including tax and tip. Wine, at $10 a glass, was a bit over-priced for the neighborhood. Yet, I really do appreciate those restaurants that offer wine pairing suggestions for meals. I did like the presentation of the silverware: the knife and fork were placed upside down inside the folded napkins. It wasn't until you unfolded the napkin did you realize it was fork and knife, rather than elegant chopsticks. Ha! Fooled ya! The night we went: it was obviously a neighborhood, family-oriented restaurant - plenty of parents with young, as well as college-aged, children in tow. Dining on the patio was a nice treat - not much for people watching; fire engines racing up Wisconsin avenue, resulting in one too many awkward pauses during dinner conversations - on a cool, Fall night.
  3. Kentucky Derby, Saturday, May 2nd: the 134th Run for the Roses; 13 days and counting. Last year we went to Bourbon, Adams Morgan. I was disappointed that the upstairs room had been booked, at the last moment, for a private party; the downstairs bar was packed. But we had great fun: one friend, who viewed me, the Hat Parade and the race with great skepticism and cynicism, eventually, enthusiastically cheered on Street Sense. Although Big Brown is an odds-on favorite, my money is on Behindthebar. Nellie's might be an option, if only for the "burbon whiskey" wings. Any updates?
  4. How to cook an egg using two mobile phones or a Mac.
  5. Surely not the most nutritiously sound breakfast... Kasugai roasted nut mix Banana Chai
  6. legant


    Monavano has graciously agreed to be our next blogger. For the past few months, monavano has posted some wickedly delicious photos of her meals in the Dinner Tonight thread. Now, with the advent of the farmer's market season, she'll be blogging about: farmers markets, using market ingredients in dishes and a farm to fork dinner at Vermillion. Thanks monavano!
  7. My advice to anyone contemplating competing on this show... Have a tried and true "signature" dish Know how to cut and bone chicken Know how to skin and fillet fish ... and be able to do all blindfolded. I can't believe the two most experienced people mangled the chicken. Where do they get these people? For all his trash talking I thought Jason would last a bit longer than he did. Colonel Bobby will go within the next three weeks.
  8. The Huffington Post: "McCain Family Recipes," were in fact, word-for-word copies of recipes on the Food Network site. Politico: "Ahi Tuna and Passion Fruit Mousse? Whose the elitist?"
  9. I'm in +3 adults, +2 children Non-alcoholic drink(s) Sides: Baked beans (subject to changes in mood)
  10. Bartender/Server Job posted on: March 26, 2008 Last day to apply: May 25, 2008 Description: The Woman’s National Democratic Club is looking for a bartender/server who is trustworthy, outgoing, and energetic. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Bar set up and take down Inventory Serving Must be available evenings and weekends. 30-40 hours a week. How to Apply: Please send resume and cover letter to Cathy Scott @ cscott@democraticwoman.org
  11. The easiest coconut shrimp soup ever! And, with a few modifications, pretty darn tasty. Lindemans South Africa Sauvignon Blanc 2007
  12. I wish everyone would stop dumping on the "Pumpkin-Hen." The concept is interesting and appealing; the execution, on the other hand, sucked. In fact, I'm going to forgo my biscuit quest to concentrate on... Pump-hen? Pump-chick? Chick-pump? Hen-kin? Well... I'm having trouble naming it, but you can be sure it'll be damn good.
  13. Hmm... butter and buttermilk all in the span of a Netflix DVD? Would "cultured" buttermilk make a noticeable difference in biscuits?
  14. Woo hoo! I just received a $100 AmEx gift card… with explicit instructions to use it towards wine or liquor. I’d like to get a half case of wine. I’m looking for either a selection of varietals or a single wine. [Last year I splurged on the Avondale rose. It was gone – both at home and at Ace Beverage – before I knew it.] Suggestions?
  15. legant


    Geri Cook, 83; shopper made a career of bargain-hunting Geri Cook wrote the "Bargains" column for The [LA] Times. In it she directed readers to [...] restaurants with "happy hours" that include free hors d'oeuvres and coffee bean shops where the price goes down the more you buy.
  16. After reading the Saveur Beauty of Butter issue: Land o’ Lakes ain’t going to cut it anymore. It’s clear: butter can be used as either food (cultured) or ingredient (uncultured). Is it worth it – economically and taste-wise –to have on hand two different types of butters? Ninety percent of my current butter usage is as a cooking medium, i.e., sautéing; 10 percent as condiment. However, during the spring and summer months, butter is used more as seasonal seasoning. =-=-=-=-=-= At my first DR.com picnic there was a butter tasting. Were there any clear winners? From up thread: Plugra, Vermont Butter & Cheese and Trader Joe’s are brand favorites. Any others?
  17. Half of an avocado sprinkled liberally with salt. I don't know why avocados, like mangoes, taste so much better when you're standing over the kitchen sink with spoon in hand.
  18. It could have worked. I mean, there would have to be a lot more going on, but a chicken stew in a pumpkin shell could have worked. There are other possibilities. But, when you had to cut the (raw?) pumpkin I knew he was a loser. These folks amaze me. They know they're participating in this contest; they know at one point they're going to be asked to make their "signature" dish. Don't you think sometime... in the not too distant past... they would have perfected their dish (as well as plating)? I'm only guessing, but the woman who "won" the signature dish event yet couldn't hold it together in the kitchen: she practiced her dish beforehand... the rest of the women were impressed... voted her the badge... and then she failed miserably.
  19. From Consumer Reports: Bloom; a "convenient, hassle-free, and novel shopping experience"
  20. Where did they find the make-up artist for faux-Ramsey? For crissakes! They're in Hollywood! I did a better job on my niece's Halloween costume. And... was Jason smoking a blunt?
  21. Last night: Split pea soup w/ Pancetta Grilled cheese sandwich Chai [Comfort food after a particularly nasty and rainy day.]
  22. Woo Hoo! Hell's Kitchen starts it fourth season tonight! Initial observations (from the FOX website): Age range: 25 to 47 Three without prior culinary experience: Dominic, at-home dad; Shayna, catering company owner; Petrozza, catering director 8 women; 7 men My guess as to the contestant who "goes missing:" Louross
  23. The previous menu listed a 14K burger. I studied the menu for a good 5 minutes before I realized the burger wouldn't be garnished with edible gold flakes. Although I did think it was an interesting concept. 14K Restaurant and Lounge web site.
  24. Uhm... I'd prefer the May 18th date. I've rearranged several things on my calendar in anticipation of the May date. And, given that it is DC, the weather might be a tad bit more temperate in May. With apologies to Ayn Rand: It does not matter that only a few will grasp and achieve the full realm of the DR.com picnic. It is those few that move the world and give life its meaning-and it is those few that I have always sought as company.
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