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Everything posted by legant

  1. If there's something that you're dreaming of then may it all come true, because you deserve it all... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Halloween!
  2. Sigh... One final shout out to TMB: Upper Northwest. Is there any interest? Or, TMB: LAMEDUCKS. Wanna venture out of the 'hood and venture north to the dining nether region known as Van Ness?
  3. Com'on folks... it's too early in the morning for food porn.
  4. Knock, knock, knock... 'Cuse me Ma'am... I'd be happy to clean up that mess 'neath that tree over there. No Ma'am... you don't have to pay me anythin'. I jus' like helpin' out ma neighbors. That basket? Oh, that. I just finished doing Ma's -- ya know she's blind in one eye and can't see outta other -- washin' and ironin.' It's empty. See! Ma says I'm a good kid too. Thank ya, Ma'am. I'll get started on cleaning up 'nder that tree now. I'll make quick work of it. Gotta finish up 'fore dark. Yes Ma'am. There are some sneaky, good fur nuthin' folks out in these parts.
  5. Bull Run farm has a 16th and P Street pick-up location.
  6. Recent CSA meals: Pasta with a browned butter sage sauce (This is becoming a staple.) roasted eggplant, tomatoes with a basil chiffonade spinach-mozzarella-roasted garlic polenta Mozzarella-spinach omelet
  7. Thursday: Pasta with a browned butter sage* sauce Friday: roasted thai eggplant stuffed with goat cheese roasted eggplant*, tomatoes* with a basil* chiffonade spinach-mozzarella-roasted garlic* polenta 2006 Flint (a souvenir from a friend's recent trip to Germany. Gawd, I love this stuff! Very crisp and "tingly." I gotta find a US distributor.) Warmed blueberry Dollies scone *CSA
  8. Red meat nights: Palena, Corduroy Pre/Post theater*: Legal Seafood, DC Chophouse, 1409 Playbill, Stoney's Brunch/Breakfast: Teaism, Open City Cheap comfort food: Thunder Grill (Union Station), Alero (Cleveland Park) In need of serious comfort: Bistrot du Coin, fried chicken wings (delivery or Yum's) Recently added: Dino. Had a really nice experience there recently. When I want someone to take care of me... one of those: I don't want to think nights... this is the place to go. *Theater season kicks off next week. Any suggestions for the Gallery Place area? Especially someplace open late.
  9. Agreed. However, I have not seen any posts or received any PMs relative to my questions. I want – and need – input. I've taken note of the Virginia program mentioned upthread.
  10. I’ve had an opportunity to review the thread and believe I've answered most of the questions in my previous post. Responses to the unanswered: No, the market was not consulted. The opportunity was presented to me at the very last minute; proposal writing and development began at 8 PM trying to meet a midnight deadline. In retrospect, I wish I had consulted with the board: I didn’t know about the USDA report and could have benefited from input that might have allowed me to structure the proposal differently. I may not have articulated as clearly as possible the volunteer opportunities I envisioned in the proposal. In terms of activities we – the members and the board itself – could solicit local chefs to demonstrate cooking techniques and/or veggie artists to teach the children and/or nutritionists to offer programming. Heck! There are probably nutritionists or veggie artists in our ranks. Lawd knows there are plenty of chefs. A local chef demonstrating the use and preparation of seasonal vegetables. Constructing fruit/veggie art geared toward children. Developing nutritional education directed at seniors, developing teens, and working mothers. In terms of the distribution of fresh fruits: one or two people can set up a table and hand out the food. Again: these are volunteer oportunities; no one is required to go to Anacostia or anyplace else to hand out fruit or do anything else. In terms of long-term relationships: that was not explored in the proposal. If we want to do something -- anything! -- that can be explored and discussed. These efforts would benefit DR.com as well as: a visible (rather than virtual) presence would increase our numbers, allow us to make viable contributions in our “community,” and broaden our demographics. Upon reflection: the Case Foundation proposal would have benefited greatly from these comments and questions. From here on out: any proposal I write on behalf of DR.com will solicit advice from the DR.com community prior to submission. A big shout out to all who have offered public and private support and constructive criticism in this endeavor. With your continuing guidance and support, DR.com can make a difference.
  11. Count me among those ranks. I can’t tell you how many times during this CSA tenure I’ve had to Google a recipe or vegetable. Is that a cooking method? Or, type of chicken?
  12. Okay folks... I've been busy with "work" responsibilities and dental emergencies and have not had a chance to carefully read or follow this thread. However, I think I've gotten the gist of the conversations and will do my best to respond. Also note: I will update my post -- with more detailed information -- later today, as my schedule clears. One recurring question asked for more detailed answers about the Anacostia Farmer's Market and the Case Foundation proposal. The concept of working with the AFM rose out a conversation Don and I had a while back; I elaborated on the conversation to develop the proposal. A bit about the proposal I developed. The foundation is committed to “finding lasting solutions to complex social challenges.” To do so, the foundation sought proposals that, among other things, encouraged collaboration. It was under that rubric that I applied, on behalf of DR.com, for a Make it Your Own grant to conduct a needs assessment and host community discussion(s) to identify: target audiences; types of product/vendors needed or desired; methods for increasing market sustainability; and, areas that DonRockwell.com members can work with community residents to generate sustain interest of and provide (in-kind) support of the AFM. In addition to the needs assessment, other activities suggested what I had seen at the Dupont Circle Farmer’s Market: * A local chef demonstrating the use and preparation of seasonal vegetables. • Constructing fruit/veggie art geared toward children. More specific to AFM: * Developing nutritional education directed at seniors, developing teens, and working mothers. * Supporting part-time, local employment for area teens as they sell, market and deliver market produce. One activity that I am especially keen on: DR.com could underwrite the distribution of fresh fruits to kids at a low price, say $0.10 a piece, to encourage healthy eating habits and introduce new foods into their diet. Which organizations or projects would you like to support as a group? In what ways? Some folks have expressed a desire to work as a group in preparing meals for organizations such as DC Central Kitchen, Dinner Program for Homeless Women, BrainFood. What are other such programs? Others may be interested in delivering meals for Food & Friends, and other such groups. What are those groups? Yet still, there may be those interested in directing their attention to fundraising efforts to enable DR.com to make a significant financial contribution in the DC area. Where should we seek funding? What criteria should be used to determine what activities to fund and where to seek resources? As some may know: I have a strong DC bias. All of these groups are located in DC. It would be extremely useful to know what groups are doing similar work in Maryland and Virginia that should be considered. What are your ideas? Again, this is only a very brief response. I'll be able to elaborate and provide answers to upthread questions later tonight.
  13. Can I brine store-bought, crumbled Feta? What would be the salt:water ratio?
  14. I'm confused by the recent price increase in milk and dairy products. I've finished the corn section and was left with the impression that, given the cheapness of cultivating and producing corn, the price of beef and, therefore dairy, is not subject to market fluctuations like other commodities. What did I miss? And, while the gallon price of milk rivals the gallon price of gasoline, why has it taken so long to get media attention. Granted, I buy milk maybe once a quarter.
  15. How about non-grated cheese? I have a block of hard cheese that's been sitting for quite some time; it appears that only the rind (and immediately surrounding areas) has mold. Should I call Washington Hospital Center for pre-admission? Or, is it safe to eat once I cut off the fuzzy white stuff? And... what about Feta? Again, sitting in the fridge for quite a while; I go through cheese/no-cheese phases. Does it ever go bad? It's kinda hard to tell which is fuzzy white stuff or the actual cheese. Or should I have WHC on speed dial?
  16. Remember the Calgon commercial? My "take me away" places: Palena: Burger and Manhattans Open City: Applewood smoked bacon and Mimosas If it's a private pity party: Fried chicken wings w/ french fries (delivered from Spring Garden) and Manhattans
  17. legant


    You referenced it earlier... but what's up with the mayonnaise? It looks as if the mayo is drizzled on the pizza. And... how passionate are the Japanese about Miracle Whip?
  18. Before you sign off there's one question you still haven't answered:
  19. Help me out here folks. In an effort to increase our numbers, I need to be able to describe – in two or three sentences – DR.com to others. Yes, DR.com is a “food discussion bulletin board.” However, more than anything, DR.com is a “virtual” community where we come together to discuss issues we care about. I need to elaborate on that and who better to ask than the members of DR.com! We’ve convened here for different reasons. What bought you here? As a community, what are we passionate about? What are the issues most important to us? Who’s in our community? How do you contribute to this online community? Why is this online community important to you? I don’t need a lengthy monograph, just a few sentences that adequately describes DR.com.
  20. Bull Run, CSA Week 11: Tomato, Garlic, Hot pepper, Cucumber, Squash, Apples, Potatoes Plus: Honey (freebie) and Eggs (not part of the CSA subscription; an additional $2) … and sage, basil, catnip, epazote Why didn’t anyone tell me salvia was a flower! I now have three different colors of potatoes! Red, white and blue! I won't have to buy garlic for the rest of the year. But: what to do with the potatoes... what to do...
  21. However, Rock had watched the previous chef (Jen?) and saw her get reamed about missing the ingreadient. My take: Rock (and the subsequent chefs) knew to be on the look-out for something. All of them passed the "test"
  22. legant


    Our next Blogger is Xochitl10, a Washington-area DRwellian who recently moved to Japan. August 12-16 is Obon, a Japanese national holiday. Although there are specific foods that appear during this time, Xochitl10 has agreed to document the full spectrum of eating, from everyday to special occasion. Her blog will begin later today and run through August 20.
  23. Sunday dinner: Edamame Roasted potatoes with mustard-sage vinaigrette Panko-crusted mustard pork chop (Sorta Japanese-mustard fusion night.) Warmed blueberry Dollies scone 2006 Domaine de Regusse Pinot Noir
  24. When I wasn’t RWing, I did some CSA cooking: Week 10: Wednesday dinner: Sautéed shrimp and capers over yellow squash papperdella Thursday lunch: Pasta pesto* salad with chicken. Sunday dinner: Roasted potatoes with a mustard-sage vinaigrette Panko-crusted mustard pork chop (flavored with sage) ... using CSA garlic, oregano and green pepper *Hey! This frozen pesto stuff is da bomb! Taking other’s advice: I froze the pesto, sans cheese, in ice cube trays. When I was ready to use, I let the cubes rest at room temperature for a few minutes… add some olive oil… mashed them up… and added to my salad. Then I added a whole mess of cheese. The darker green color was a bit disconcerting, but it wasn’t bad at all.
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