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Everything posted by ScotteeM

  1. If today had been my first visit to the shiny Whole Foods in Alexandria, I would not go back. It was baaaad. It started with the parking guy at the entrance to the garage, who was not paying close attention--an accident almost happened right in front of me. Not enough price signs in the produce department--maybe the long-stemmed artichokes were free and I didn't know it! The guy who waited on me in seafood was very nice, but had no idea how to make a label for something that was priced by the piece, as opposed by weight. And the mussels I bought had a survival rate of about 50%--not great. In the meat department, no one knew what a chuck eye steak was. I went searching for butter, and finally discovered it was being hidden by two employees stocking the shelves. I managed to reach in and grab a pound as they moved apart momentarily. I was not so lucky by the chilled ice tea--the two employees standing there and talking would not move out of the way to let me look at all the choices. I went around the corner and selected a bottle of water for about a third of the price of the tea I might have bought if I could have seen it. The shelf-stocking aisle-blocking is a new phenomenon at the Springfield WF also--the other night I skipped an aisle or two because staff were blocking the way. Don't they realize that we'll buy more stuff if we get to see it, and that our purchases pay their salaries? Meat department staff need to know all the cuts, and fish department staff need to know what to do with their product to get it ready for customers to buy. Seems kind of basic to me.
  2. Actually, I think folks drive their carts worse than they drive their cars.
  3. I was trying to decide where to lunch today, and there was an open parking space right in front of Los Tios, so I parked and went in. The space is pretty and comfortable. The staff were warm and welcoming. The lemonade was tasty. The chips and salsa tasted fresh. I ordered the seafood burrito, and later realized that might not have been a good idea. But much to my relief and delight, it was perfectly cooked, with whole shrimp and scallops in a light, white sauce in the wrapper. It could have been so bad if it had been overcooked! The rice and refried beans were light and tasty, and the little bit of guac on my plate was pleasing. My first visit will not be my last!
  4. Oh Sweetie, NOBODY thinks ill of you about the room! We had a good time, honest! It just wasn't the same as the main dining room. But that is not your fault! Hugs!
  5. [split off from the Tom Chat thread] I agree that the post was in poor taste, and should not have been posted. However, I've seen a couple of posts on DR.com stating that food poisoning symptoms don't occur very soon after eating tainted food, and I want to refute that. According to the NIH, symptoms can start within 2-6 hours of consumption of contaminated food. Onset varies by the type of infective agent. I know whereof I speak.
  6. I'm with Porcupine: the private room at 2941 left me cold. The dinner was fun and delicious, but the atmosphere wasn't anything like the main restaurant. I could have been in any banquet room anywhere. The private dining room at Maestro is really lovely, and it does have a window looking in on the kitchen. I think the limit is 16, however (best to check on this). The Ritz-Carlton might have another room that could work, however (I don't know if they do or not).
  7. Thank you for the photos and translations and descriptions (you know who you are)! I called today and a familiar male voice took my call. I told him he had graciously delivered food to me on Friday from the Chinese menu and I had enjoyed it. He chuckled. I asked for another delivery. I ordered #7 five flavor beef tendon, and #21 wontons in chicken juice. I also asked for #53, five flavor sesame pancake, which looked tasty in the photos of last night's dinner. It's a good thing I had viewed those photos from last night. I was able to identify the dish I got as not what I had ordered, but #55 hot numbing beef roll. Luckily, I knew that before I chowed down! This Scoville wimp is proud to report that she consumed 2 pieces of that wonderful roll, in small bites, and saved the rest for Mr. S. I loved the baby wontons--now on my list of comfort foods, and the beef tendon was almost exactly like I remembered from TAC, and very, very good. My coworkers in the hospital break room eyed my collection of containers with suspicion, and all offers of tastes were declined. That's OK--more for me! When my order was delivered, I said to the gentleman who brought it, "You had a large party at the restaurant last night." He asked how I knew that, and I smiled and replied that those folks were friends of mine, and I regretted I couldn't attend.
  8. Last night we had Classic Escargots a la Bourguignonne with crusty baguette to soak up every drop, and sauteed sweetbreads with baby artichokes, haricots vert, and prosciutto in a lemon beurre blanc over white wine risotto.
  9. I'm trying to plan my garden for this year, and make a list of the culinary herbs I want to include. I'm talking about a tiny town-house front yard that faces south. I already have a sage plant that will celebrate 14 years there in May, and is due for a major pruning shortly. I'm thinking about basil, oregano, parsley, chives, thyme, tarragon, and lavender. I love rosemary, but it is so sensitive that I usually can't persuade it to stick around. What do you cook with and love to grow?
  10. I would love to join you on Tuesday, but I can't say definitely yes just yet. Meanwhile, after speaking to (I think) 4 different people, 2 female and 2 male, and being warned that the items from the Chinese menu might not travel well, and being asked how I knew what was on the Chinese menu, to which I responded that I had Mr. Shen's translation, I finally persuaded someone to deliver some food. (My work day is crazy, so I'm eating at my desk, trying not to let clients see--or I might have to share!) I am sooooo happy now! I know--my choices weren't very brave, but I got my favorite three flavor bean curd skin (#8), and chicken juice (flavor?) wontons (#21). Based on previous posts, I also ordered the smoked sesame chicken (#1) and the boiled peanuts (#15), which is the spiciest of my choices. The bean curd skin and the baby wontons are just as I remember them. The chicken is wonderful, but very rich! I love the peanuts--they sure are different! I think maybe I should call back and tell them that I did enjoy the food very much, and I will be ordering again. I wonder if anyone will notice if I just take a little nap beside my desk now. . . .
  11. I have not yet been, and I am still eager to try it with my coworkers. Are you who have been there finding it easy to order from Pandahugga's translation of the Chinese menu?
  12. Last night I endured the aggravation that is Kinkead's menu website, since Mr. S and I have reservations this Saturday. I would love to know what might be on their seasonal menu--are they offering shad roe this year? any other spring delights? After several minutes of clicking and scrolling, and accidentally ending up somewhere in the lunch menu several times, I determined that the dinner menu on the website contains only their standards, and doesn't seem to have been updated in a couple of years. I wish they would provide a regular, html page, or even a pdf file, that would show the whole menu at once, rather than leaving the viewer to try to guess which subheading might hold the information she seeks. On a more general note, Mr. S and I like to print out menus, rather than sit at the computer and read on screen. So many menus are not at all printable--Kinkead's is one of the worst! Many others print out in type too small to read. Very frustrating!
  13. Thanks for all of the detailed descriptions. I'm drooling on my keyboard! For those who have dined at the new Szechuan Boy, did you happen to notice if they deliver? I work less than 3 miles from there, and I'm eager to order lunch from there (and blow my coworkers away in the process). Would their phone number be the same as the old China Gourmet? If I have a number, I might be able to call and ask them to fax a menu to me. Surely someone has this information--at least the phone number! I hope you'll share!
  14. Last night: grilled rack of lamb and artichoke risotto Tonight: grilled duck breasts with dijon beurre blanc, salt-roasted fingerling potatoes, and grilled asparagus
  15. Well, on a scale of 1-10 for the manager's response, I'd score it a 1. The card was in the possession of the restaurant (or one of its employees) when it went missing. At best, the restaurant was not meeting its responsibility of securing such an important item. Very disappointing!
  16. Jennifer, Sorry to hear that this happened! What did the restaurant staff and/or manager actually do? I think you're being very generous in saying the credit card was "lost." My first thought was that it was possibly pilfered by someone, not necessarily your server or even someone employed by the restaurant. I would hope that the manager would facilitate your SO's immediate reporting of the missing card to the credit card company, there, on the spot. I am not blaming the restaurant in suggesting that a police report should have been filed as soon as possible--that can help reduce the card holder's responsibility for unauthorized charges. I would give the manager high marks if he or she actually called the police or assisted in the filing of a report.
  17. The bean curd skin starter was one of my favorites at TemptAsian! I'm lobbying Mr. S to go with me to check it out tomorrow!
  18. I had a similar reaction to the Rasika site--had to close my eyes whenever it moved! Minibar is so hard to navigate! I gave up after a short time.
  19. As if I need an excuse to lunch at Bombay Curry Company, today the restaurant was participating in Dining Out for Life--so I did . . . dine out. I was their first lunch arrival, but the room started to fill quickly after I was seated. I found myself feeling jealous of the diners behind me who said they work in Crystal City--close enough for lunch on a work day! I have to wait for a day off. After careful deliberation I chose the Chicken Tikka sandwich, my favorite hot spiced tea, and rice pudding for dessert. As the menu says, sandwiches aren't traditional Indian fare, but this one combined some of my favorite things: marinated tandoori-grilled chicken breast slices, salad greens, and yogurt sauce all wrapped tightly in a lovely round of naan. It was just right! I love rice pudding, and this one did not disappoint. It is flavored with saffron and cardamom, with little bits of almonds and a few soft raisins. The service was friendly and efficient--attentive and responsive without being overbearing. I left feeling happy and full, already looking forward to my next visit.
  20. Congrats, Stretch! What's Claire's favorite cuisine?
  21. Well, Mapquest says it's 2.86 miles from my office, so I'll be ordering delivery! Sweet!
  22. Dry-Aged Ribeye steak Sage and Garlic flavored mashed potatoes Brussels sprouts with almonds
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