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Everything posted by TedE

  1. Have you seen the Loft on a busy day? That stroll could eat up a whole inning! I usually only hit the Porch/Loft for a pre-game beer or as a first stop after coming through the gates and then head to our seats up in the 300s. Here's hoping the good stuff migrates skyward eventually.
  2. Bummer about the availability; would have hoped to see them at least in the Loft as well. Did you get a sense of what the "premium" offerings were in other parts of the park? I'm talking about the stand alone beer carts, not the regular concessions. They always had a few micros available. And not bad news on the prices! $7.50 isn't terrible for a ballpark draft; were they 16 oz. pours?. Oberon in bottles only $0.50 more than Miller Lite! Of course I'm guessing that's for a standard 12 oz. bottle vs. 16 for the macro ...
  3. From what I can gather from various sources this is the list for the Red Porch bar/restaurant only. Hopefully some of these will be scattered around the park as well. We had a decent beer cart right outside of our section last year, so hopefully they'll just replace what they had there with selections from this list. And I can guarantee you will be able to find BudMillerCoors on draft at the concession stands throughout the park. The 90 but not the 60 is odd. I find it even stranger to have the 90 and Arrogant Bastard, both pretty high gravity brews. Not that I'm complaining! Would like to have seen Oberon on draft as well, but oh well.
  4. If you're like me and were looking for a list of places for tonight, the link to the list of participating restaurants is borked this morning (of all days, today!). There is an older WaPo post containing a list, but I don't know how up to date it is. All of the other sites I found just had links to the official list.
  5. And if you don't patronize establishments serving it, and you contact them explaining exactly why they aren't getting your business, and you convince a few dozen people to do the same, then maybe they will change their tune. The fact is there is a market for these products, and catering to that market is what keeps restaurants' lights on. I think more and more people are becoming aware of the ecological impact of their food choices thanks to recent press (The Omnivore's Dilemma, etc.), but the grim fact is that most of them just don't care.
  6. Will it be just yourself? Gibson does take reservations up until 10:00. Bar Pilar or Cork are really great options, and much better if you want to have a bite to eat with your cocktails. I'd actually worry more about getting a place to rest your drink at 9:00 at Cork than getting in the door at Gibson!
  7. I walked by earlier this week and they had drywall up. That was a recent change.
  8. Chocolate Chocolate relocated to Conn Ave between L and M (across from Filenes, kind of tucked away in an alcove now). Bigger selection than Chocolate Moose, not necessarily better quality, though. Or go up 18th to Biagio; west side of the street catty corner to Lauriol. Down the stairs on the basement level. I think they're the best in the neighborhood. If you are closer to Logan, ACKC on 14th is a good choice.
  9. Moon Waffles! Or a Good Morning Burger, which I'm pretty sure is represented there in spirit.
  10. Oh, sorry, I was talking Dreadnaught. I've never seen Hop-15 in the DC metro area.
  11. Whatever you choose, I would not recommend my choice tonight: Arcadia's Hopmouth Double IPA. It's simply not balanced. The bitterness is an overpowering high note (low note?) over an otherwise decent pale ale. I suspect the brewers just took their existing ale recipe and tripled the hops in the hope of producing a good IIPA. It didn't work.
  12. I've been told by a reliable source that it has been seen at retail in Baltimore recently. Whether that was old stock from last year or not is unknown.
  13. Is the giftee from the DC area? To the list already submitted I'd add: Clay Pipe Brewing: Hopocalypse (seen recently at the P St Whole Foods) DFH: 120 Minute (well beyond your regular ol' Imperial IPA) Three Floyds: Dreadnaught (not distributed in our market any more, but I've heard tales of shops that are still able to get it; worth seeking out) Bell's: Hopslam (just showed up over the weekend and will probably be gone before long; small production this year) Edit to add Victory's Hop Devil, one of my favorite "every day" IPAs.
  14. They used to make a great product (OK, a handful of good products and a couple of great products). Even if someone hadn't read about the gutting of the brewery staff following the AB takeover (sorry, the Coastal takeover), I would bet that they would be able to discern the difference. I've stopped buying their beers, not out of micro-snobbery but simply because the quality has taken a nose dive. I just hope the Tuppers can find a new outlet for their contract brews.
  15. As said above it sounds like a bad bottle and possibly the outcome of a bad batch. My theory is that it's the beer gods taking revenge on the corporate overlords of yet another assimilated local brewery.
  16. Well, this is what I thought about Teaism. Hence the annoyance.
  17. Lunch at the Dupont Teaism today: bento boxes are up to $10 from the normal $8.50 on a "special Inauguration menu". Also no handroll bento, other items were removed as well. A gentle jab about the price hike produced a sheepish "Sorry ..." from the cashier. I know, I know, charge what the market will bear, blah blah blah. But grrrrrr.
  18. I recall seeing Schenkerla at Planet Wine in Del Ray. Call first to confirm.
  19. It's usually not the fries themselves, it's what they are sharing the fryer with (chicken fingers, onion rings, wings, etc.). Fries are usually the only un-battered things that's been immersed in that oil. Cross-contamination is pretty much impossible to avoid in that situation. Granted, the possibility for contamination is fairly small, but if you are holding to a strict GF diet it's best to avoid.
  20. Another odd find at Cairo (first showed up about a month ago, got a second six pack last night): Porkslap Ale from Butternuts brewery in upstate NY. Billed as a farmhouse ale, but not at all in the traditional sense. Just a solid American pale ale with a touch of added spice. Oh, and it's in cans. I'm really digging good craft beer in cans these days.
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