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Everything posted by TedE

  1. If they have a rotating selection from these two providers on tap I'll be impressed. Hopefully, come summer, it'll be just hidden enough from the Woodley-Metro-to-Zoo walking hordes. Lord knows the neighborhood needed this place. I predict packed houses unless they royally screw something up.
  2. Off-topic aside: If any of you have not visited this site do so now. It's fanatastic. If you have a spare hour or two read through the complete "Battle of the Tightest". Freakin' hilarious. I keep reminding myself to subscribe but always forget.
  3. Oh, come now, you're being too kind. Some of the options should accurately reflect the events as they occured:
  4. I think it would be neat to tie in a bunch of different gifts around a theme that wouldn't all be blown in one day like one extravagent meal. For instance you could get him one of those chef-led instruction sessions and find out in advance what they will be preparing. Then you could could also get him a gift certificate somewhere to buy good quality provisions to prepare something similar at home (if they did seafood get him a GC to the Black Salt market, meat get something for Wagshal's, etc.). Top it of with a GC to Sur la Table or something so he could splurge on some good cookware or cutlery. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
  5. Meh. Not too shabby with the exception of Left Bank (huh?) and Lauriol (ugh). Not surprised that they didn't stray off the beaten path (9th St. Ethiopian would have been a good addition).
  6. Half price raw bar offerings at Old Ebbitt, Mon-Thurs 3:00-6:00 and then again 11:00-1:00 AM. Just ask for the Orca edit: stupider misspelling
  7. Following the post about whether Tom would consider publishing a list of restaurants to avoid, I like the fact that he proceeded to pull out the knives on Nora and TenPenh
  8. I actually had the very same question a couple months back and promptly forgot about it before I could ask my gub'mint lawyer friends. I'm assuming that there is some cutoff for accessibility based on the other resources available to a blind user. In a restaurant there is a waiter available to recite menu choices, and in a CD store you can ask the clerk for a selection, but in an elevator or at an ATM there is no such expectation (the two examples that I can think of immediately where braille text is almost always present). Anybody here have an actual clue about this in place of my rampant speculation?
  9. Oh, and I forgot to add the Two Bell's Tavern for their burger. Seriously sloppy and seriously good. The place is nice and divey with some great beers on tap.
  10. According to the WP, the po' boy strikes again on 11/1: Click
  11. Tom's take on Tabaq Nutshell: Fantastic view from the roof deck, sophisticated decor, good food if you can pick through the numerous misfires from kitchen. And all of this adds up to ... 2.5 stars? I have not dined there yet, but I don't get 2.5 star food from reading the full review. I fear this will add more fire to the Tom-places-too-much-emphasis-on-the-surroundings debate. To wit: How many of the stars come from the setting? 0.5? 1.0? 1.5?!? Compared to 1 stars Al Crostino and Dino? Discuss Edit: spelling
  12. Apparently they are already there and have been there since early this morning. At least the folks camping out to get the best GA seats.
  13. I'm of the opinion that the pizza and meatball are the two weakest of the offerings, and I'll go as far as saying that the pizza really isn't that good at all . The pork shoulder, sausage, and cannoli are the stars of the show. I've narrowed my grill visits to those three items. Pork shoulder today with broccoli rabe. Hell's yeah. Although I have noticed a heavy-handedness in the green saucing recently. They're pre-saucing the bread on BOTH sides. In the early days it was usually only sauced on one side by chef Donna and you could request your level of sauciness. However, the new assembly line technique has vastly cut down on wait times. I couldn't believe how fast it moved today. From practically out on the deck to sandwich in hand in about 15 minutes. Previously that was easily a 30-40 minute wait.
  14. Tally another one for Wild Ginger and Flying Fish (I'd choose the former at the satay bar if it was on my dime, the latter if somebody else was picking up the tab). Also don't miss Shiro's in Belltown for sushi. Get the geoduck if you are there at the right time of year; something we don't normally see on this coast.
  15. I think he actually DOES dis Bethesda pretty regularly in his chats, unless someone says that their logisitics confines them to Bethesda. In that case he will usually say Raku (or Jaleo, but he seems pretty down on that location recently).
  16. Heh, get together indeed! Dean, we were the couple sitting directly behind you, got there probably a few minutes after you did.
  17. We were there about the same time. Were you the couple sitting at the bar? I'm almost glad I don't live within walking distance of this place. Despite the rock bottom prices it would empty my wallet through sheer frequency of visits. The quality of the product was very high considering the price. Everything was ultra fresh and very simply done, not fussed over. I won't even compare this to Kaz because I think they are completely different creatures with divergent goals. Kotobuki does what it does VERY well. We will certainly be back.
  18. So I'll be finally knocking Corduroy off of my very slowly dwindling must-dine-at list tomorrow night. Scallops? Check. Bluefish? Double check. Ballotine (if still around). Many more checks. What else should we be on the lookout for?
  19. Hmm, no realignnment of the stars. Not a bad segregation topic-wise, but aforementioned hand-wringing will ensue in the form of "Why isn't X in Y category?". Meh. You can't please everybody. Maybe the chats will become a lot more boring. Every "Tom, I'm in the mood for X" request will be answered with a link to the dining guide Aside: I am going to Kotobuki TONIGHT before this gets in the hands of the non-chat-reading public.
  20. It should actually be published sometime tomorrow morning if they go by previous schedules. In all likelihood it will appear at this URL.
  21. I'm working on my submissions now. Anybody want to bet the over/under on how many people submit "Custard's Last Stand"? (Already a chain somewhere in the midwest) Names that won't be submitted cuz they don't stand a chance: I Can't Believe It's Not Ice Cream Del Ray Kiddery Del Ray Dreamiery (to get around the pesky trademark issue) Edy's Can Kiss My Ass
  22. I think there is everything to be said about the traditional method of aging wine. I don't view this as trying to compete with that method (disregarding the slant that seems to be put on it). I would not expect the same results, just similar results. There is undoubtedly a combination of chemical and physical factors that make an aged wine an aged wine. It sounds to me like they've only cracked one of them, albeit an apparently important and pivotal one tastewise. Dean, I agree that it will be interesting to watch this play out if and when it gains broader acceptance, but be careful what you wish for regarding double-blind, rigorously scientific tasting studies. Time and time again they've shown that perception is the independant variable that determines which is the "better" wine. By far. And the effect seems to correlate positively with experience and expert knowledge I'm sure some eggheads get a perverse pleasure in beating effete wine snobs at their own game, but data is as data does.
  23. License apps are probably for expansion to the hard stuff. Hank's opened as a fermented beverage joint only.
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