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Administrative Announcement


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Before everyone starts speculating, Michael Landrum was our one - and I believe our only - victim of the rollback last week. It's a technical glitch that had to do with him changing his email, us forgetting to approve it, and then some unknown bug occurring with the restore process. He now shows up as "Guest_Michael Landrum_*", and I have a problem ticket in with Invision to get his account restored. True story, and unfortunately, he'll be back (but if it's a true bug, it may require some custom coding so it could be awhile, or not).

Also the avatars and personal photos didn't get properly restored, and I'll be working on that this coming week also.

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Before everyone starts speculating, Michael Landrum was our one - and I believe our only - victim of the rollback last week. It's a technical glitch that had to do with him changing his email, us forgetting to approve it, and then some unknown bug occurring with the restore process. He now shows up as "Guest_Michael Landrum_*", and I have a problem ticket in with Invision to get his account restored. True story, and unfortunately, he'll be back (but if it's a true bug, it may require some custom coding so it could be awhile, or not).

Also the avatars and personal photos didn't get properly restored, and I'll be working on that this coming week also.

You may notice our "newest" member: Michael Landrum. This is an interim step in getting his account settings restored, and his posts linked back to his user name. Just an FYI.

Wouldn't you know that out of everyone here, it's Michael that ends up getting accidentally axed.

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Not a major problem by any means, but FYI, recently I have gotten a "No New Content" response to clicking "View New Content" upon several occasions when that is not the case. For instance, there have been over 12 hours since I have logged in last yet that's what I've been told despite clear evidence otherwise.

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Not a major problem by any means, but FYI, recently I have gotten a "No New Content" response to clicking "View New Content" upon several occasions when that is not the case. For instance, there have been over 12 hours since I have logged in last yet that's what I've been told despite clear evidence otherwise.

I am having exactly the same problem this morning. I can manually select any forum and/or topic and read the content but the View New Topic button returns No New Content. I can tell by the timestamps and the fact that some of the icons next to the forums are highligted (darkened?) that this is not the case.

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Not a major problem by any means, but FYI, recently I have gotten a "No New Content" response to clicking "View New Content" upon several occasions when that is not the case. For instance, there have been over 12 hours since I have logged in last yet that's what I've been told despite clear evidence otherwise.

I am having exactly the same problem this morning. I can manually select any forum and/or topic and read the content but the View New Topic button returns No New Content. I can tell by the timestamps and the fact that some of the icons next to the forums are highligted (darkened?) that this is not the case.

I wonder if the problem will be solved if you cleared out the cache and erased your browser history?

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That's not the problem.

What I meant is that the system may be stuck on the last time you logged in, so by logging out and clearing the cookie attached, perhaps that will reset the ip link to your computer and solve the problem; thus, allowing you to see new content again. I find also that sometimes, if I log out and back in a few times, I can view new content again. Sorry if I was unclear. :-)

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What I meant is that the system may be stuck on the last time you logged in, so by logging out and clearing the cookie attached, perhaps that will reset the ip link to your computer and solve the problem; thus, allowing you to see new content again. I find also that sometimes, if I log out and back in a few times, I can view new content again. Sorry if I was unclear. :-)

You weren't unclear, just unfamiliar w my fastidiously paranoid cookie and cache clearing habits--I clear both out very, very frequently and always after I finish w sites that require logging in and out. We're getting into PM territory, so....

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i have to wonder if this isn't a hoax.

This response by the reliable giant shrimp must be taken seriously.

Funny, I was just reading an article by the Washington Post Ombudsman this evening, and this makes me wonder whether or not we should also have one. Any thoughts or ideas? Ultimately, not having either an ombudsman or a team of auditors forces the general public to rely on what is essentially one (supposedly) benevolent dictator. Now, *I* know that I'm on the up-and-up, but I also know that I make mistakes all the time, and maybe it should be up to an independent party to point out anything I do that may not be in the public's best interest. I'm all for checks and balances when it comes to people in positions of power (it may be a bit presumptuous for me to claim I'm in a position of power, but I'd rather err on the conservative side).

So what do you all think? An Ombudsman for donrockwell.com? Or is that just a bit much?

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The big difference, and it's huge, between this board and the WaPo is that nobody here is entirely anonymous. You can kick people off this board any time you want. I read that piece, too, and have to admit that I look forward every Saturday to the Daily Kos' Hate-mail-pallooza, where Markos posts the worst/interesting hate emails he's received that week. The invective and sheer craziness is just astonishing. I'm sure the WaPo gets stuff just like that--all you have to do is read some of the comments attached to articles. Tracee Hamilton, who has a weekly online chat about Sports, has said that she doesn't read the comments posted after her columns because she doesn't find them helpful or enlightening and the lack of civility is insulting.

As far as giant shrimp's experience is concerned, I'm sure you would give the owner/chef a chance to respond if they want to. They aren't anonymous, either.

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This response by the reliable giant shrimp must be taken seriously.

Funny, I was just reading an article by the Washington Post Ombudsman this evening, and this makes me wonder whether or not we should also have one. Any thoughts or ideas? Ultimately, not having either an ombudsman or a team of auditors forces the general public to rely on what is essentially one (supposedly) benevolent dictator. Now, *I* know that I'm on the up-and-up, but I also know that I make mistakes all the time, and maybe it should be up to an independent party to point out anything I do that may not be in the public's best interest. I'm all for checks and balances when it comes to people in positions of power (it may be a bit presumptuous for me to claim I'm in a position of power, but I'd rather err on the conservative side).

So what do you all think? An Ombudsman for donrockwell.com? Or is that just a bit much?

No. In fact, I don't think you should even pretend to be objective and journalistic. An ombudsman would just be a step towards safety and mediocrity. Do your own thing and never look back. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke

"I have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple; garlands from window to window; golden chains from star to star, and I dance."


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I've been reading giant shrimp's posts here for years. He's honest, and has a stellar palate. If he posts something, I believe him.

So what do you all think? An Ombudsman for donrockwell.com? Or is that just a bit much?

Don't, please. This isn't a newspaper that has to maintain a pretense of objectivity. Keep doing what you're doing, and those who don't like it always have the option of not signing in.

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I guess the ultimate Ombudsman would be the person who starts fuckdonrockwell.com, and writes accordingly. After thinking about this for a day, it seems almost ridiculous to have asked the question.

But I do think it would be cool to have an Ombudsman (mainly because I like the name and it makes me sound important).

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This response by the reliable giant shrimp must be taken seriously.

I'm not sure what Giant Shrimp's implication is regarding a hoax. I took the pictures in that thread (Local 16). I realize I am a relative newcomer to this board. I have no affiliation with Edan (never met him till last Tuesday) or Local (friends of mine Djed there in the past, but that's all). I don't even like taking pictures of food when I'm eating out. I usually only take pictures of food I make myself. I did that for this boards benefit. Everybody at my table seemed to enjoy the food. That being said, if Local 16 f'd up Giant Shrimp's meal, that's on them, and it's one of the reasons this board is so useful. If they can't be consistent they should be called on it.

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I've been reading giant shrimp's posts here for years. He's honest, and has a stellar palate. If he posts something, I believe him.

I do, too.

I'm not sure what Giant Shrimp's implication is regarding a hoax.

I don't want to speak for him, but I don't think the hoax comment was to be taken literally; it seemed a rhetorical way of saying WTF.

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i just saw this administrative announcement thread, and would like to clear up one thing: i don't doubt that people had a good meal at local 16 on tuesday, and the photos provided a good reference for me. also, it is possible that some of the food in addition to the pizza was available on the menu. looking closely at the website, i may have read over it. however, my problem is that the tuesday dinner suggests an entirely different restaurant from the one i encountered on the weekend, including the menu. i myself would like to have an explanation for why the talent didn't appear to be in the kitchen. we really felt like someone had pulled something over on us, and in this case it would be the owner of the restaurant. but i don't know the story or the extent to which this was intentional. and for all i know, two hours after we left, almost miraculously, they could have been producing spectacular food, in which case maybe they should put a sign at the door -- "the pizza man is in."

i have always thought that things tend to balance themselves out well in the restaurant threads, and they provide a more accurate picture of what is going on than a static review, even if it is based on a number of meals over several weeks. (for example, there is one short, negative comment on ripple that stands out and makes you wonder. It is followed by other points of view, and it encourages you to check out the food for yourself and see if you agree.)

i am not sure an ombudsman is needed, although the case of local 16 does raise questions. It is a serious matter if members of the board are being duped into attending special meals that are nothing like what the restaurant actually delivers so that they can rave about them afterwards and lure clueless individuals like myself into wasting their time and money. If that is what actually happened, that is a bad precedent for this board. In reality, I suspect that the explanation is not that clear-cut. Maybe the restaurant is excited about the new direction it is taking, and wants to show itself off, even though it is not yet ready to consistently accomplish what it would like. There are people who visit this board all the time who actually do know what is going on behind the scenes. I don't know if they want to divulge it, but it would make for interesting reading.

i was not imaging things in what i wrote about local 16, but that doesn't make it the last word on the place, even from me.

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I appreciate your time expanding on your original post, G.S.

i am not sure an ombudsman is needed, although the case of local 16 does raise questions. It is a serious matter if members of the board are being duped into attending special meals that are nothing like what the restaurant actually delivers so that they can rave about them afterwards and lure clueless individuals like myself into wasting their time and money.

This is exactly why I've long thought that "reviews" after special board dinners are essentially useless. Posting to say thanks is the right thing to do, but comments about the food should be taken with several large grains of salt.

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This response by the reliable giant shrimp must be taken seriously.

Funny, I was just reading an article by the Washington Post Ombudsman this evening, and this makes me wonder whether or not we should also have one. Any thoughts or ideas? Ultimately, not having either an ombudsman or a team of auditors forces the general public to rely on what is essentially one (supposedly) benevolent dictator. Now, *I* know that I'm on the up-and-up, but I also know that I make mistakes all the time, and maybe it should be up to an independent party to point out anything I do that may not be in the public's best interest. I'm all for checks and balances when it comes to people in positions of power (it may be a bit presumptuous for me to claim I'm in a position of power, but I'd rather err on the conservative side).

So what do you all think? An Ombudsman for donrockwell.com? Or is that just a bit much?

I think we all write on here, we all read on here, and we all ombuds on here. Granted, then there's the supposed issue about 'sacred cows', but in general the members of the board already do a fair job of calling out posts that seem to be shills. Don, you also do a lot by making sure people give their affiliations (if any) with the restaurants.

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i just saw this administrative announcement thread, and would like to clear up one thing: i don't doubt that people had a good meal at local 16 on tuesday, and the photos provided a good reference for me. also, it is possible that some of the food in addition to the pizza was available on the menu. looking closely at the website, i may have read over it. however, my problem is that the tuesday dinner suggests an entirely different restaurant from the one i encountered on the weekend, including the menu. i myself would like to have an explanation for why the talent didn't appear to be in the kitchen. we really felt like someone had pulled something over on us, and in this case it would be the owner of the restaurant. but i don't know the story or the extent to which this was intentional. and for all i know, two hours after we left, almost miraculously, they could have been producing spectacular food, in which case maybe they should put a sign at the door -- "the pizza man is in."

i was not imaging things in what i wrote about local 16, but that doesn't make it the last word on the place, even from me.

I liked your informative post giant shrimp - thank you. It's good for the board to get this balance-counter balance.

This is exactly why I've long thought that "reviews" after special board dinners are essentially useless. Posting to say thanks is the right thing to do, but comments about the food should be taken with several large grains of salt.

Why, Heather? I am curious - isn't the point to dining is to find out for yourself after a review? How are they useless, even if the food was a special menu and not on their regular menu? I guess I am asking because theoretically, it should be same ingredients, same vendors, same prep, but different combinations. Please don't think I am criticizing--I am merely curious. thanks!

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Why, Heather? I am curious - isn't the point to dining is to find out for yourself after a review? How are they useless, even if the food was a special menu and not on their regular menu? I guess I am asking because theoretically, it should be same ingredients, same vendors, same prep, but different combinations. Please don't think I am criticizing--I am merely curious. thanks!

I feel pretty comfortable answering this for Heather. The dr.com dinners are almost always money-losers for restaurants, and don't reflect what the average diner would receive. The members here get a terrific meal at a hugely discounted price; the restaurant hopefully gets some great publicity in return - it's a win-win situation for everybody UNLESS a reader is misled into thinking that they'll get the exact same quality and quantity of food for the same money.

Maybe a good solution is that the post-event comments could be placed in the original organizational threads in the Events and Gatherings forum, rather than posted in the restaurant threads in the Restaurants and Dining forum - that way, all the benefits of the get-togethers for members (and the internet buzz for the restaurants) still remain in place, but there's also a clear delineation.

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Maybe a good solution is that the post-event comments could be placed in the original organizational threads in the Events and Gatherings forum, rather than posted in the restaurant threads in the Restaurants and Dining forum - that way, all the benefits of the get-togethers for members (and the internet buzz for the restaurants) still remain in place, but there's also a clear delineation.

I think this is a good idea. It used to be that some posts would end up in the event thread and others in the restaurant thread, and then apparently it was systematized so they all went into the restaurant thread. If they're being directed all to one thread, the specific event thread would seem better.

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I feel pretty comfortable answering this for Heather. The dr.com dinners are almost always money-losers for restaurants, and don't reflect what the average diner would receive. The members here get a terrific meal at a hugely discounted price; the restaurant hopefully gets some great publicity in return - it's a win-win situation for everybody UNLESS a reader is misled into thinking that they'll get the exact same quality and quantity of food for the same money.

That's exactly what I meant, Don. Thanks. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's just not an accurate review of what to expect walking in off the street.

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Just had to say the Executive Lounge is a great addition to the site. Something that I know has been vaguely discussed for a long time, and as someone who is in some ways still relatively new to DC and to adult responsibilities, it's exactly the type of thing I need.

[Thanks Jamie! Give me a few more days with this so I can figure out exactly what to call it (Executive Lounge doesn't quite capture it), and decide whether or not to make it visible to the entire world, or just to members (any input on all of this is welcomed) - I'm leaning towards making it visible to everyone to maximize its impact (surely we all want good, trustful professionals in all fields to be noticed and get business), but I'm also leaning towards having the authors sign the posts with their real names (at least a first name and last initial). Full disclosure of friendships or family relationships is absolutely required, and there's not a thing wrong with saying "my brother is the best Pediatrician in Jacksonville, FL (which he actually is!) Also, no negative steer-clear type posts (not worth sifting through these weeds); only positive recommendations. I figure we can all use a good, honest auto mechanic, plumber, dentist, etc. Heck, I even know of a really good dry cleaners and shoe repair store.]

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[Thanks Jamie! Give me a few more days with this so I can figure out exactly what to call it (Executive Lounge doesn't quite capture it), and decide whether or not to make it visible to the entire world, or just to members (any input on all of this is welcomed) - I'm leaning towards making it visible to everyone to maximize its impact (surely we all want good, trustful professionals in all fields to be noticed and get business), but I'm also leaning towards having the authors sign the posts with their real names (at least a first name and last initial).

Will there be a thread where people can ask for recommendations? More often than not, it seems more likely that will be the situation.

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Will there be a thread where people can ask for recommendations? More often than not, it seems more likely that will be the situation.

I hadn't thought about that, but sure, why not? Maybe a "Help Needed" sub forum? I don't want to have multiple forums for this coming off the home page like we do for Restaurants and Dining (and its corresponding Help Needed forum) because my bailiwick is restaurants and I'm not naive enough to forget that.

Any other thoughts? I have no master plan here, and would value input from people.

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Just had to say the Executive Lounge is a great addition to the site. Something that I know has been vaguely discussed for a long time, and as someone who is in some ways still relatively new to DC and to adult responsibilities, it's exactly the type of thing I need.


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Just had to say the Executive Lounge is a great addition to the site. Something that I know has been vaguely discussed for a long time, and as someone who is in some ways still relatively new to DC and to adult responsibilities, it's exactly the type of thing I need.

[Thanks Jamie! Give me a few more days with this so I can figure out exactly what to call it (Executive Lounge doesn't quite capture it), and decide whether or not to make it visible to the entire world, or just to members (any input on all of this is welcomed) - I'm leaning towards making it visible to everyone to maximize its impact (surely we all want good, trustful professionals in all fields to be noticed and get business), but I'm also leaning towards having the authors sign the posts with their real names (at least a first name and last initial). Full disclosure of friendships or family relationships is absolutely required, and there's not a thing wrong with saying "my brother is the best Pediatrician in Jacksonville, FL (which he actually is!) Also, no negative steer-clear type posts (not worth sifting through these weeds); only positive recommendations. I figure we can all use a good, honest auto mechanic, plumber, dentist, etc. Heck, I even know of a really good dry cleaners and shoe repair store.]

Will there be a thread where people can ask for recommendations? More often than not, it seems more likely that will be the situation.

I hadn't thought about that, but sure, why not? Maybe a "Help Needed" sub forum? I don't want to have multiple forums for this coming off the home page like we do for Restaurants and Dining (and its corresponding Help Needed forum) because my bailiwick is restaurants and I'm not naive enough to forget that.

Any other thoughts? I have no master plan here, and would value input from people.


Don took it down for the time being. Place to recommend non-food services like piano teachers, dentists, mechanics, realtors, etc.

Okay, it's up, sort of. :mellow:

A long-time member wrote to tell me he was unable to start a topic (has anyone else had this problem?), and if he can't, then nobody else can, either. So I wrote Invision for help in setting up the forum, and am waiting to hear back from them.

Note: if you don't see the forum, that means you need to be here longer and post more. If you can't start a new topic on the forum (once this issue with Invision is resolved), that means you need to be here longer still and post even more.

Please don't be offended when your new posts get moderated - I want to read and approve everything (for a week or so) until people get the hang of things. Don't worry about titles for the time being - I'm going to put those into a standardized format. But DO disclose personal affiliations (again, it's perfectly okay to say "my cousin is an awesome plumber"), and DO sign at least a first name and last initial.

The Gates of Hell are now open!

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A long-time member wrote to tell me he was unable to start a topic (has anyone else had this problem?), and if he can't, then nobody else can, either. So I wrote Invision for help in setting up the forum, and am waiting to hear back from them.

I can't start a topic there either.

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Hrm it lets me open a topic.

Right, because you've got moderator "permissions" (that's the term they use). I'm pretty sure anyone who's an Admin, Calendar Girl, etc., can post a new topic, but JimRice and dcs should be able to as well, so that's the bugissue I'm waiting to hear back from Invision about.

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Right, because you've got moderator privileges. I'm pretty sure anyone who's an Admin, Calendar Girl, etc., can post a new topic, but JimRice should be able to as well, so that's the bughitch I'm waiting to hear back from Invision about.

It seems that there are levels of access involved. I can create a new topic but get a message that a moderator will have to approve it before it is posted.

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It seems that there are levels of access involved. I can create a new topic but get a message that a moderator will have to approve it before it is posted.

Right, everyone will get that message for now because I want to make sure the first dozen or so postings are formatted correctly (if they aren't; I'll send a PM to the poster and guide them through it.) There's no set "formula" for this, but I want to make sure the minimum requirements are met for the first few topics, i.e., they're titled correctly (my responsibility), don't contain negative comments, are signed, etc., before releasing them for all to see. This is very temporary, believe me - it's just to get things off to a good start.

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Does anyone else have the problem that forums in which all items are read aren't getting marked as read these days? I can't determine if it's Invision, Google Chrome (or another browser), or something else. I use Chrome on both Mac (Lion OS) and Windows (Windows 7).

Anyone else?

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Don, love the idea for the new forum. One thing, though - please index by service rather than geographical location. If I have a toothache I'll be looking for "dentists", not "what different services are in Old Town Alexandria."

Believe me, I thought of this and plan on doing it. Ultimately, I need to do both (same with the flawed Dining Guide index, btw - what do you do if you want Thai in DC? Then again, this one is easier to maintain two copies of because it won't change unless someone goes out of business). But I'm figuring someone in Crofton who's locked out can bring up the Maryland directory on their iPhone and do a find / repeat-find on locksmith, no? (I figure if it's one or the other, specialty-within-location is more useful than the opposite (hmm, or maybe not, now that I think about it) and I wanted to get this up and running or I'd never get around to it.) Also, there's the separate problem of people coming to you (a real-life case is the Alexandria photographer, so I need to figure that one out, too).

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Don, love the idea for the new forum. One thing, though - please index by service rather than geographical location. If I have a toothache I'll be looking for "dentists", not "what different services are in Old Town Alexandria."

Just 4 U

You'll all notice that there aren't a lot of posts - this is by design, for now. I want to ease into this, so I've made the requirements for posting much more stringent than the requirements for reading. Plus, we don't like strangers in these here parts. That having been said, I don't want to make this club so exclusive that it's just me clapping with one hand in a dark room ... so, experienced members (that would be you), please DO begin telling us what a great locksmith your cousin is - your recommendations will be eventually read by thousands of people, and unlike Yelp, not every single business will be listed so what you say will be amplified. Add in the real-name requirement and the trust factor established by being a long-term member here, and your posts will have dramatic, positive financial impact to the people and businesses you believe in.

Beautiful irony: the owner of a chain restaurant waiting in line at CVS Pharmacy.

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Quote from Don regarding the new non-restaurant board:

5) I'm still on the fence about whether or not to allow negative replies. If someone had a genuinely bad experience, takes the time to write a detailed post about it, and can essentially prove that it's true, then I'm not sure those shouldn't be allowed. But this is a slippery slope that I don't think I want to ski down right now. (Anyone have any thoughts about this? Please feel free to reply in the Administrative Announcement thread.)

Probably an ill-informed response because I'm not up to date on the discussion that led to the new board (cool addition btw) on non-restaurant businesses but:

1. I'm not sure I understand why non restaurant businesses should be treated any differently from restaurants. In both cases, I think the boards offer the most value by allowing all substantive and constructive views. Only that way can we make informed decisions about which places to prioritize and which to avoid.

2. I'm sure Don has already explained this but I'd think better not to require full names for the new board; again same as with the restaurant boards. This for one simple reason: while it's nice to have real names and makes for a more intimate online community, it'll also depress response rates for different reasons. I'd rather see continued moderation and encouragement for all posts to be substantive and constructive, whether or not positive, whether or not with real names and whether about pizza joints or shoeshine stands.


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As a courtesy to others using this website, it is requested that members kindly refrain from using their cell phones during their online experience.

Thank you,


The occasional post(s) like this one make me wonder if there's some kind of super secret dr.com decoder ring, only given to those who are herculean ventworm leviathans, at 4000 posts or on dr.com since at least the days it was first birthed in don's garage (just like HP was).

[sound of bewildered head scratching here] huh? :mellow:

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The occasional post(s) like this one make me wonder if there's some kind of super secret dr.com decoder ring, only given to those who are herculean ventworm leviathans, at 4000 posts or on dr.com since at least the days it was first birthed in don's garage (just like HP was).

[sound of bewildered head scratching here] huh? :mellow:

When you see a comment from Don that you don't understand, he's making a joke.

In this case, if non-restaurants are the same as restaurants, the management may ask customers not to use their cell phones.

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