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Can someone explain why anyone wants to attack this website? I'm just curious.

It's incredibly obvious isn't it?

See, while Don does not avoid women, he does deny them his essence.

The Russian women sense his power and seek the life essence, and the Russians therefore, naturally, seek to sap and impurify his Precious Bodily Fluids and destroy his Purity of Essence.

A foreign substance is introduced without the knowledge of the individual. That's the way your hard-core post-Commie works.

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Agreed. Just ask Alexander Litvinenko and/or Yasser Arafat.

Apologies to any members of the Litvinenko and/or Arafat families for my insensitive remarks.

It's incredibly obvious isn't it?

See, it is widely and well known that, while Don does not avoid women, he does deny them his essence.

The Russian women sense his power and seek the life essence, and the Russians therefore, naturally, seek to sap and impurify his Precious Bodily Fluids and destroy his Purity of Essence.

A foreign substance is introduced without the knowledge of the individual. That's the way your hard-core post-Commie works.
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Can someone explain why anyone wants to attack this website? I'm just curious.

Ha, ha, ha on all the comments, but to address this one: it's not "this website"; it's a world-wide Invision Board attack, performed by Russian-programmed robots designed to try and penetrate Invision's registration system. At a billion operations per second (or whatever it is these days), and bored wannabe Cosmonauts with nothing better to do, Invision, with all of it's twelve employees (or however many there are) is at a distinct disadvantage.

We use *the* strictest possible membership-screening criteria (short of requiring a credit card), so we're doing better than just about everyone else.

God I love Schnabel's recording of this.

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It's incredibly obvious isn't it?

See, while Don does not avoid women, he does deny them his essence.

The Russian women sense his power and seek the life essence, and the Russians therefore, naturally, seek to sap and impurify his Precious Bodily Fluids and destroy his Purity of Essence.

A foreign substance is introduced without the knowledge of the individual. That's the way your hard-core post-Commie works.

Is that why Don drinks only pure grain alcohol?

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I'm seeing a significant delay (sometimes more than a few seconds) when I try to paste URLs (haven't seen it with plaintext yet) into posts.
The site has been terribly slow on mobile since yesterday, with a black "loading" dialog box that doesn't disappear when the screen finally changes.

Well, thank you both for this information - I haven't had any problems at all. Keep them coming, and please provide as much detail as possible about device, OS, situation, etc. Thank you!

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I haven't had any noticeable slowdown on mobile or pasting urls but, on a totally different tangent, have noticed that the poster and date/time stamp doesn't appear when doing "multi-quote" on a post. Have to go to preview mode and continue editing from there to make sure.

It doesn't show up on the single-quote post either - it may be a design change; not a bug. It shows up when you finally click on Post.

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Well, thank you both for this information - I haven't had any problems at all. Keep them coming, and please provide as much detail as possible about device, OS, situation, etc. Thank you!

For me, it is happening on both Firefox and Chrome running on Windows 7.

Also, in Firefox on Windows 7, when I'm quoting you right now, I just see your post as indented text - there's no box around it or anything. I'm sure when I hit "Post" all the prettiness will be added into it, but it's a bit awkward looking right now, especially if I wanted to break up your text and respond in-line.

(So much like me, pretty but awkward?)

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Seems to be mostly fine, although it did take 11 seconds to load up the forum page for News & Media a few moments ago.

But that's not why I'm posting. I'm posting because just a moment ago, one of those annoyingly scripted flying window ads just showed up on DR.com, the kind that overfly the site content and drive people away. Its frame said "Powered by vizu". I don't know which advertiser is injecting this, but Do Not Like.

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Seems to be mostly fine, although it did take 11 seconds to load up the forum page for News & Media a few moments ago.

But that's not why I'm posting. I'm posting because just a moment ago, one of those annoyingly scripted flying window ads just showed up on DR.com, the kind that overfly the site content and drive people away. Its frame said "Powered by vizu". I don't know which advertiser is injecting this, but Do Not Like.

Rich, you're reading?

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Is anyone else here having a problem with quoted text?

Ever since the upgrade, on my MacBook/Safari, I'm having inconsistent (translation: bug) results with cutting and pasting quoted text. The symptoms are too complicated to write (would take ten sentences, and everyone's eyes would glaze over), but I'm wondering if anyone else is having the same problem. This deals with editing quoted text *only*. I like that the quoted text is now in a box, and there's no "triple spacing" issues remaining, but it's just not working!

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Yeah, it's really making it tough for me to moderate, split, edit, etc. Frustrating, but I know Invision is working hard on it (they're very good about staying on top of bugs).

Since the Russian Bot attack several weeks ago DonRockwell.com does not recognize me as a member.

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FYI, I tried click into the Ray's thread to read the latest & greatest there, and it wasn't loading, so I went and typed up a few letters and did some filing and came back and the page still hadn't loaded -- maybe five minutes? with the connecting icon circling the drain. I know the longer threads sometimes take longer to pull up, but not in the minutes / seconds range

I do have the Java console turned off right now on this computer; don't know if that impacts the problem or not.

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Ditto on the above few posts. On the " " and intermittent slowness on the site over the past week or two. Hasn't been paralyzing but something's up relative to the norm. Not a browser, 3rd party software or PC issue. What's up with those Russians?!?!

Yes, sometimes *before* the upgrade, I saw these illegible codes in place of things such as quote marks, ampersands, etc. I'm glad that people have reported them - I'll alert Invision now.

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Yes, sometimes *before* the upgrade, I saw these illegible codes in place of things such as quote marks, ampersands, etc. I'm glad that people have reported them - I'll alert Invision now.

fyi-the codes hillvalley and I are speaking of show up in the emails. I'm not seeing it on the site itself.

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fyi-the codes hillvalley and I are speaking of show up in the emails. I'm not seeing it on the site itself.

Do you detect any type of pattern at all? What OS/editor/email system are you using?


One problem I've had since the last upgrade (on MacBook/Safari) is that I cannot cut-and-paste an entire block of quoted text. I.E., if I click "Quote" to reply to a post, and try to highlight the entire box of text, I can't do it - and it's making my moderator's life hellish.

If anyone else is having this problem, can you please report what OS/browser you're using? As much detail as you can give would be very helpful.

Thank you!

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One problem I've had since the last upgrade (on MacBook/Safari) is that I cannot cut-and-paste an entire block of quoted text. I.E., if I click "Quote" to reply to a post, and try to highlight the entire box of text, I can't do it - and it's making my moderator's life hellish.

Um, I am probably the least computer-savvy user of this site, so forgive me if this sounds silly, but instead of doing it that way, why not quote the post and then in the reply box delete what you don't want? Takes little time (that's how I replied here), works fine. (Mac/Firefox, btw)

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Um, I am probably the least computer-savvy user of this site, so forgive me if this sounds silly, but instead of doing it that way, why not quote the post and then in the reply box delete what you don't want? Takes little time (that's how I replied here), works fine. (Mac/Firefox, btw)

[because when I move a thread into a different topic, I often have to insert a quote before it in order for it not to lose context. Hence, cut and paste.]

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Rich, you're reading?

I would be interested to hear if anyone else has experienced any such "flying ad." It is (absolutely, unequivocally) impossible that it came from anything that we added to the site. I suppose Google could have sent you a cookie that called it, but that also seems unlikely based on what I know of Google. Otherwise, it either came from elsewhere or there's something living here that is neither DonRockwell.com nor Google. The latter possibility is kinda scary. Anyway, I've never seen it.

This   shows up throughout posts that I get via email.

To the extent it helps, Don,   is html code for a non-breaking space (which can also be written  ). Very useful if you're laying out a website. Not so much when you're trying to read an email.

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To the extent it helps, Don,   is html code for a non-breaking space (which can also be written  ). Very useful if you're laying out a website. Not so much when you're trying to read an email.

For quite some time, I've been reading "&nbspOurPartners" in white font against blue on the upper right corner, as a heading for the column of local restaurants advertising here.

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I've just reported this problem to Invision.

Invision to the rescue. Can everyone let me know here if this happens again?


Hi Don,

You had HTML Emails disabled in your AdminCP > System > System Settings > Email Set up. I've enabled those for you, please can you let me know if this alleviates the problem?

Thank you!

Michael Burton

Invision Power Services, Inc.

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Don, I'm not sure that this is the proper place to report this, but here goes: In the past, if I wanted to quote a previous post, I could always click on 'Quote' and then delete whatever parts of the Quote were not relevant to my reply and still have the quote appear in a Quote Box. Recently, that's no longer the case. If I try to delete parts of the quote, the Quote Box disappears and the quote appears to be part of my post. (For an example, check my response to darkstar965 in the Lunch thread.)

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Don, I'm not sure that this is the proper place to report this, but here goes: In the past, if I wanted to quote a previous post, I could always click on 'Quote' and then delete whatever parts of the Quote were not relevant to my reply and still have the quote appear in a Quote Box. Recently, that's no longer the case. If I try to delete parts of the quote, the Quote Box disappears and the quote appears to be part of my post. (For an example, check my response to darkstar965 in the Lunch thread.)

Are you by chance using Safari? I have the same problem (not always, but often) and have reported this to Invision.

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Don, I'm not sure that this is the proper place to report this, but here goes: In the past, if I wanted to quote a previous post, I could always click on 'Quote' and then delete whatever parts of the Quote were not relevant to my reply and still have the quote appear in a Quote Box. Recently, that's no longer the case. If I try to delete parts of the quote, the Quote Box disappears and the quote appears to be part of my post. (For an example, check my response to darkstar965 in the Lunch thread.)

Having the exact same trouble using an older version of firefox (16.0.2) than saf. It's not a consistent problem. Maybe one of every three or four relevant attempts to edit a quote. My work around has been to cancel out of the response and go back in and try again. All but once, that worked but it's extra steps.

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Line #1

This is Line #2

And Line #3

The Invision bug dealing with editing a box of quoted text (like the one above this line I'm typing) is a PITA.

But I discovered a workaround that makes it possible to do.

The bug occurs when you delete the topmost line in a box of quoted text. When you do that, the entire box of quoted text disappears, and it's extremely annoying.

As an example, if I wanted to get rid of "Line #1", I'd normally highlight the text and hit delete. But with this bug, the entire box of quoted text disappears. Grrrr! Here's what happens when I do it:


This is Line #2

And Line #3


That's what I'm left with. Grrrr! Here's the workaround:

1) Type in the first letter of the second line (or whatever the first letter is that you want to keep). In this case, it will be a capital "T" since I want to keep everything after "Line #1".

TLine #1

This is Line #2

And Line #3

(See what I did there?)

2) Now, you can highlight "Line #1" (but NOT the "T"!), and press delete. And you're left with this:


This is Line #2

And Line #3

3) Now, place your cursor to the right of the "T", and press your delete key until you get this:

This is Line #2

And Line #3

So, there you have it. Note that you can delete anything in a block of quoted text EXCEPT THE FIRST CHARACTER ON THE FIRST LINE without invoking the bug - that's what causes it to disappear.

If this is good enough for you, stop reading here. But there's a more advanced problem (which I've also discovered a workaround for): cutting and pasting the entire block of quoted text. It doesn't highlight correctly (try it and see - it just doesn't work). However! If you put an "x" (or whatever) both BEFORE and AFTER the box of quoted text, as follows:


Line #1

This is Line #2

And Line #3


And then highlight everything (including the two "x"'s, then you can cut and paste successfully. And after you've pasted, you simply need to remove the "x"'s.

Imagine what a PITA this is for me having to do this dozens of times a day! But, I've gotten used to it so it's not so bad.

Is this clear? If not, just ask and I'll try to explain further.

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^Don, it doesn't have to be that complicated. I click and drag to highlight the area I want to delete, then hit delete. The only trick is to make sure that you go exactly to the first letter. Or, to be really safe, highlight everything but the first letter then delete that with a second keystroke. easy-peasy.

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^Don, it doesn't have to be that complicated. I click and drag to highlight the area I want to delete, then hit delete. The only trick is to make sure that you go exactly to the first letter. Or, to be really safe, highlight everything but the first letter then delete that with a second keystroke. easy-peasy.

Neither of these work for me using MacBook/Safari. This bug must be browser-specific.

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I click and drag to highlight the area I want to delete, then hit delete. The only trick is to make sure that you go exactly to the first letter. Or, to be really safe, highlight everything but the first letter then delete that with a second keystroke. easy-peasy.

This bug must be browser-specific.

Note that the two quotes above are missing the first sentence. I have a MacBook Pro and used Safari (normally I use Firefox) just to make this post. Same method as I described earlier. No problem.

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Note that the two quotes above are missing the first sentence. I have a MacBook Pro and used Safari (normally I use Firefox) just to make this post. Same method as I described earlier. No problem.

Yep, but they weren't on the topmost line of the quote box.

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^Don, it doesn't have to be that complicated. I click and drag to highlight the area I want to delete, then hit delete. The only trick is to make sure that you go exactly to the first letter. Or, to be really safe, highlight everything but the first letter then delete that with a second keystroke. easy-peasy.

Neither of these work for me using MacBook/Safari. This bug must be browser-specific.

Porcupine's workaround has been my workaround for at least several weeks. Definitely with Firefox and Safari. Think I've had to do it with IE also but not 100% sure. Definitely more than one browser though. FWIW.

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Porcupine's workaround doesn't work for me on Chrome. Deleting or backspacing over that first character is frequently what causes the quote box to go away.

But I figured out Don's suggestion some weeks ago, and have been doing that with success.

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