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We had to roll the first update back, and unfortunately lost 2-3 posts, including one substantive one by Joe H, but the internal linking problem has been fixed now (*), and things are back to normal.

(*) The Shopping and Cooking Index had become tainted because the way the links were represented was in an archaic format. This would have eventually happened to all our indexes because they all contained these archaic links. We ran a program last night to traverse the entire website to put all links into a current format - if anyone sees a link that doesn't work (this doesn't include a link to a page that no longer exists, of course), please let me know.

The other update we need to run, for those who care, is to get rid of the dreaded "white question marks inside of black diamonds" which occurred when we switched to CharSet UTF-8 (which is the modern way of representing characters). When we did this, some - actually, a lot - of the older posts didn't convert properly. This is why you'll see many of these "black diamonds" in older posts where, for example, an apostrophe should be. We're going to attempt a program to traverse the entire website and correct this problem. This will be another thing that needs to be done immediately after creating a backup copy of the website in case it doesn't work - I'll give people plenty of warning so they don't get Joe H'd. I'm really sorry we lost Joe's post about Otium Cellars, and it doesn't make any sense to me that MsDiPesto's 10:56 PM post in Shopping and Cooking survived the rollback.

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Don -

  I don't know where to put this, so I'll put it here.  I see you rearranged the topics list in the main fourm and now NYC is on top.  Well...........I don't like it!!!!

I fear change.  Please put DC back on top and let me rest easy.

But seriously, is there a reason for that?  To me it seems like it could drive off new members or people just passing through.  I.E.,  they heard about DonRockwell as a DC food forum and click on the link only to find NYC and Philly staring them in the face.  And then they click off and they're gone.

That's what I actually did.................I popped in, saw NYC and figured I hit the wrong link and popped back out.  It was only after a couple attempts that I found the DC forum.

Is this a life threatning issue?  Hardly.  But in terms of ease of use and logical layout, to me it makes more sense the keep the DC forum (the main fourm) front and center on the top of the page.

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Another hardly life threatening issue, but does anyone else now have to click the back button twice to return to the new content list from a post?

No, but the New Content page now no longer refreshes automatically when I click back to it after reading a post.  I have to manually refresh the page to see if any new content has been submitted while I was reading.  It's not a big deal, just annoying, especially if I forget to refresh the page before signing off.

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No, but the New Content page now no longer refreshes automatically when I click back to it after reading a post.  I have to manually refresh the page to see if any new content has been submitted while I was reading.  It's not a big deal, just annoying, especially if I forget to refresh the page before signing off. 

Hmm, this could be due to the shuffling around of the forums. There's nothing inherent about the changes that would make this happen; I suspect it will be okay going forward.

I'm convinced that we've achieved something close to market saturation in DC. We are studiously ignored by all local media, and are too local to get the national media's attention. Feel free to write The Washington Post, Washingtonian, and Eater and voice your complaints about their policies of exclusion; I've decided not to even think about them, and to keep a positive focus on the bigger picture which is for us to take the national stage (hence the forums having a north-south flow). It will take time, but it's the logical next step.

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I'm convinced that we've achieved something close to market saturation in DC. We are studiously ignored by all local media, and are too local to get the national media's attention. Feel free to write The Washington Post, Washingtonian, and Eater and voice your complaints about their policies of exclusion; I've decided not to even think about them, and to keep a positive focus on the bigger picture which is for us to take the national stage (hence the forums having a north-south flow). It will take time, but it's the logical next step.

Interesting to hear your take on it.  Actually part of the reason I've always liked the donrockwell forums has been the primary focus on the local DC metro area food scene.

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Interesting to hear your take on it.  Actually part of the reason I've always liked the donrockwell forums has been the primary focus on the local DC metro area food scene. 

Given that I live here, have a son, and take all my meals out, my primary focus (which means *our* primary focus) will remain squarely on DC. That's not going to change. Just because the DC restaurant forum has been pushed down a few rungs doesn't mean a thing; for too long now, Baltimore, New York, and most recently Philadelphia, have been at a "structural disadvantage" here.

For a long time, I had the Baltimore forum on top of the DC forum before I finally gave up and switched them back.

From where I'm sitting, this is the best day we've had on the website in a long time - it's certainly the most fun I've had running it. Understand that there is essentially nothing left for me to learn about DC restaurants, and I need a bigger personal challenge - I spend 10, 12, 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, running this community, and I've got to enjoy it.

If people want to pool together some investors, and pay me a living wage to focus exclusively on DC (I have some ideas that might work, financially), I'll do it; but until that happens, I've got to keep my eye on the long-term viability of this website.

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Given that I live here, have a son, and take all my meals out, my primary focus (which means *our* primary focus) will remain squarely on DC. That's not going to change. Just because the DC restaurant forum has been pushed down a few rungs doesn't mean a thing; for too long now, Baltimore, New York, and most recently Philadelphia, have been at a "structural disadvantage" here.

. . . I need a bigger personal challenge - I spend 10, 12, 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, running this community, and I've got to enjoy it.

Fair enough, but given that your primary usership is still DC folk, making the home page a bit more user-friendly for us would be nice, so that it's less likely we need to scroll down to find the DC forum. Maybe cut back the forum descriptors, or make those something that appear with a toggle button (or whatever you call it?). That doesn't seem to compromise your legitimate need for a challenge, but satisfies both your less technically adept users and current primary audience.

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Who needs to scroll down? The "View New Content" link is at the top right, and that's almost the only thing I click on the front page unless I'm going to the dining guide.

That's true, but you're a moderator with over 4,000 posts here; I wouldn't assume that's the way that the average DC user accesses the site.

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That's true, but you're a moderator with over 4,000 posts here; I wouldn't assume that's the way that the average DC user accesses the site.

For whatever reason, I never click on the new content button here or on any other message board, even though I'm here often enough that it would seem logical I'd just be looking for new content.  It's just not the way I visualize and operate.

Add me to the chorus of people who would prefer that DC not be at the bottom of the city forum list for a DC-based board.  If Boston is added, will that go at the very top since it's farthest North?  At this point, the only way to move DC up is to create a Savannah, Charleston, or Atlanta subforum.

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If Boston is added, will that go at the very top since it's farthest North? 

Absolutely, and don't think I haven't thought about it.

It's the westward train lines that have me scratching my head.

Matt's going to college in two years. My mom died two years ago. My wife died eleven years ago. Run the numbers, please - I'll say this once more (play close attention to the final paragraph).

If this doesn't work out, we can always undo it later - changing the order of the forums, going from south-to-north, can be done in less than one minute - that will mean losing the contiguity between DC Dining and Shopping and Cooking.

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That's true, but you're a moderator with over 4,000 posts here; I wouldn't assume that's the way that the average DC user accesses the site.

You don't have to read every post, but clicking that button gets you a list of the threads that have new posts, and it's easy to pick which ones you want to read.

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Agree with others that I much preferred DC at top in the forum listing.  Think I disagree some about this site having "saturated" DC but think that's largely a question of how one defines the market and the concept of "saturation."  Suffice to say, I think DR.com has big upside to increase member count and mindshare among DC denizens.

Most of all, can't over-emphasize how much this site is an incredibly unique, meaningful and valuable commmunity, imho.  Deeply appreciate what you've built and continue to do here, Don. it's a big deal to so many. It matters.

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  If Boston is added, will that go at the very top since it's farthest North?  At this point, the only way to move DC up is to create a Savannah, Charleston, or Atlanta subforum.  

Absolutely, and don't think I haven't thought about it. 

I look forward to the day when the Caribou, Maine forum is in the top spot.  :D

 Think I disagree some about this site having "saturated" DC but think that's largely a question of how one defines the market and the concept of "saturation."  Suffice to say, I think DR.com has big upside to increase member count and mindshare among DC denizens.

I agree with this.  The DC market is not saturated.  I just think DR is still unknown to a lot of the local food freaks.  I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who is runs three restaurants at some hoity-toity golf place in Potomac and he never heard of DR, but of course he was familiar with ChowHound.  (I actually sent him that note that you (Don) posted about some place in DC looking for a new GM - he'd be perfect for the job).  Anyway, I guess my point is this is an industry guy who doesn't know about this site, so the opportunity for local growth is still huge.  Of course, how to make it happen is another matter.

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I agree with this.  The DC market is not saturated.  I just think DR is still unknown to a lot of the local food freaks.  I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who is runs three restaurants at some hoity-toity golf place in Potomac and he never heard of DR, but of course he was familiar with ChowHound.  (I actually sent him that note that you (Don) posted about some place in DC looking for a new GM - he'd be perfect for the job).  Anyway, I guess my point is this is an industry guy who doesn't know about this site, so the opportunity for local growth is still huge.  Of course, how to make it happen is another matter.

Exactly.  I've told many friends about DR.com over the years who, despite being restaurant and food aficionados, had no idea when I brought it up.  The same happens regularly with restaurant professionals.  Just tonight, four of us had dinner at a place popular on this board.  After thoroughly enjoying ourselves, I stopped to talk with the GM, who'd been with the place a few years.  Hadn't ever heard of dr.com. When I described it, he asked me to write down the url so I did.

Definitely big opportunity for local growth.  It's not just a question of resources/$.  It's also a question of goals and execution.  In other words, what's most important (not always clear here) and then the actions necessary to achieve whatever aims.

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Exactly.  I've told many friends about DR.com over the years who, despite being restaurant and food aficionados, had no idea when I brought it up.  The same happens regularly with restaurant professionals.  Just tonight, four of us had dinner at a place popular on this board.  After thoroughly enjoying ourselves, I stopped to talk with the GM, who'd been with the place a few years.  Hadn't ever heard of dr.com. When I described it, he asked me to write down the url so I did.

Definitely big opportunity for local growth.  It's not just a question of resources/$.  It's also a question of goals and execution.  In other words, what's most important (not always clear here) and then the actions necessary to achieve whatever aims.

I've mentioned DR.com to some people in the industry.  They are unfamiliar with it.   I don't think it is anywhere nears saturation.  If one could access the volume of page hits on the washpost site that occur with the food comments, or the washingtonian, or yelp, or one of the bigger monetized food sites....they are closer to "saturation" points.   I don't know the traffic that dr.com gets or the traffic that any one of those sites gets.

One of the things that took me some time to appreciate is how certain restaurants over time have used dr.com to promote specials or deals for dr.com members.  I didn't see it right away.  I simply didn't know it was available.

Some of them have been doing it for years.   Its obviously worked to some level for those that have repeated it.  They know exactly how well it has worked for them over time.  I'm sure everyone of them would love it if dr.com had a regular 20K local visitors.....

Bam...every one of their promo's would have a shot at getting that many more eyeballs every time they run one of those promos...and the beauty of it is they wouldn't have to get to those larger numbers of eyeballs without giving away a lot of money to LSocial or Groupon.   Boy would that be great.

I do know a lot about websites but its amazing how little one knows.   I don't know the traffic volumes of the largest food sites in the DC area, where dr.com sits in that list, which restaurants get the most traffic, which convert the most, which work best in DC, northern, VA, Montgomery or Pg.   About all I know is that if foodies who live in northern VA see a great food deal at a terrific restaurant in Laurel ie (Pasta Plus) they still aren't probably going to go there in anything but a trickle if at all.   and vice versa.

I'll use our barschool as an example.  Without many details in general I know its a tiny niche service.  Tiny.  I've been able to confirm how tiny it is via certain types of web comparisons.   I also know some of the things that boost visibility for the service (not just our smb) and things that don't work.

Every so often I see the remnants on the web of a LSocial or Groupon that promotes something that is somewhat connected to what our smb offers.  Each time one of those takes off...it shows how tiny we are to overall visibility.   Of course LSocial and Groupon have 1 million+ emails that they blast out every day...day after day...saturating your email....numbing you to their repettitiveness....;)

but some of them continue to work to get eyeballs.   There are millions of eyeballs on the web out there and I suspect a smallish percentage in the DC area who have food awareness are really aware of dr.com.   ....and then if they are a little bit dense like me...even when they get here they don't see all the opportunities.....like I missed for months about the "deals" dr oriented restaurants offer to readers.

Of many of the best ways to attract lots of eyeballs, they tend to either cost money or there is a lot of work to help them create things that work big time...and some times when you come up w/ a great idea...that might be free....it ends up not working.   (Ooooof that takes a lot of wind out of one's sails.)

If all one does is look at all the new restaurants listed here since March:   There are about 150 new places listed.   Assume 30 or so replaced old restaurants  (maybe 20--maybe 50-> I haven't looked).

Some of them have threads at dr.com   Some don't.  How many of those owners or the gm's or the assistant gm's know about dr.com?   Do you know?  have you tried to reach them?       I assume there is something in the realm of a couple of hundred owners/gm's/ and assistant gm's that should know about dr.com....and they are just in the industry...not the public.  Do they know about dr.com.  

I know this.  If I was operating a restaurant and I needed to boost revenues...and I had to choose between the amt of money I would have to fork over to LSocial or Groupon to get a lot  of eyeballs.  versus getting the eyeballs through dr.com....I'd rather get the eyeballs through dr.com.  

And as a restaurteur I'd want my dining public to know about it on that basis alone.

anyways that is my $0.02  :D

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Who needs to scroll down? The "View New Content" link is at the top right, and that's almost the only thing I click on the front page unless I'm going to the dining guide.

Folks like Daniel who rely on "View New Content" will soon notice our new News Feed Forum. :)

Before you storm the house with pitchforks and torches, there is a filter you can set up that will leave out the news feeds when you View New Content, as follows:

1) Click on "View New Content"

2) Click on "Filter by Forum" which is the bottom-most click-box on the left side

3) The rest will be obvious

Send me a PM if you're having any difficulty with this, but I did it and it works like a champ.

About the News Feed Forum threads: Please feel free to reply to any of them, and I will move those threads into the appropriate forum so they don't get buried under other news feeds.

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Hahahaha, I was just about to post how you broke my "View New Content" strategy. Well played, sir.

Folks like Daniel who rely on "View New Content" will soon notice our new News Feed Forum. :)

Before you storm the house with pitchforks and torches, there is a filter you can set up that will leave out the news feeds when you View New Content, as follows:

1) Click on "View New Content"

2) Click on "Filter by Forum" which is the bottom-most click-box on the left side

3) The rest will be obvious

Send me a PM if you're having any difficulty with this, but I did it and it works like a champ.

About the News Feed Forum threads: Please feel free to reply to any of them, and I will move those threads into the appropriate forum so they don't get buried under other news feeds.

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Checked the website for the first time in a while.  Clicked where the DC forum used to be and was very confused.

If you want to retain DC members and continue to be the DC one stop shop on the interwebs you need think about what to prioritize.

Just my thoughts.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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I honestly had no idea where to put this, or whether I should post it publicly at all, but I wanted to give other people a chance to chime in so I'm considering the appearance of the news feeds forum an "event" for the purpose of having somewhere to put it. :P

I may be late to the discussion on this as I've been distracted the last few weeks, but is there a way to exclude the news feed posts from the "view new content"? There are so many of them, so completely irrelevant to me clogging up the page so that I barely see actual threads I would read. I am 100% completely not a fan.

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I honestly had no idea where to put this, or whether I should post it publicly at all, but I wanted to give other people a chance to chime in so I'm considering the appearance of the news feeds forum an "event" for the purpose of having somewhere to put it. :P

I may be late to the discussion on this as I've been distracted the last few weeks, but is there a way to exclude the news feed posts from the "view new content"? There are so many of them, so completely irrelevant to me clogging up the page so that I barely see actual threads I would read. I am 100% completely not a fan.

Yes, click here - it takes a couple minutes, but it's a permanent solution.

Also, I originally put each News Feed underneath its respective city, but they were constantly showing up on the right side as the "last post," so I isolated them in their own Forum - if you don't like the News Feeds, you have the option of not reading that forum, and no functionality has been lost.

I'll go ahead and say this one last time: I'm making changes now to ensure the long-term viability of this website - I'm going so far as to put provisions in my will to make sure this website lives in perpetuity.

To assuage people's fears:

1) donrockwell.com will never become "robotic," but we'd be fools not to use the technology that's out there to our advantage. The News Feeds will (unless I, personally, can think of a better use for them), remain in the News Feeds Forum, with only the hand-written responses by our own members moved into the other forums. I don't mind the news feed being copied into their posts as quoted text, but the original response by a real, valued, member will remain the first post in a thread.

2) As much as I can, I'm going to push Rich to extract News Feeds from the *original* source so they can get the credit. Prince of Petworth roams the city with a camera. Even though Dan Silverman almost never gives donrockwell.com any original credit, we will not let him suffer the same indignity. He's out there busting his ass, and deserves to be the original source instead of merely "quoted and resummarized on Eater DC." Yes, Dan, I am a fan of yours - you hit the streets and do actual reporting, and I want *you* to get full credit for doing so. If we can get a WordPress or Bloggers RSS feeds from Prince of Petworth, we'd love to give you credit; instead, Eater pays someone to summarize what you do, and rehash it - this doesn't leave us much choice.

3) To restate 1) and 2), original, beat-the-streets reporting will *always* take precedence here, at least in my mind. I want there to be a way to credit the original reporter, not the news organization who summarizes the reporter's work, and not the news organization who encapsulates the work of the news organization who summarizes the reporter's work. So keep doing what you're doing, reporters, and I will sooner-or-later figure out a way to accredit you, and if you have any ideas, please write me at donrockwell@dcdining.com

4) To our loyal members who are worried about donrockwell.com turning into one of "them" - don't worry. We value the human beings behind the stories, and the chefs, sous chefs, and line cooks behind the recipes; not the aggregator news sites who sit in an air-conditioned office, summarize, and encapsulate.

5) The News Feeds Forum is a wonderful source of information, and we will take the onus upon ourselves (this is the idea, and the hard work, of my friend Rich Boone, who only wants the best for the members of this website, as well as knowing exactly what's happening in my personal life, and recognizing that I need help. He's both helping me, and doing what he feels is in the best interest to ensure the long-term viability of this community).

6) About DC being moved down in the Hamtrak Section towards the bottom, with Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York having a (literally) higher placement over it: DC will *always* be my hometown. I was born in Suburban Hospital, and my parents had the same house in Silver Spring, Maryland since 1955. I grew up rooting for the Orioles, and knew as much about baseball as any eight-year-old on the planet. I am a Montgomery Country suburbanite whose parents spent over thirty years each in the Montgomery County Department of Public Schools. Matt was born in Columbia Hospital for Women in West End, DC (now converted into luxury condominiums). We are Washingtonians through-and-through, and this is my home town and first love. I know that in order for this community, donrockwell.com, to survive in the long term, we need our brethren from New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and beyond. We need Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, and many other restaurant-oriented population centers to help us to it. I, myself, have a travel itch that needs to be scratched, and have plumbed the depths of Washington, DC restaurants, more than anyone else in the history of the world has ever plumbed them. "Cocky?" I hope not; I'm merely stating the truth. There's nothing left for me to learn here, so I *must* branch out, even though I will always stay rooted here. Lastly, there is absolutely no reason that DC can't once again be at the top of page one, but not until we get a more nationwide audience, and these other major cities have been playing at a major disadvantage for years; no longer.

7) My plea for help: "10 Ways You Can Help dr.com," written over four months ago, has been all but ignored by the vast majority of people here who take this community's existence completely for granted. I cannot tell you the amount of time, money, and effort I put into this website to keep it going, and nobody, certainly not our self-proclaimed "competitors" are doing anything to help us. So, I've decided that we have to help ourselves. If I'm wrong about this, please let me know, but all I see are, for example, four threads in the Professionals and Businesses forum started in the past two months, despite my pleas that the future of the website just may be here. Many (*not* all) people tend to post there only when I'm giving away a Groupon as incentive - the survival of this website is not incentive enough.

8) Again: my mom passed over two years ago; two years from now Matt will be in College, and there will be *nothing* keeping me in Washington, DC, in order for me to save this website by myself. And right now, this website has absolutely nothing to offer me financially. I am making long-term plans and decisions to perpetuate it in my absence or death, and our so-called "core members" are signing on once every couple of weeks and posting things such as this gem while Jeff Heineman is making scraps from donrockwell.com dinners, giving some of that to charity and still not even getting any sign-ups. It makes me ashamed.

So when you see these changes occurring, I would ask that you stop complaining - they're of your own doing, and it isn't like you haven't had plenty of notice to prevent them from happening. But you didn't listen to me. To the handful of people who did, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, and I mean that. I know who the supporters of this community are, and they're the ones who sign on all the time, post often, and volunteer. I will not be forgetting you in the future, so I hope and pray that you come along for the ride.

Cheers, and I hope to see you all in 10, 20 years,


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Would anyone mind if I changed the To Whom Are You Drinking Right Now, What Are You Simmering Right Now, etc. etc. topics to other, slightly less maudlin titles? I'm pretty sure I can do this in a way that will retain the appeal while not being (let's call it for what it is) trite.

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Would anyone mind if I changed the To Whom Are You Drinking Right Now, What Are You Simmering Right Now, etc. etc. topics to other, slightly less maudlin titles? I'm pretty sure I can do this in a way that will retain the appeal while not being (let's call it for what it is) trite.

"To whom are you drinking" has the advantage has the advantage of immediately capturing the thought that posters are trying to express.  If yo want it to be less maudlin, you could encourage us to toast success, rather than passings.  Changing the title while people still use the forum to note deaths will only associate the new title with maudlin things in a Pavlovian/Orwellian sort of way ("The Journey Forward!").  And I disagree with trite. Triteness implies, in my opinion, a little hyperbole or pretense ("The Journey Forward!").  "To whom are you drinking," on the  hand is a simple, serviceable phrase that people recognize and respond to.

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"To whom are you drinking" has the advantage has the advantage of immediately capturing the thought that posters are trying to express.  If yo want it to be less maudlin, you could encourage us to toast success, rather than passings.  Changing the title while people still use the forum to note deaths will only associate the new title with maudlin things in a Pavlovian/Orwellian sort of way ("The Journey Forward!").  And I disagree with trite. Triteness implies, in my opinion, a little hyperbole or pretense ("The Journey Forward!").  "To whom are you drinking," on the  hand is a simple, serviceable phrase that people recognize and respond to.

This one can stay as is; it's the 7-8 threads with similar titles that make things trite when taken as an ensemble (through nobody's fault but my own for not simply retitling them earlier, I will add).

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Would anyone mind if I changed the To Whom Are You Drinking Right Now, What Are You Simmering Right Now, etc. etc. topics to other, slightly less maudlin titles? I'm pretty sure I can do this in a way that will retain the appeal while not being (let's call it for what it is) trite.

"What are you simmering" isn't exactly maudlin.  I'm not sure what you would change it to so as to convey the same question.  I guess with the "what are you eating" you simply changed it to some other word, so it was no longer a question.  I forget that thread is still there until sometimes I wonder what the title means and realize it's the retitled one.  For a while I thought the thread had been deleted.

I don't mind the common template of the "what are you doing right now" threads, but I don't mind them on any of the message boards I read that have them.  It's a pretty common formulation on the internet.  I guess that makes it trite? :unsure:

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"What are you simmering" isn't exactly maudlin.  I'm not sure what you would change it to so as to convey the same question.  I guess with the "what are you eating" you simply changed it to some other word, so it was no longer a question.  I forget that thread is still there until sometimes I wonder what the title means and realize it's the retitled one.  For a while I thought the thread had been deleted.

I don't mind the common template of the "what are you doing right now" threads, but I don't mind them on any of the message boards I read that have them.  It's a pretty common formulation on the internet.  I guess that makes it trite? :unsure:

Well, to be honest, *I* don't care. I changed "What Are You Drinking Now?" to "Glug" as a (temporary) joke when I was running out the door. I'd forgotten I'd changed it, and forgot to change it back.

But I do think it's kind of formulaic, and I don't like template formulae. I'd noticed it before, and hadn't cared so much, but it was this somewhat snotty posting that got me thinking, 'Maybe others are noticing, too.' These threads are probably *more* popular because of these somewhat simplistic titles, and as a result, they constantly pop up to the top of the forum they're in.

I threw this question out because, for obvious reasons, I'm not as active in Shopping and Cooking as I am in Restaurants and Dining (although I do eventually read every post), and I didn't want to make a change in that forum which would throw people who are active, out of kilter. In other words, I want peoples' opinions before making these changes (consider it Obama going to Congress before bombing Syria).

(Speaking of which, could our forum hosts start titling and tagging every thread? :))

We have:

To Whom Are You Drinking Right Now?

What Are You Drinking Right Now?

What Are You Simmering Right Now?

What Are You Baking Right Now?

What Are You Doing In Your Kitchen Right Now?

And then, the most popular thread in the history of the website, with over 8,000 posts and almost 400,000 views:

Dinner - The Polyphonic Food Blog

which is even *more* simple, but doesn't pose the title in the form of a question. I strongly prefer this, but maybe it *is* only me (which is why I'm asking everyone for their opinions).

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But I do think it's kind of formulaic, and I don't like template formulae. I'd noticed it before, and hadn't cared so much, but it was this somewhat snotty posting that got me thinking, 'Maybe others are noticing, too.' These threads are probably *more* popular because of these somewhat simplistic titles, and as a result, they constantly pop up to the top of the forum they're in.

Did you ask the poster what her issue was with the threads? My guess is it's more just that people post in them very routinely so they are always showing up near the top of the page, especially if you use view new content, which would not be addressed by changing the title (although obviously I am just making a guess as to what she meant).

I personally don't have any issue with the titles, if for no other reason than I'm used to them. I enjoy quite a few of the threads themselves and have posted in several, and was completely thrown off by the title change of the one drinking thread. Hey, change is hard, and in my alcohol addled brain it's even harder. :P

Could you throw out a suggestion of what you might change one to? Maybe I would feel differently once I knew what you were considering.

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To Whom Are You Drinking Right Now? (I love this thread please don't change the title.)

What Are You Drinking Right Now? (Distinguished when you aren't drinking to anyone in particular and are more focused on the what. You could change this and it wouldn't bother me.)

What Are You Simmering Right Now? (I post here on those long cooking days, you know the this takes 4 hours to braise days. I like the camaraderie in this thread for those cooks who are putting in the time for that great dish. I think the title gets at that somewhat.)

What Are You Baking Right Now? (Because sometimes you are baking and not simmering.  I like the baking tips and trials in here.)

What Are You Doing In Your Kitchen Right Now? (Ok, you can change this one or combine it with below.)

And then, the most popular thread in the history of the website, with over 8,000 posts and almost 400,000 views:

Dinner - The Polyphonic Food Blog (Again please don't change this title.  I love it.)

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Well, to be honest, *I* don't care. I changed "What Are You Drinking Now?" to "Glug" as a (temporary) joke when I was running out the door. I'd forgotten I'd changed it, and forgot to change it back.

But I do think it's kind of formulaic, and I don't like template formulae. I'd noticed it before, and hadn't cared so much, but it was this somewhat snotty posting that got me thinking, 'Maybe others are noticing, too.' These threads are probably *more* popular because of these somewhat simplistic titles, and as a result, they constantly pop up to the top of the forum they're in.

I threw this question out because, for obvious reasons, I'm not as active in Shopping and Cooking as I am in Restaurants and Dining (although I do eventually read every post), and I didn't want to make a change in that forum which would throw people who are active, out of kilter. In other words, I want peoples' opinions before making these changes (consider it Obama going to Congress before bombing Syria).

(Speaking of which, could our forum hosts start titling and tagging every thread? :))

We have:

To Whom Are You Drinking Right Now?

What Are You Drinking Right Now?

What Are You Simmering Right Now?

What Are You Baking Right Now?

What Are You Doing In Your Kitchen Right Now?

And then, the most popular thread in the history of the website, with over 8,000 posts and almost 400,000 views:

Dinner - The Polyphonic Food Blog

which is even *more* simple, but doesn't pose the title in the form of a question. I strongly prefer this, but maybe it *is* only me (which is why I'm asking everyone for their opinions).

There's also "Chomp," subtitled "Because I Can't Stand These What Are You....Threads Anymore:)"  I thought that one ("What Are you Eating Right Now") was the first one you changed.  I had thought it had been deleted but eventually saw the subtitle on "Chomp" and realized it had been retitled.

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2) As much as I can, I'm going to push Rich to extract News Feeds from the *original* source so they can get the credit. Prince of Petworth roams the city with a camera. Even though Dan Silverman almost never gives donrockwell.com any original credit, we will not let him suffer the same indignity. He's out there busting his ass, and deserves to be the original source instead of merely "quoted and resummarized on Eater DC." Yes, Dan, I am a fan of yours - you hit the streets and do actual reporting, and I want *you* to get full credit for doing so. If we can get a WordPress or Bloggers RSS feeds from Prince of Petworth, we'd love to give you credit; instead, Eater pays someone to summarize what you do, and rehash it - this doesn't leave us much choice.

I like POPville too.  It's in the DC feed at rssFood.com (as is Eater DC, which has a decent amount of original content too).

Anyway, the purpose of the feeds is to make it easier to stay in touch with the latest news.  I hope they encourage people to read the full posts at the source websites (which is, after all, why these websites have rss feeds to begin with).  I also hope that they stimulate discussion here by making it easier to post about interesting stories.  The News and Media forum has always been built around these sorts of discussions, the news feeds just make the process a little easier.

Incidentally, there's now a "sister" music feed at rssBand.com.  It's currently DC-only and relies heavily on local music bloggers, some of whom have a tendency to make shotgun posts (lots of entries at once) which then dominate the feed.  But it's still fairly interesting if you're into local and/or indie music.

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You know what pains me?

This website has been on a posting streak - we're on an all-time record for 100+ post days during the week; today, we're not going to make it unless everyone rallies during the next ninety minutes or so. Don't let this record fall! It's been ... uplifting, energizing, awesome. Views have been through the roof for awhile now, but lately, posts have too. And posts is the only statistic that matters to me (other than new members) - I couldn't give a whit about "eyeballs" (I know, I know, I'm supposed to; but I don't).

As of last night, it was 23 straight weekdays (not including Labor Day). We haven't seen this since 2005 or 2006.

And even if The Streak ends tonight: thank you to everyone here for making it happen.



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You know what pains me?

This website has been on a posting streak - we're on an all-time record for 100+ post days during the week; today, we're not going to make it unless everyone rallies during the next ninety minutes or so. Don't let this record fall! It's been ... uplifting, energizing, awesome. Views have been through the roof for awhile now, but lately, posts have too. And posts is the only statistic that matters to me (other than new members) - I couldn't give a whit about "eyeballs" (I know, I know, I'm supposed to; but I don't).

As of last night, it was 23 straight weekdays (not including Labor Day). We haven't seen this since 2005 or 2006.

And even if The Streak ends tonight: thank you to everyone here for making it happen.



It never hurts to get retweeted by Jon Karl.

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We did it!

September 27 - 2013  102

September 26 - 2013  122

September 25 - 2013  125

September 24 - 2013  154

September 23 - 2013  144

We got 15 posts in the last 15 minutes - you guys keep me going.

I'm not big on numbers, but man I wanted this one.

Are you counting the rssFood posts?

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Sorry, but I'm not a fan of what is a 30-50 post a day distraction when reading new posts. I actually wonder if this feature that seems to focus on New York is counter productive on what is primarily a D. C. area board? Currently there are a total of 76 posts on "new content." 51 of them are rssFood.

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Sorry, but I'm not a fan of what is a 30-50 post a day distraction when reading new posts. I actually wonder if this feature that seems to focus on New York is counter productive on what is primarily a D. C. area board? Currently there are a total of 76 posts on "new content." 51 of them are rssFood.

Click here for the permanent solution to your problem.

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We did it!

September 27 - 2013  102

September 26 - 2013  122

September 25 - 2013  125

September 24 - 2013  154

September 23 - 2013  144

We got 15 posts in the last 15 minutes - you guys keep me going.

I'm not big on numbers, but man I wanted this one.

Just to let everyone know (and so I can again say thank you to our members), this week, we had our best-worst weekday (meaning, that our lowest-post M-F day was higher (124)) than in any week since February, 2007 - over 6 1/2 years ago.

We're really taking off, and I can think of multiple reasons why. First and foremost, it's because our members are one heck of a strong backbone. All I ever needed to do was keep my head down, march forward, stay substantive, listen to Rich when he had the foresight and courage to believe in me, and have faith in our members who were, are, and always will be the driving force behind this machine.

If you want to support the website, but don't want to spend any money, I again say that I believe our future might be here. Surely, you have a brother, or a cousin, or a friend, or an acquaintance who you believe in, n'est-ce pas? You can pound out a positive, 100-word post in five minutes. Five minutes! That's all it takes to support this website! It takes you that long to call WETA during their pledge drives, wait on hold, and give them your credit card information - *and* that costs you money; this costs you nothing, but it means the world to me.

Our Professionals and Businesses forum is not local; it's worldwide. Please recommend anyone (do you folks not have children?!) from anywhere! Just write 100 glowing words, and be willing to sign your real name to it. What could be more simple? And what could be more helpful?


We come up equal to Angie's List on Google which is remarkable. Do you think this will help your friends and family members? You bloody well bet it will!

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There are three things on donrockwell.com that are not allowed: religion, politics, and personal attacks. For almost nine years, I have said this repeatedly, and enforced these unwritten rules without exception.

That is, until last Wednesday.

Last Wednesday, I wrote a post harshly denouncing two people in the local food media. Included in that post were strongly worded personal attacks that I would never let anyone on this website say. Yet, in my blind fury, I somehow saw fit to say them myself.

I have wanted to delete that post for several days, but I forced myself to take the weekend to really think about things. Friday and Saturday nights, I slept a *total* of seven hours, in large part because this was weighing so heavily on my mind.

After thinking a lot about this issue for several days, the luxury of time made things very clear to me. What I did was wrong. I acted out of anger, flew off the handle, and in the process, maligned two people who did nothing to deserve it.

It is for this reason that I wish to issue a public apology to Tim Carman and Jessica Voelker, an apology that is unqualified and comes with no strings attached. I was wrong, I am the only one who was wrong, and I am very sorry for what I wrote.

Of the three people involved in this scenario, only one showed any "lack of ethics," and that person was me.

In today's society, people so often look for reasons to justify their actions, even when their actions are unjustifiable. This would be a better world if people would own up to their mistakes, and simply say, "I'm sorry," and that is what I am doing right now.

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