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People often ask me how they can help donrockwell.com.

Okay, that's a total lie, but ... it makes for a good lead-in. :)

If you go to this post, it explains how you can easily and quickly share our content on Twitter, Facebook, and a whole bunch of other social media outlets.

It's a two-click, five-second thing to do, and you can do it with any post on the entire website, including this one (just click on that little "less-than" sign to the right of post #850 on the top-right of this post - you'll see what to do).

Go ahead and go to that link - it's something you'll find very interesting regardless of whether you're interesting in sharing content or not.

This is how you can help us - and truly, it will help us a *lot*. I would greatly appreciate it if our members would start sharing content on Twitter and Facebook, both of which would be enormously beneficial, and won't put you to any trouble at all.

I don't ask much from people, but I'm going to go ahead and ask this if I may.



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I don't understand why a few months ago I started getting e-mails when someone commented on a thread in which I've posted something. I've never asked for e-mail notifications. I did find a page where it seemed I could unsubscribe, which worked for a while at, but now I'm getting them again. Is there anything I can do permanently?

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I don't understand why a few months ago I started getting e-mails when someone commented on a thread in which I've posted something. I've never asked for e-mail notifications. I did find a page where it seemed I could unsubscribe, which worked for a while at, but now I'm getting them again. Is there anything I can do permanently?

It should absolutely be permanent. I don't get *any* email notifications - is that what you wish?

If yes, perform 1), 2), and 3a). If no, perform 1), 2), and 3b).

1) Click your name on the top-right of this screen

2) On the left side, click "Notification Options"

3a) Make sure the entire righthand column (the one for "Email") is unchecked.

3b) Make sure the entire righthand column (the one for "Email") is checked only for things you want to be notified about.

(Note also, the lefthand column in step 3) (the one for "Notification List") is an alternative method of being notified - it will notify you whenever you sign on by placing the items in the list activated by that little icon just to the left of your name in 1)). If both columns are checked, you'll receive both types of notifications.

There's no "evil robot" that goes around in the middle of the night undoing your settings, at least none that I know of! :)

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Thanks, Don. I also found this little gem:

Topics & Posts

Auto follow topics I reply to. Notification frequency: (None)
You are automatically following all topics you reply to with no notification frequency selected. This will cause the topics to show in your followed content area, but you will not receive notifications for these topics.

I selected it and set notification frequency to "none" which seems to mean I won't get e-mails on topics I'm "following".

Thanks for your help, too.

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This is a tough call, but I'm going to go ahead and make it. I'm not naming any names in the event that I'm wrong, but I've spent a fair amount of time researching this, and at this point I think it's appropriate to issue a warning to restaurateurs.


I believe there is - or should I say was - someone on this website posing as a terminally ill patient, hoping to get sympathy and free food.

She's supposedly "two weeks away from death," yet she's eating and drinking all over town. I've talked with people that have seen her, and she doesn't exactly look like she's on her last leg.

She isn't dying; she's merely dying for attention.

And read this for a brief description of what she most likely "has":

Munchausen By Internet

Yes, I feel sorry for this person, but not for the reason she wants me to.


The perpetrator is still in the area, and very active in the food world.

This was originally posted with a link that is definitive proof, but it would also destroy this person's life, and I have no desire to do that. If anyone wants more information, please write me privately.

God, I had forgotten all about this, and thinking about it again gives me the willies like you cannot believe.

I genuinely hope this person has gotten help.

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The perpetrator is still in the area, and very active in the food world.

This was originally posted with a link that is definitive proof, but it would also destroy this person's life, and I have no desire to do that.

God, I had forgotten all about this, and thinking about it again gives me the willies like you cannot believe.

I genuinely hope this person has gotten help.

Consider this Part Two of a warning to restaurateurs in the area (scroll up two posts for the full story on Part One):

I talked with Ferhat today, and he alerted me that some people have been calling the restaurant in College Park, saying they're the "Pepco Billing Department."

They're saying the service will be disconnected in a few hours if no money is received over the phone.

Ferhat spoke with local police, and they mentioned that numerous restaurant owners have called to complain about the same thing - this is happening in College Park, Greenbelt, and Beltsville, but don't be surprised if it spreads. He also spoke with Pepco, and was told that they never call in person to ask for money; they only do it by mail or with an automated system.

If any restaurateurs get this, let your brethren know there are criminals at work.

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Ack! I am mad that this board won't let me quote and answer ol_ironstomach's question, nor would it let me cut and paste <insert annoyance> </rant>.

That is all.

[We have an old saying in Delta House: "Don't get mad; get even." -- Daniel Simpson Day, whereabouts unknown.

I assure you this board let's you quote and answer, as well as cut and paste.]

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Ack! I am mad that this board won't let me quote and answer ol_ironstomach's question, nor would it let me cut and paste <insert annoyance> </rant>.

That is all.

I have this problem in Internet Explorer. Click on the button at the top left in the tool bar, which activates the code editor, then go back to the post and click the quote button. If you click the button at the top left again, you'll be back in the text editor, and the quote will still show.

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Folks, every time you post on Facebook, you're hurting a grass roots company. Be aware of all your food pictures, your Nats celebrations, etc. You're supporting Big, No-Name, Corporate America and harming small business. If that doesn't bother you, then please don't be hypocrites about it in other places.

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I can't cut and paste or quote either and Internet Explorer is my only option during the day.  (this is a brand new problem for me most likely due to some "enhancement" my employer did to the system)

RJBooneJr - can you be more specific about where to find the code editor button?   Where is it in relation to File/Edit/View/Favorities/Tools/Help ?

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Don, unfortunately technology gets in your way. Until posting photos is as easy as it is on FB and other sites you can't expect the same level of participation other than what occurs now.

Nine years ago, at a DR happy hour, I was admonished for pulling out my laptop and posting. I'm willing to bet good money that the majority of the people at the upcoming picnic will pull out their phone once and check social media besides the board.

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RJBooneJr - can you be more specific about where to find the code editor button?   Where is it in relation to File/Edit/View/Favorities/Tools/Help ?

It's in the board's toolbar (not Explorer's) that appears when you start composing your post (click on the reply box). It's on top, at the far left, and looks like a tiny little light switch. It's next to the tiny little eraser.

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Don, unfortunately technology gets in your way. Until posting photos is as easy as it is on FB and other sites you can't expect the same level of participation other than what occurs now.

Nine years ago, at a DR happy hour, I was admonished for pulling out my laptop and posting. I'm willing to bet good money that the majority of the people at the upcoming picnic will pull out their phone once and check social media besides the board.

It is just as easy; you simply have to learn how to do it. Many things here are much easier (and much more accessible in the future) than they are on FB. I also have no doubt Invision will be working on Idiot Buttons in the future for those who want one-click everything.

Nine years ... long memory. Not sure I see the point of your statement, but your memory is impressive.

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I don't want to argue but for you it is easy because you live and breath this board, which is why it still lives. But here I am, far from a technical Luddite, and from my iPhone I cannot easily figure out how to post a pic. And yes, I spent some time trying. Again, I go back to the technology. When posting from an iPhone is a matter of a few clicks it will happen. It's not your fault that the board technology is not there, but it does play into why pics aren't posted.

Regarding the comment about 9 years ago, you are right. It wasn't well thought out thanks to a glass of champagne. My point was that technology has changed but invision, or whomever runs the technical part of the board, hasn't kept up. When we chose what platform to use when the board started one conversation we had was about how easy the technology was. For posting commentary that remains true. For your average board user today, the ease isn't there.

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I don't want to argue but for you it is easy because you live and breath this board, which is why it still lives. But here I am, far from a technical Luddite, and from my iPhone I cannot easily figure out how to post a pic. And yes, I spent some time trying. Again, I go back to the technology. When posting from an iPhone is a matter of a few clicks it will happen. It's not your fault that the board technology is not there, but it does play into why pics aren't posted.

Regarding the comment about 9 years ago, you are right. It wasn't well thought out thanks to a glass of champagne. My point was that technology has changed but invision, or whomever runs the technical part of the board, hasn't kept up. When we chose what platform to use when the board started one conversation we had was about how easy the technology was. For posting commentary that remains true. For your average board user today, the ease isn't there.

I suspect the technology *is* there - I've written Invision and asked them. There are programmers who can write front-end code to the Invision backbone, and I'd be happy to pay them to install a more user-friendly interface, so if people have requests, by all means put them in now.

In the meantime, enjoy your lack of privacy at Facebook. ;)

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It's in the board's toolbar (not Explorer's) that appears when you start composing your post (click on the reply box). It's on top, at the far left, and looks like a tiny little light switch. It's next to the tiny little eraser.

Ahhhh, got it. THANKS!

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[snip] and I'd be happy to pay them to install a more user-friendly interface, so if people have requests, by all means put them in now.

Make a search function that works! It's crazy to have to use Google to find a thread inside the donrockwell forum. Even if I know the name of a thread, it won't come up in the search results inside the forum. I don't know from writing code, but this doesn't seem that difficult to fix.

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Make a search function that works! It's crazy to have to use Google to find a thread inside the donrockwell forum. Even if I know the name of a thread, it won't come up in the search results inside the forum. I don't know from writing code, but this doesn't seem that difficult to fix.

I wouldn't count on that one. Even *I* use Google. Anyone who writes their own search function has too much time on their hands.

Question though: what's so cumbersome about "homing the cursor" (do they still say this?) and typing in site:donrockwell.com ventworm?

I haven't used the Invision search function in months if not years *except* for member searches.

And CMD-N brings up a new screen in Safari, so I don't lose my place. :)

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I just don't know how else to say this:  I am 67 years old (my wife and i both have 50 year hs reunions in the next three weeks) and I am doing well to remember what I once knew.

I have absolutely no interest in learning ANYTHING new, not one step, two steps or anything.  I'm lucky to remember half of what I once knew.

I love this board.  But I am not going to learn the epistemology associated with it.  I once knew how to post a picture on here.  I have forgotten.  So I don't post pictures.

I go back to Chowhound in 1999.  I'm one of the originals-long before there was Facebook, Yelp or any other social media I could post on.  I had several thousand or more posts on there.  Maybe a lot  more. Several thousand posts on here.  But I am not interested in taking one minute to learn how to do this or that.  I just want to post my thoughts and move on.  The epistemology is for someone else. This board is ABOUT WHAT IS IN MY HEART.  IT IS NOT ABOUT LEARNING A SYSTEM.   If there is insistence on learning this I am not interested.  I am just not going to take the time.

Chowhound is dead these days.  eGullet is dead.  I may have a grand total of two posts on Yelp and there won't be a third.  I think the survival of a board, of a community like this is more about the people and less about the structure of what they are suppose to learn to be part of it. * Many have and will move on rather than learn this structure.**  I honestly believe it's not about one, two or three steps or whatever.  It's about a thought and pressing send.  Nothing more complicated than this.

At some point there is no longer a community.

I cannot tell you (well, perhaps I have) how resistant I have become to new technology.  I know how to use my iPhone 5 and am proud that I can, realistically, I can do half of the things I should be able to.  I am insulted there is an iPhone 6.  Somebody wants me to learn something new?  Really.  Wants me to throw away my iPhone 5 and start over.  Right.

I still miss my Blackberry and my Treo and my walkie talkie like box; hell, I still miss the cord that was attached to my housephone and how reassuring it was when it got tangled.

Very simple:  I am seriously suggesting not to expect anything of anyone who posts on here.  It's not disrespecting the board; rather, in a life that now insists we should all know this or that I am at a point where I could care less about that or this.

I can't remember much about either anyway.

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Question though: what's so cumbersome about "homing the cursor" (do they still say this?) and typing in site:donrockwell.com ventworm?

It's not hard,and I do it thanks to a lesson you gave years ago, but why should I have to leave the forum to find info about a restaurant or to post to a thread on which know I want to comment? It's doable and it's not quality of life threatening, but shouldn't it be easier?

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It's not hard,and I do it thanks to a lesson you gave years ago, but why should I have to leave the forum to find info about a restaurant or to post to a thread on which know I want to comment? It's doable and it's not quality of life threatening, but shouldn't it be easier?

I don't see how it can be easier (*). There's not a thread on here that I can't locate in under five seconds (and that includes searching time and yes, I know, I'm on this site all day and I'm an expert at doing things quickly). We've gotten a fair number of comments over the years about Invision's weak search function, but yours is the strongest by far. (Get it? Weak/strong?) Honestly, there is a zero percent chance of developing our own search algorithm - it would be reinventing the wheel. One of my biggest strengths is that I'm aware of my weaknesses, and I know what I can and cannot do. I have an M.S. in Computer Science, and I know that I cannot implement a search algorithm any more than I could fly to the moon. Every single forum on the internet must have this problem, so what do they do? The answer lies there, and my guess is that Invision will somehow incorporate Google into its own software sometime in the future.

(*) If you can write me and tell me the types of searches you've been trying to perform, I can help you speed things up. For example, note that on the top-right of my screen, I've got the Dining Guides all bookmarked. If I click on one of the DC MD VA Mult icons, that entire portion of the website is indexed right in front of me. A simple CTRL-F find, and I've got the thread.


I just don't know how else to say this:  I am 67 years old (my wife and i both have 50 year hs reunions in the next three weeks) and I am doing well to remember what I once knew.

I have absolutely no interest in learning ANYTHING new, not one step, two steps or anything.  I'm lucky to remember half of what I once knew.

I love this board.  But I am not going to learn the epistemology associated with it.  I once knew how to post a picture on here.  I have forgotten.  So I don't post pictures.

I go back to Chowhound in 1999.  I'm one of the originals-long before there was Facebook, Yelp or any other social media I could post on.  I had several thousand or more posts on there.  Maybe a lot  more. Several thousand posts on here.  But I am not interested in taking one minute to learn how to do this or that.  I just want to post my thoughts and move on.  The epistemology is for someone else. This board is ABOUT WHAT IS IN MY HEART.  IT IS NOT ABOUT LEARNING A SYSTEM.   If there is insistence on learning this I am not interested.  I am just not going to take the time.

Chowhound is dead these days.  eGullet is dead.  I may have a grand total of two posts on Yelp and there won't be a third.  I think the survival of a board, of a community like this is more about the people and less about the structure of what they are suppose to learn to be part of it. * Many have and will move on rather than learn this structure.**  I honestly believe it's not about one, two or three steps or whatever.  It's about a thought and pressing send.  Nothing more complicated than this.

At some point there is no longer a community.

I cannot tell you (well, perhaps I have) how resistant I have become to new technology.  I know how to use my iPhone 5 and am proud that I can, realistically, I can do half of the things I should be able to.  I am insulted there is an iPhone 6.  Somebody wants me to learn something new?  Really.  Wants me to throw away my iPhone 5 and start over.  Right.

I still miss my Blackberry and my Treo and my walkie talkie like box; hell, I still miss the cord that was attached to my housephone and how reassuring it was when it got tangled.

Very simple:  I am seriously suggesting not to expect anything of anyone who posts on here.  It's not disrespecting the board; rather, in a life that now insists we should all know this or that I am at a point where I could care less about that or this.

I can't remember much about either anyway.

This all makes good sense (as does this (*)). I've been almost exclusively content-driven since this board's inception, waiting for my Knight On A White Horse (that's a coveted Mettlach stein, btw) to ride into town and do the last 2% which is as simple as pie; until then, we'll have to be content with the 98% - all the hard work and drudgery has been done, the archives have been archived, the knowledge base has been established, and we need only a suit and a wallet to do the rest. I'm going to just keep doing what I've been doing because I don't have time to do anything else. At some point, someone will find me. Or not <shoulder shrug>.

(*) Adding photos on this website is every bit as easy as it is on Facebook. I just did both, and they're essentially the exact same process - if you can do one, you can do the other. I'm sorry there's no blinking neon sign saying how easy it is!

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Hi Don,

Unfortunately uploading photos and files is a bit cumbersome at the moment but we've made a lot of changes in the next major update (IPS 4.0) to make it easier. In IPS 4.0 you can upload photos by simply dragging and dropping them on to the page, no more browsing for files and having to click multiple times to get them in to the post. You can also easily change their size, have them float left, right or to the center and more.

IPS 4.0 is currently in heavy testing and almost ready for the public beta releases so it won't be long now smile.png

Many thanks,

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I am insulted there is an iPhone 6.  Somebody wants me to learn something new?  Really.  Wants me to throw away my iPhone 5 and start over.  Right.

I have a different view.

Regarding learning something new, unless I'm mistaken, using the 6 will not require learning anything especially new.  The new operating system will offer some new stuff, but if one wants to ignore it that won't be a problem.  If you want, just keep doing what you've been doing.

But still, why bother to make the change?

Well, to look at the cost side, assuming you have a 5, it won't cost you anything.  You can trade in the 5 to cover the upfront cost (at least with Verizon), and the monthly cost to you will be the same either way.*  And you'll get to start over with a new warranty, which has some obvious value particularly in contrast with your 2+ y.o. old phone.

But still, why bother, particularly if you don't care about any of the new whiz-bang stuff?

Of course there will be some new stuff that probably will have some value no matter who you are.  But, in my view, the best thing will prove to be Apple Pay.  And I'm not talking about the coolness and convenience.  The important thing is the enhanced security.  I think this is major and has been greatly overlooked.

Apple Pay is head and shoulders better than any other payment system in existence.  Yes it will take a while to achieve critical mass and won't be of great value until then, but something has to eventually solve the problems of the credit card system we have and I think this has the best chance to be it.

Even if fraudulent purchases made on one's card are covered, getting new cards and making all those changes is a PITA -- I went through that after Target, and I'm expecting the Home Depot shoe to drop any day now.  The security features of Apple Pay (they amount to three factor authentication: token, cryptogram, fingerprint) will greatly reduce fraud and will lower the cost of card processing, most of which goes to cover fraud.  In other words, it has real advantages for the consumer-on-the-street.  Mastercard and Visa wouldn't have had literally a thousand people each working on this for the last year, which they did, if they didn't think it is going to have an impact.

I think this is really big and predict that within 5 years Apple will be deriving more revenue/profit from card payment processing than any other product line save the phones themselves.  They may have to open it up to Android devices, and even offer a cheap dedicated non-phone device themselves, but the potential profits are so enormous I think they might.

I know Apple is talking about extending Apple Pay to the 5's using bluetooth in place of NFC, but the 5's will never have the special security chip the 6's have, so can never be as secure; they will also process at a higher "card-not-present" rate..

Bottom line:  I think it's worthwhile to make the switch.

*Update: I just discovered that Verizon will now knock $10/month off your bill once you go past two years.  So the relative cost of a new phone is $240 over the 2 year contract life.

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Upon reading the comments above I was simply going to add that forum owners around the world are subject to the same problems Don faces.  Forums are not smooth vehicles and come with many issues and problems. I've been on them since 2003 and have modded a forum in the past.  I was going to absolve Don and also suggest that upgrades are something one might not expect.

The email from the forum tech to Don completely surprised me.  That is good news.

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Honestly, there is a zero percent chance of developing our own search algorithm - it would be reinventing the wheel.

If what you want is a search to locate specific threads (i.e. restaurants), it would actually be quite easy to code a custom search, at least in theory (I couldn't tell you for sure without looking at the code/tables). You'd just add a search that pulls only from the table/column in the database that holds thread titles. It could also be seamless -- just another option in the drop down menu next to the search box.

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If what you want is a search to locate specific threads (i.e. restaurants), it would actually be quite easy to code a custom search, at least in theory (I couldn't tell you for sure without looking at the code/tables). You'd just add a search that pulls only from the table/column in the database that holds thread titles. It could also be seamless -- just another option in the drop down menu next to the search box.

If you're talking about searching an ordered list, coding a recursive binary search algorithm takes about five minutes (it's about a dozen lines of code).

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If you're talking about searching an ordered list, coding a recursive binary search algorithm takes about five minutes (it's about a dozen lines of code).

It's even easier than that -- all it would take is a relatively simple sql query that piggybacks off of the existing search functionality. What we're talking about is essentially the same as the existing forum search, only limited to one field, the title. It may take a few hours to get everything to work and look right (it depends on how convoluted the code is), but not more than that. My hunch, given what I've seen of Invision's code, is that it's probably a few lines of code in 2-3 templates. Anyway, it's definitely doable if you wanted to. The restaurant search functions in DCDiningGuide were coded from scratch and only took a couple of hours, most of which was formatting the damned search boxes (which you don't have to do because there already is one).

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If you're talking about searching an ordered list, coding a recursive binary search algorithm takes about five minutes (it's about a dozen lines of code).

It's even easier than that -- all it would take is a relatively simple sql query that piggybacks off of the existing search functionality. What we're talking about is essentially the same as the existing forum search, only limited to one field, the title. It may take a few hours to get everything to work and look right (it depends on how convoluted the code is), but not more than that. My hunch, given what I've seen of Invision's code, is that it's probably a few lines of code in 2-3 templates. Anyway, it's definitely doable if you wanted to. The restaurant search functions in DCDiningGuide were coded from scratch and only took a couple of hours, most of which was formatting the damned search boxes (which you don't have to do because there already is one).


Cripes.  Its a good thing neither of you bartends.  Just imagine how you would bore to tears most of your potential customers.  (excepting a few areas such as silicon valley).

What you really want to discuss is how while coding one night in the office a strange mysterious but incredibly sexy lady walked by your cubicle ..........................................................

It helps generate tremendous tips, keeps customers at the bar and enables you to continue to upsell the patrons.   Your managers would love you and give you the best shifts.

The "binary code" bartenders work the day shifts at suburban Holiday Inns.

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The "binary code" bartenders work the day shifts at suburban Holiday Inns.

It's not binary code (until after it's translated into bits); it's a binary search, a basic divide-and-conquer algorithm.

This is to computer science what fractional arithmetic is to mathematics. It's not something you discuss; it's something you do as a step towards solving a larger problem.


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I'm writing this mainly as a placemarker, perhaps even a reminder, for myself.

Later this week, I'm going to post the most important thing I've had to say in a long time (I haven't written a word of it yet, but I already know what needs to be said - it's just a matter of putting pen to paper).

Essentially, I'm going nuclear, but I'm not going to do it tonight. And it won't be the next thing I write - I have two other (unrelated) posts that I want to get done beforehand, and this will come afterwards. You'll know when it arrives.

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Something is really wrong with the site.  I'm having trouble even getting a window to come up so I can post to it.  I'm often just closing the site because I can't get to it

However, the worst thing is that the search is not working at all.  Someone created a new South Mountain Creamery thread and there is no way to bring up the existing thread so they can be merged.  Every single time I try, the "S" gets blocked out and it tells me here is no thread with that name.  That is highly odd.

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Something is really wrong with the site.  I'm having trouble even getting a window to come up so I can post to it.  I'm often just closing the site because I can't get to it

However, the worst thing is that the search is not working at all.  Someone created a new South Mountain Creamery thread and there is no way to bring up the existing thread so they can be merged.  Every single time I try, the "S" gets blocked out and it tells me here is no thread with that name.  That is highly odd.

It's been slow too.

Okay, I just got home and I'm pooped - this is the first I've heard of either of these - let me check them out tomorrow ...

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Later this week, I'm going to post the most important thing I've had to say in a long time (I haven't written a word of it yet, but I already know what needs to be said - it's just a matter of putting pen to paper).

Essentially, I'm going nuclear, but I'm not going to do it tonight. And it won't be the next thing I write - I have two other (unrelated) posts that I want to get done beforehand, and this will come afterwards. You'll know when it arrives.

Well? I've been waiting with bated breath!

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I'm thinking of several things:

* buying our active moderators business cards (it's the least I could do for their efforts)

* having "Best Of" awards, to be determined by our active members

* offering T-shirts at cost as a not-for-profit item (I have no desire to make a living off of pedaling T-shirts, though it would be nice to use *some* profit to buy our business cards)

Given the latter, I'm open for ideas for T-shirts. Anyone?

Not just ideas, but companies who make and sell them (both T-shirts, and nice, framed certificates for the awards). I have no problem making a profit on the awards since restaurants will use them to make profits themselves, though I don't want to take advantage of anyone. The only thing I insist upon is that the T-shirts are of premium, high-quality, made of good, durable cotton, and that the slogan is something you'll enjoy wearing - something sly, witty, or generally tongue-in-cheek funny.

Please chime in!


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Custom Ink can do T-shirts for approx $15 per (adult large) and they're a local area company.

attachicon.gifDR Tee.jpg

Wow, thanks schulju! I'll contact the company tomorrow, and work out some designs with them. I already know what's going on the back (something funny that you won't be embarrassed to wear, although the thought of working in "ventworm nut" somewhere has crossed my mind; the question is: should we use that logo for the front, and should it be on the breast pocket area? I think it's too small for the middle.

At least for the time being, I'm not going to make this a for-profit item - I don't want our members' money.

Speaking of which, I owe somebody something for the picnic - can someone please write me about that? I can make it phonetically sound like something very funny, but I suspect that's not it.



PS - now if you'll please tell us what on earth schulju means (in the etymology thread, please!) I've always wondered that.

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Wow, thanks schulju! I'll contact the company tomorrow, and work out some designs with them. I already know what's going on the back (something funny that you won't be embarrassed to wear, although the thought of working in "ventworm nut" somewhere has crossed my mind; the question is: should we use that logo for the front, and should it be on the breast pocket area? I think it's too small for the middle.

At least for the time being, I'm not going to make this a for-profit item - I don't want our members' money.

Speaking of which, I owe somebody something for the picnic - can someone please write me about that? I can make it phonetically sound like something very funny, but I suspect that's not it.



PS - now if you'll please tell us what on earth schulju means (in the etymology thread, please!) I've always wondered that.

Don't we need a catchy slogan?  "Ventworms Unite" or something?

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the question is: should we use that logo for the front, and should it be on the breast pocket area? I think it's too small for the middle.

Don, I just grabbed a quick and dirty clip from the web site as an example.  Better quality art work could be scaled to whatever size you want.  However, I do think if you're planning something for the back, then it makes sense to just have a small logo on the front.

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I've had great shirts by Custom Ink. If you want work with a designer (vs. uploading your own) I have worked really well with Nightmare Graphics in Columbia. They worked with me on design and layout of the text. Anyway, just my 2 cents if you need another option.

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The site is moving quite slowly again.  I loaded my email, read and responded to two notes and signed out, all while a single "new content" page was loading over here.

Editing a follow up to that thought: I know that you get frustrated when people post food-related reviews and photos on Facebook instead of here.  It may not be insignificant that I can upload an entire album of photos to FB while that little green bar with the white dots is ticking away on DR.com.   :(

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It seems better now on my end, too.  Maybe it's slowing during higher traffic times.  Edit:  It's being exceptionally inconsistent.  A few seconds to post this first comment, then 25 to load the "New Content," 5 seconds to reload this thread, and we'll see how long the edit takes to show up.

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It seems better now on my end, too.  Maybe it's slowing during higher traffic times.  Edit:  It's being exceptionally inconsistent.  A few seconds to post this first comment, then 25 to load the "New Content," 5 seconds to reload this thread, and we'll see how long the edit takes to show up.

This is happening right now? I haven't had a problem this morning. Is anyone else experiencing slow response?

I may have to bite the bullet and get a private server instead of this "virtual private server" BS that Dreamhost peddles.


Edit: As I clicked the button to post *this very post*, I experienced somewhat slow response time.

I'm afraid the sad truth may be that our website is large enough, and trafficked enough, where we can no longer play in Playland.

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