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"I can only deal with one problem per day. Today isn't the day for your problem. Tomorrow doesn't look so good either."

Please file your problem with the complaint department. That's 15th floor, left off the elevator, pink door on your right at the end of the hall....NEXT PLEASE!!!!

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[Happy Valentine's Day everyone :lol:

All this recent chatty one-liner stuff was a fun diversion, but now it needs to be kept in check. I let it run because it was Valentine's Day (and even encouraged it), but now it's time to limit it to "On A Whim," etc.

I am entering a particularly busy phase for the next few weeks, and I'm not going to have a lot of time to massage things behind the scenes, so please understand if one-liners, off-topic posts, etc. get axed. You can always PM me if you have questions about anything, but please do it selectively.

Try and make each posting substantive and on-topic, and please resist the temptation to post 5-10 times a day.


Oscar The Grouch]

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[Happy Valentine's Day everyone :lol:

All this recent chatty one-liner stuff was a fun diversion, but now it needs to be kept in check. I let it run because it was Valentine's Day (and even encouraged it), but now it's time to limit it to "On A Whim," etc.

I am entering a particularly busy phase for the next few weeks, and I'm not going to have a lot of time to massage things behind the scenes, so please understand if one-liners, off-topic posts, etc. get axed. You can always PM me if you have questions about anything, but please do it selectively.

Try and make each posting substantive and on-topic, and please resist the temptation to post 5-10 times a day.


Oscar The Grouch]

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[i'm sick of going in and editing triple-spaced postings. From now on, I'm going to hold down the delete key for a split-second too long and remove the first letter of your posting in addition to the blank line.

So go ahead and triple space if you want - you'll look like an illiterate buffoon when I'm done with you.

Click here for your last-chance primer on how not to triple-space.



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[i'm sick of going in and editing triple-spaced postings.  From now on, I'm going to hold down the delete key for a split-second too long and remove the first letter of your posting in addition to the blank line.

So go ahead and triple space if you want - you'll look like an illiterate buffoon when I'm done with you.

Click here for your last-chance primer on how not to triple-space.




A humble suggestion: Why don't you just take these Invision folks aside and politely tell them to fix their stupid "power" software? This can't involve more than a line or two of "power" code.

Just trying to be helpful.........

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A humble suggestion:  Why don't you just take these Invision folks aside and politely tell them to fix their stupid "power" software?  This can't involve more than a line or two of "power" code.

Not much is as simple as a line or two code change. Think about all the associated code verification, unit, system, and regression testing, packaging, and releasing of another version. From Invision's point of view, it will not be worth the ROI unless they can piggy-back it with another problem.

All that said, is it really that hard not to add an extra when replying?

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Not much is as simple as a line or two code change.  Think about all the associated code verification, unit, system, and regression testing, packaging, and releasing of another version.  From Invision's point of view, it will not be worth the ROI unless they can piggy-back it with another problem.

All that said, is it really that hard not to add an extra when replying?

It was just a light-hearted post. But in any case, with all due respect, I really doubt it's all that complicated to fix.

And as to being "that hard" for people to "add a line," apparently it is because DR has to constantly post that people should not triple space. In actuality it's not a question of being hard, but rather it's the user-friendly problem; not putting in that space when replying is counterintuitive and people just don't know/remember to do it. IMHO it's a perfect example of software engineers being wrapped up in the technical aspects of their work (such as code verification, unit, system, and regression testing, packaging, and releasing of another version) and forgetting about the ordinary people who get to use their stuff.

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[Happy March 31st everyone <_<

All this recent chatty one-liner stuff was a fun diversion, but now it needs to be kept in check. I let it run because it was Valentine's Day (and even encouraged it), but now it's time to limit it to "On A Whim," etc.

I am entering a particularly busy phase for the next few weeks, and I'm not going to have a lot of time to massage things behind the scenes, so please understand if one-liners, off-topic posts, etc. get axed. You can always PM me if you have questions about anything, but please do it selectively.

Try and make each posting substantive and on-topic, and please resist the temptation to post 5-10 times a day.


Oscar The Grouch]

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I just moved a motherlode o' threads to the "Media and Press" forum (or whatever it is that I named it), so if you're looking for a thread that isn't here, it's there.

The "View New Posts" option (on the top-right of the screen) comes in handy if you want to see a list of recent postings in all forums (it keeps you from bopping around back-and-forth).



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If your postings are showing up off by an hour, it's because you haven't checked the Daylight Savings Time box.

Click on "My Controls" up near the top of the page, then "Board Settings" near the bottom-left, and you'll see it.



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Just a friendly reminder that only one person is allowed to post from each account/screen name. Since the board doesn't allow face to face conversations on line we will not know who is talking if one more than one person posts from an account it can become confusing. Also, you the original member is responsible for whatever is posted under your screen name, whether or not you posted it yourself.

If your spouse or significant other would like to join us all you need to do is send me an email at membership@donrockwell.com with the new screen name, your SO's real name and where they live. You don't need to go through the whole registration process.

Each member is also only allowed one screen name. If we discover that a member has more than one screen name the second one will be deleted [as will the first. Rocks.]

And a reminder to key employees of restaurants: you're welcome - encouraged, even - to post about your establishment (within reason), but you must identify yourselves when doing so.

I now return you to your regular rainy morning posting :)

Edited by DonRocks
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This is a tough call, but I'm going to go ahead and make it. I'm not naming any names in the event that I'm wrong, but I've spent a fair amount of time researching this, and at this point I think it's appropriate to issue a warning to restaurateurs.


I believe there is - or should I say was - someone on this website posing as a terminally ill patient, hoping to get sympathy and free food.

She's supposedly "two weeks away from death," yet she's eating and drinking all over town. I've talked with people that have seen her, and she doesn't exactly look like she's on her last leg.

She isn't dying; she's merely dying for attention.

And read this for a brief description of what she most likely "has":

Munchausen By Internet

Yes, I feel sorry for this person, but not for the reason she wants me to.

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To our newest members patiently waiting in registration limbo,

Please bear with us. The board decided to take a short nap on Saturday (or was it Sunday?) and has since decided to give us (me) some behind the scenes problems. Hopefully it will only take a day or two to fix and I can return to accomplishing my new goal of 2,000 members by our 18 month anniversary :)

Thanks for understanding,

Your Membership Director who wishes she knew more about this technical stuff (but only a little bit)

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[speaking about general situations here, and not any specific incidents:

It is never, ever okay to mention to a restaurant that you 'post on dr.com' in order to expect free food or better service. Period.

If you know a chef posts here, and enjoyed your meal, it's okay to say something after the bill has been paid. Use your judgment as to what's appropriate.

Also for good measure, if you're posting about a restaurant here, and you receive something complimentary (because you're friends with the chef, etc.), it's always in good form to say so if you're recounting your experience there.



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[if any of your postings disappear today, and you're wondering whether or not I deleted them, the answer is yes. And I simply don't have the time to PM everyone explaining why I did, so just assume they were either way off-topic or inappropriate.

And there are at least two members here I'm on the verge of suspending, which I've only done once before to anyone, and that was only for an hour.

Stay on-topic, be respectful of others, do not discuss policy issues on the threads, and dispense with the stupid one-liners.



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[in case you didn't notice, the board was down for a short while today while we upgraded to a newer version of Invision Power Board software. There are some added features, including beefed-up security, but at this point, you guys know as much about things as I do. Cheers, Rocks.]

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[in case you didn't notice, the board was down for a short while today while we upgraded to a newer version of Invision Power Board software. There are some added features, including beefed-up security, but at this point, you guys know as much about things as I do. Cheers, Rocks.]

Thank you for beefing up the security. There's been far too much riff raff coming round here. That, and all the cash in my wallet seems to be missing. (Although that could be due to a few bottles of wine at Notti Bianche :) ) :angry::angry:

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The new graduated triple-spacing penalties are as follows:

0-10 posts, triple-space removed, post left intact.

10-50 posts, first letter of post removed.

50-100 posts, first line of post removed.

100-200 posts, first line and first letter of second line of post removed.

200+ posts, post deleted, restored upon user request.

Click here for a 60-second primer on how not to triple-space.



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The new graduated triple-spacing penalties are as follows:

0-10 posts, triple-space removed, post left intact.

10-50 posts, first letter of post removed.

50-100 posts, first line of post removed.

100-200 posts, first line and first letter of second line of post removed.

200+ posts, post deleted, restored upon user request.

Click here for a 60-second primer on how not to triple-space.



Well, I guess we know now where you stand on the death penalty. :)

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The new graduated triple-spacing penalties are as follows:

0-10 posts, triple-space removed, post left intact.

10-50 posts, first letter of post removed.

50-100 posts, first line of post removed.

100-200 posts, first line and first letter of second line of post removed.

200+ posts, post deleted, restored upon user request.

Click here for a 60-second primer on how not to triple-space.



Wow! remind me to never triple space (but I didn't see anything about not quintuple spacing however)

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The new graduated triple-spacing penalties are as follows:

0-10 posts, triple-space removed, post left intact.

10-50 posts, first letter of post removed.

50-100 posts, first line of post removed.

100-200 posts, first line and first letter of second line of post removed.

200+ posts, post deleted, restored upon user request.

Click here for a 60-second primer on how not to triple-space.



I would think....oh forget it I just can't say it. I Love You Don. :) .

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The new graduated triple-spacing penalties are as follows:

0-10 posts, triple-space removed, post left intact.

10-50 posts, first letter of post removed.

50-100 posts, first line of post removed.

100-200 posts, first line and first letter of second line of post removed.

200+ posts, post deleted, restored upon user request.

Click here for a 60-second primer on how not to triple-space.



I found the thread here finally, DR. But I am dtill confused about triple spacing and double spacing. Call me dense, but isn't the definition of double-spacing leaving ever alternate line blank? And wouldn't triple spacing mean leave two lines blank after each line with text? I do not think I am doing either thing here but tell me what I am doing wrong.

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It is the spacing right after quotes that is causing Don's seizures.

Invision automatically puts a line of space after a quote. So when you are typing in the box after a quote and you hit return right after the quote, although it looks like a single line of space between your text and the quote in the text box, it ends up being two lines of space in the actual post.

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It is the spacing right after quotes that is causing Don's seizures.

Invision automatically puts a line of space after a quote. So when you are typing in the box after a quote and you hit return right after the quote, although it looks like a single line of space between your text and the quote in the text box, it ends up being two lines of space in the actual post.

Yes, he wants people to start their replies immediately after the code at the end of the quoted text. (If I screw this up, I'll sure feel like an idiot, not to mention getting something chopped off :) )
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It is the spacing right after quotes that is causing Don's seizures.

Invision automatically puts a line of space after a quote. So when you are typing in the box after a quote and you hit return right after the quote, although it looks like a single line of space between your text and the quote in the text box, it ends up being two lines of space in the actual post.

My question is,why does it cause him seizures?Could it be he doesn't eat enough home cooked meals? Does he need a little nurturing? Does this person actually exist? Why does it cause seizures here and it didn't on EG? Things that make you go hmmm....
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My question is,why does it cause him seizures?Could it be he doesn't eat enough home cooked meals? Does he need a little nurturing? Does this person actually exist? Why does it cause seizures here and it didn't on EG? Things that make you go hmmm....
Ah, you have hit on the question of the ages . . . :)
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It is the spacing right after quotes that is causing Don's seizures.

Invision automatically puts a line of space after a quote. So when you are typing in the box after a quote and you hit return right after the quote, although it looks like a single line of space between your text and the quote in the text box, it ends up being two lines of space in the actual post.

and to think that there are people who worry about inconsequential things like world peace, nuclear non-proliferation and the plight of the nations homeless. Well I say to hell with those people, I'm getting increasingly incensed about people hitting the enter key when they are quoting sage and earth shattering prose concerning the bun consistency in a hamburger place in Wheaton...what nerve.
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Actually, Don's commitment to proper indentation has been universally recognized.

The Rockwell scale characterizes the indentation hardness of materials through the depth of penetration of an indenter, loaded on a material sample and compared to the penetration in some reference material. It is one of several definitions of hardness in materials science.
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I imagine that world peace is important to some wimpy types. But to someone like Our Leader, who has devoted time, effort and pocket change to running an informative, clean, streamlined electronic site, his preferences should be a guide to those of us who benefit from his creation. Now that I think of it, single spacing is the first step toward world peace.

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Dudes, I held off doing this probably longer than I should have, but with over 100 people attending the upcoming picnic, I was "urged" (to put it mildly) to institute a new Registration Agreement and Rules. In essence, the last thing I need is to have my ass sued if someone gags on a pumpkin seed at the picnic. Thank you VERY much to the attorneys who drafted this policy. I'm not much into legalities, but I'm glad I was talked into it. (Don't worry, nothing on the website is changing. I hate that I have to bother with this type of stuff, but I'd be foolish not to.) Cheers, Rocks.


Click here for all the cold, hard details.

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I looked at the announcement before reading this thread. Thanks for the explanation; I was concerned that something terrible had already happened to warrant the new "Terms." Glad to know that we can't sue you for our own stupidity. :)

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[Aargh, I went away for thirty minutes and forgot to lock this thread.

Just to clarify a couple of messages I've gotten in the past few minutes:

Nope, nothing has happened that was an impetus to this, other than the upcoming picnic. I've avoided dealing with it, and have been reprimanded and scolded for procrastinating. I hate dealing with stuff like this and prefer not to.



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Good Monday morning everyone,

I just sent out this email to everyone who hasn't signed on for the past year. If you've been viewing the website as a guest for longer than 12 months, how about signing on one time just to let us know you're still with us.

Thanks, and cheers! Rocks.


Dear donrockwell.com member,

If you're getting this email, it's because you haven't signed onto the website for the past year. In order to keep our membership list current and vibrant, we're going to be "pruning" members who don't sign on at least once a year.

If you've forgotten your screen name or password, just flip an email to me at donrocks@donrockwell.com, and I'll write you back with the information (I'll need to reset your password if you've forgotten it). Just sign on sometime during the next few days, and you'll be good-to-go for another year.

Thanks again for joining, and we miss you on the site. I hope to hear from you!



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As much as I'd love it if there were really 212 active users right now - including 197 guests - it simply isn't true. The Invision software has an occasional bug where it registers the exact same IP Address as a distinct visitor. At 9:53 PM, here are the list of people on the website (first page only). As you can see, IP address - almost surely some type of search-engine robot - is incrementing the "Most Users Ever" counter to a false level. I reported the bug to Invision, so don't think you missed anything if you didn't sign on tonight. Cheers, Rocks

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Topic: Cakelove and Lovecafe Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Topic: Etiquette Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

Guest ( ) Viewing Board Index Today, 09:53 PM

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Good Monday morning everyone,

I just sent out this email to everyone who hasn't signed on for the past year. If you've been viewing the website as a guest for longer than 12 months, how about signing on one time just to let us know you're still with us.

Thanks, cheers, and don't get unsettled when the number of members drops by a couple hundred people. I'm not worried about numbers or statistics; merely keeping the community alive and vibrant.



Dear donrockwell.com member,

If you're getting this email, it's because you haven't signed onto the website for the past year. In order to keep our membership list current and vibrant, we're going to be "pruning" members who don't sign on at least once a year.

If you've forgotten your screen name or password, just flip an email to me at donrocks@donrockwell.com, and I'll write you back with the information (I'll need to reset your password if you've forgotten it). Just sign on sometime during the next few days, and you'll be good-to-go for another year.

Thanks again for joining, and we miss you on the site. I hope to hear from you!



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When replying to a post, please remember to do this:

[qu0te]Original Post[/qu0te]

Inserting your reply here will automatically double-space (which is what you want to do)

instead of this:

[qu0te]Original Post[/qu0te]

Inserting your reply like this will triple-space (which is not good)

Thank you,

Your mother.

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I asked mktye to write up something about this - I should have known it would be something more than a couple of sentences. Cheers! Rocks


Do you find that the smallness of your avatar makes you feel inadequate? Does that lone wee photo leave you craving another outlet for your visual expression? Well, fret no more… now you can have two (yes, two!) pictures associated with your DR.com account: an Avatar that will appear below your screen name on all of your posts and a larger Personal Picture located on your profile page (in addition to your avatar photo) .

"How?!?" you ask? Click on "My Controls" located at the top of any of the pages, then scroll down the left hand menu and click on "Change Personal Photo" in the "Personal Profile" section. That will take you to a screen where you can either link to a photo that is currently residing someplace online (the first option) or upload a photo from your own computer (the second option). Click on "Update Photo" and your picture will now appear to the right of your screen name on your profile page (and anyone's profile can be accessed by simply clicking on their screen name).

Too keep things under control around here, you will need to restrain your expression… personal photos are limited to 300 KB and 300 pixels by 200 pixels. However, the board software will automatically resize your picture if it is too big to swallow, so as long as you stay within the very generous 300 KB allowed, you'll be just fine.

Now don't hurt yourself!

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As some (all?) of you have noticed, it looks like the date/time stamp was off by 12 hours between midnight and 9:02 AM this morning. So it shows we have a lot more users online, for example, than we truly do, and some posts are dated 12 hours into the future. I've contacted Invision about this, and will see what they say. The problem appears to have been corrected in terms of current activity; now it remains to be seen whether I can change the affected posts. Even if not, I suspect that once today passes, the problem of them being at the top of the page will correct itself. We'll see what happens. Cheers (with a cup of herbal tea), Rocks.

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Since 10 AM this morning I've gotten 27 PMs from people about a variety of things. I don't even have time to look at them right now much less respond, so please understand. Please try and limit the PMs and emails for the near term - keep sending me your Fitness Challenge baselines, however.



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I know that Rocks, crackers, mktye and I are the only people who pay attention (and for Rocks it's only during the daylight :D ) but we have had a huge bump in our membership numbers over the past few weeks. Friday alone 10 members were activated. We haven't had that many people activated in one day since we were getting all of the publicity this time last year.

Even better, new members are joining in and people who are long time members-first time posters are joining the conversation as well. Just a few weeks ago a number of us were trying to figure out how to get new members and non posting members active. I guess all we had to do is sit back and welcome them in. Must be because we're being nice to each other or something :P

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