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This is a PC/Apple interface problem. There's actually a good deal of info about it online and both companies (Microsoft and Apple) are aware of it and unwilling to recode around photo exif data. I've had the same trouble emailing photos from iOS to people running Windows.

I'd love to hear from any members here using Apple (macs, MacBooks, iPads, iphone) and whether some or all of the versions of this photo I've posted above are right side up for them. Thank you!

Viewed in Safari on a Macbook Air, it's upside down.

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Viewed in Safari on a Macbook Air, it's upside down.

True for all four or so copies posted upthread? Some were rotated when posted. If you can, try the original one in post 1163 above. The thumbnail looks upside down but it launches righttside up on an ipad for me.

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Exactly! Should be fine on Apple devices and inverted on PCs. There may be an app or plug in for this I'll investigate for the future.

As for where it was, maybe I can answer some other questions? You got the high-level components right. The type of po-boy is important, which no one has yet guessed, but what else would people want to know? There aren't that many spots that serve these handcrafted like this around town,

They all look the same to me here on this iMac.

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The photos in the image links posted in this thread appear right side up.  The originals in the other thread are upside down in the thumbnails and the full images won't load.   (MacBook Pro running Mavericks; Safari browser)

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Can see this varies widely depending on the person. It has to do with data that an iOS device (iPhone, iPad) associates with any photo. The data, called "exif" drives orientation. It's usually not a problem apple-to-apple (though can be depending on the sending and receiving op system versions) as often as with iOS to Windows. Supposedly, the newest versions of both OSs are handling this better. One of a zillion articles and blog posts about this here for any interested. Can really be a pain.


Nope, wasn't trying to make guessing that po' boy's provenance that tough! :-)

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All the images in this thread viewed on my Macbook Air with Firefox are right side up. I'll have to go to the other thread to check the other images as well--and those are all upside down.

Maybe we should all just stand on our hands and live an upside-down life.

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We now have "Hotels" sub-forums for our four Restaurants and Dining forums. These are unique in that they have 1-5 star rating systems. Only members with 10 posts or more may use the rating feature (you have to prove yourself before obtaining the power of the vote). Please take this very seriously.

You don't have to vote, but you can if you want to - it's entirely up to you. However, once you vote, you can't un-vote - you can *change* your vote from 1 through 5 stars; you just can't undo it. I'm telling you this as a fact, learned through experience, so please don't play around with it - you've been given a responsibility - please use it responsibly. Only our most trusted members will have the power to vote, just as only our most seasoned members have access to the Washington, DC Dining Guide. There will be more perks coming your way in the future - try and get to 10 posts if you can.

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Lately, there have been several links to washingtonpost.com, more than usual.

Everyone please be aware that there's a subscription-only paywall that allows only 10 free articles per month, and after that you have to subscribe (there's a way around this, but the method I use is something of a PITA). I enjoy reading the Washington Post online, but I'm not a subscriber, so I suspect that, along with numerous other readers here, I don't get to see your links. Please keep that in mind when linking to something in the future - If at all possible, try finding a link to something without a paywall or a membership requirement (I, myself, have been guilty of linking to Facebook in the past, not realizing that you need to be a member to see many of my links.) While I'm on the subject, you've probably noticed that I link to Wikipedia fairly often - that's because I think it's going to be around for a long, long time; too many of our links from last decade are broken - please remember this when you link to a webpage - try and take a screenshot of what you're linking to, and include that as a thumbnail (I've started doing this as a matter of course) - that way, if the website goes belly-up, we'll still have a copy of what you're linking to on our own pages. Think "free, and long-lasting" when linking to an external website, and take that screenshot!



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Reading the Post is easy on Firefox. Use private browsing. Easy.

Chromebook too, but it doesn't always work - there have been a couple times when even incognito mode won't let me in. It could be the static IP address - ANYWAY, I don't want to turn this thread into a cheat guide.

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Where's the dislike button? Fair is fair. Why have you not posted a similar statement about the NYTimes? I have had the same frustration with their paywall and am unable to see links posted in this forum. I don't subscribe because I don't frequently read the NY paper, only occasionally.

If you subscribe to the Post's print edition you don't have to pay for the online version. :ph34r: The least you could do is support your local paper! (or support my husband keeping his job :rolleyes: )  BTW, I would be a subscriber to the Post regardless, since I like to keep abreast of the local news. And an online subscription would be worthwile to me, even if I decide to end the print subscription.

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Why have you not posted a similar statement about the NYTimes? I have had the same frustration with their paywall and am unable to see links posted in this forum. I don't subscribe because I don't frequently read the NY paper, only occasionally. 

You just did. Thanks - they're another good example. Wall Street Journal, too.

More importantly, it's *always* best to root around and find the original source of an article, column, or news item, and if the Post (or Times, or Journal) is the original source, then I would ask everyone to please link to them, regardless of the paywall. It's more important to give credit where credit is deserved, than to worry about paywalls or future non-existence. So once again, everyone *please* take a little extra time and find the original author, and link to that - also, especially if it's a blog, or a small-time operation which may not be around in ten years, please take a screenshot of the writing and include it with your post. Even if it takes multiple screenshots, please do it - that way, even if a publication ceases to exist, we'll still have the writing. (*)

Obviously, there's a fair-use policy, and we can't go around just cutting-and-pasting other people's work here in its entirety, so use your best judgment and common sense, and when in doubt, you can always write me and ask. The buck stops with me, and if any publication ever thinks we've used too much of their original work, I ask that they write me, and I'll make sure it's taken care of (in 10+ years, nobody has ever written me about this issue) - I have absolutely no desire for us to pirate your work, I promise you; just the opposite - if you've read the posts here, you've noticed that I spend a lot of time trying to give proper credit to both the author and the website which publishes a piece. But I'm not perfect, this is a large website, and I can easily make mistakes or overlook something - so please bring any discrepancy to my attention.

(This is a long, rambling way of saying that 'I just want to do what's right by everyone.')

The least you could do is support your local paper! 

You owe me for a new Chromebook.

(Btw, this is my local paper, and I can't support any industry that continues to destroy so many natural resources for such temporary utility - it's amazing to me that print newspapers still exist, but hell, as long as I get my caffeine jolt, everything else is right with the world, climate change be damned).


(*) This is why I keep stressing to everyone that we're going to be around for as long as the internet is around. Your work here will never be lost, and your grandchildren will be able to look back 50 years from now, and see what you wrote. This is also why I urge people to use their real names, so your writing is captured for posterity (remember, I can change screen names in a matter of seconds, so anyone who wants to change theirs - just send me a PM, and it will get done as soon as I read your message - and that brings me to another shout-out to Pat for all she does with membership behind the scenes - have you all written Pat and cheezepowder and thanked them yet?). <--- Is this period supposed to go here?

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Merry Christmas, everyone.

Please find our new Los Angeles Forum. The forums are now listed in decreasing order by Metropolitan-Area Population, rather than the cute-but-silly, North-to-South Hamtrak.


Also, I'm working on changing the Shopping and Cooking Indexes right now. They're incredibly useful, but I'm going to try to make them even more so by making them mathematical in nature, i.e., mutually exclusive - when you think of a topic, you'll instantly know which of the three indexes to look in (I've always found myself unsure where to look, and this will eliminate that uncertainty).

This is going to take a *long* time to do, because not only will it involve making sure existing items are placed in the right index (nothing will be deleted, by the way), but at some point, the entire Shopping and Cooking forum is going to have to be traversed - from start to finish - to make sure everything is included in the indexes. This is an incredible amount of work, and will probably be an ongoing project until I can get some help.

Shopping and Cooking is our second-most-active forum, and it means a lot to me - I take it very seriously, and I feel strongly that what I'm embarking on doesn't just involve "changes"; it involves a clear improvement.

For each index, there is a "first post" before the actual index - this is done so we don't need to make a brand new thread each time the index is updated. Regarding the Shopping and Cooking Indexes, I'd like to include the note of me thanking leleboo, who had previously thanked mktye. I'd like to save it for posterity, and this is as good a place as any to do so. Here it is:

In hopes of making your browsing more rewarding and assisting those who are continually thwarted by the board search engine, below is an index for the Shopping & Cooking Forum.

A big "Thank You" to 
leleboo for taking on the task of keeping it up-to-date. smile.gif

From leleboo, written Jun 30, 2010

[merged by DonRocks with a note to both mktye and leleboo: Both of you are superhuman, and either of you could have done it all by yourselves; very few others could have.]

Below is the updated index for the 
Shopping and Cooking Forum.

It's all built on mktye's original, awesome forum index; I could never have come up with this without her foundation for the system. Thank you so much for getting me started, mktye!

I'm still working on making this the best, most useful index possible. The latest update involves some reorganization of categories. Additionally, entries in each category are alphabetized* (or organized by date where that was more logical), but searching using ctrl + F (PC) or open apple + F (Mac) still is the fastest way to search.

Happy cooking!

*Except in the Discussion section. I tried to make alphabetization make sense, and then my head exploded. The Equipment and Debate/Opinion/Definition categories are alphabetized, though.


Cheers, and thanks for everything,


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Is anyone else having issues with the view new content button?  It used to work fine, and with no changes on my part, now it only shows 1 or two topics.

I haven't had this problem, and I signed in with a test ID, and it worked fine - it's been a somewhat slow day, so maybe you *have* read all the topics?

There was one time, a few years ago, where I accidentally clicked on "Mark All Forums As Read" - if you ever find a restaurant that isn't in the dining guide, from about 2010 ... that's why (it's also why I'm making a sequential sweep through every post).

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Is anyone else having issues with the view new content button?  It used to work fine, and with no changes on my part, now it only shows 1 or two topics.

Yes.  Having come in from the "view new content," I cannot reply to the Bitcoin thread -- I get a box in the upper right saying "You cannot reply to this topic" and the little blue button to the left of the topic on the new topics listing isn't there.  IIRC the same thing was happening yesterday for the "when the weather calls for supplies" thread, but now, even though I still don't have the button on the left I can in fact reply.  All other topics are acting normally.  Very odd.

My topic listing seems to be OK.

I'm using Chrome on a Mac, but I tried using Safari and got the same issue exactly.

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Yes.  Having come in from the "view new content," I cannot reply to the Bitcoin thread -- I get a box in the upper right saying "You cannot reply to this topic" and the little blue button to the left of the topic on the new topics listing isn't there.  IIRC the same thing was happening yesterday for the "when the weather calls for supplies" thread, but now, even though I still don't have the button on the left I can in fact reply.  All other topics are acting normally.  Very odd.

My topic listing seems to be OK.

I'm using Chrome on a Mac, but I tried using Safari and got the same issue exactly.

Okay, this is probably something I caused - I was experimenting with some settings this past weekend, and probably invoked a bug, or broke something myself. I will file a problem report with Invision right now, and keep everyone apprised.

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Okay, this is probably something I caused - I was experimenting with some settings this past weekend, and probably invoked a bug, or broke something myself. I will file a problem report with Invision right now, and keep everyone apprised.

I find that the entire History forum, including the subforum Current Events, is closed to replies and to starting a new topic. I did not use the "view new content" function.

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I find that the entire History forum, including the subforum Current Events, is closed to replies and to starting a new topic. I did not use the "view new content" function.

I had to redo all these by hand at 6 AM after 4 hours sleep; there's probably a 95% chance I made a mistake. I'll fix this one now.

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If anyone else is having trouble replying to something, please write me and let me know - I did all this manually at 6 AM, and the odds of a mistake are very high. It can't possibly be only Herschel.

Well, amazingly, it *was* only you!

I don't know how on earth this happened - maybe you were trying to post something immediately as I was, and we both invoked a bug - anyway, I found something extremely unusual, and deleted it. Try it now.

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Well, amazingly, it *was* only you!

I don't know how on earth this happened - maybe you were trying to post something immediately as I was, and we both invoked a bug - anyway, I found something extremely unusual, and deleted it. Try it now.

I guess I must be really special. I'm afraid it's still the same. At the forum level there's a little notice that says "you cannot start a new topic" and then at the thread level a notice that says "you cannot reply to this topic"....and there is no reply box, and no "quote" button at the bottom of each comment.

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I guess I must be really special. I'm afraid it's still the same. At the forum level there's a little notice that says "you cannot start a new topic" and then at the thread level a notice that says "you cannot reply to this topic"....and there is no reply box, and no "quote" button at the bottom of each comment.

Maybe an annoying piece of advice, but see if logging out, clearing cookies from the site, and then logging back in does any good.

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I was just about to reply to the Monon Railroad topic (the railroad ran near where I grew up) but I discovered it's another of those threads where the software won't let me reply.  The blue button is in my topic listing (unlike what I wrote above) but it won't let me reply to the topic.


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I guess I must be really special. I'm afraid it's still the same. At the forum level there's a little notice that says "you cannot start a new topic" and then at the thread level a notice that says "you cannot reply to this topic"....and there is no reply box, and no "quote" button at the bottom of each comment.

I must be really special, too. I was also going to comment on the Knickerbocker Theater disaster but got the same notice as you. I logged out and logged back in, but it didn't change anything.

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I must be really special, too. I was also going to comment on the Knickerbocker Theater disaster but got the same notice as you. I logged out and logged back in, but it didn't change anything.

This is an *extremely* useful piece of information, as I thought the problem was limited to Herschel. Thank you for posting it.

Okay, so the next question for everyone: Is this problem limited to History and Current Events? I'm going to go back in and have another look.

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This is an *extremely* useful piece of information, as I thought the problem was limited to Herschel. Thank you for posting it.

Okay, so the next question for everyone: Is this problem limited to History and Current Events? I'm going to go back in and have another look.

Right! I just found and fixed something that would have absolutely prevented either of you (and most other people) from posting in the History or Current Events forum. Can you all try again?

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I've found the Index in this forum to be very helpful when researching trips, but it seems to be gone or moved. 

I think you might have found a bug. Give me five minutes.


Edit: Yep, you did. This is that same "6:30 AM thing" that is going to be plaguing me until I go through every single forum again, manually (we have over 100 forums, by the way, as hard as that may seem to believe).

With the exception of Washington, DC Restaurants and Dining, which I know about, everything should be as it was before; I had made a mistake after sleeping four hours, when I was still half-asleep, and it was a costly one. It's "easy" to fix, but I have to be methodical, and there's a very high chance of human error (as you just demonstrated).

Please do what Genevieve did, and report anything weird you see (or don't see) here. There was a problem with the History and Current Events Forums also, which was simple to fix (as soon as I finally saw the problem, which was sitting right before my eyes). This is just a bunch of check-boxes, and some of them aren't checked when they should be; other are checked when they shouldn't be - it's nothing more complicated than that.

If you want even quicker results, write me personally, because I might not see your post as quickly as I'll see a personal message.

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[if anyone is interested in beginning their own personal blog on this website, let me know and I'll help you set it up - it wouldn't take away from anything like this thread, and it can be about any topic you desire, or even a general topic; not just food-related things (although it *can* be food-related). If you're into geology, breast feeding, ramen, anything you can possibly think to blog about, you can have your own blog here, and you don't need to worry about maintaining it or backing it up or even paying for it. This is also the perfect venue for restaurateurs to begin their own blogs - you have built-in readership, automatic maintenance, zero pressure to write blog entries, and it's free. I've got built-in software for this, and there's no reason not to let people use it. Best of all: It won't detract from anything already in place, as it's an addition; not a substitution.]

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Don, for some reason my filters were messed up on my "view new content" and I was not seeing all the new posts. FYI - could be happening to others and that may be why my post was getting lost. It came up last night when I hit view new content, but did not come up this morning, even though there were new posts.

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I'm really glad I made the decision to open this website up to all intelligent discussions including those about politics, religion, and current events.

But aren't threads about The Discovery of Gravitational Waves and The Oldest Pizza in America so much more interesting?

People will always be able to discuss any topic they'd like here, but some topics are inherently more important and fascinating than others, and these topics unite us instead of dividing us.

It took a leap of faith in our members to open this community up, but I closed my eyes, said a little prayer, and did it, and everyone has shown that they really are a cut above every other group out there.

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Not anything that needs your attention Don, but has anyone else noticed that googling the thread you want using: (insert restaurant or thread name) donrockwell.com  doesn't work as well as it used to?  For instance for Yona, didn't work, had to go into the dining guide, which is fine, but that used to work pretty easily for me.  Maybe I am google searching wrong?

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