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Administrative Announcement


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Not anything that needs your attention Don, but has anyone else noticed that googling the thread you want using: (insert restaurant or thread name) donrockwell.com  doesn't work as well as it used to?  For instance for Yona, didn't work, had to go into the dining guide, which is fine, but that used to work pretty easily for me.  Maybe I am google searching wrong?

It's because of the membership wall, and I've been frustrated by it as well (the search engines don't see the threads). It's temporary - I need to get some things in order before I re-open the DC forum to the public.

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Don - I just accessed the site via my wife's iPad and the DC restaurant forum does not appear on the main page. It goes like this:





I wasn't logged in at the time. After I logged in, the DC forum link is on the main page where it's supposed to be.

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I wanted to provide a very belated recap of my experiences in the Culpeper area in this thread, but I don't have the option to reply.

Thank you, dracisk. Can you try now? I fixed a setting that would have prevented you from doing this.

Anytime someone thinks they should be able to post in a forum, and can't, please let me know here, because it means I didn't correctly override my blunder from a month-or-so ago.

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Is there a reason or a glitch why I can't edit any of my own posts anymore?  I have wanted to go back and add or edit a couple of my posts the past couple weeks and just haven't been able to do so.  And I am logged in (every now and then in the past I would be logged out and not know it when this happened.).

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Nothing should have changed when it comes to editing your own posts - is there one particular forum you're having trouble with, or is it a general problem? There has always been a "drunken post" grace period :lol: of 24, or 48 hours, I can't remember what it is, but after that, posts have *never* been able to be edited except by forum hosts.

If it's one particular forum you're having trouble with, this could be that same problem I was having a few weeks ago (scroll up and you'll see).

All this said, I don't think there has ever been one, single occurrence of someone asking me to edit an old post for them when I didn't honor their request.

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not sure where they're trying to edit their post from, but when on mobile (iPhone for me), there's no apparent button to edit your posts...but if you tap your post with your finger then the edit button comes up.

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not sure where they're trying to edit their post from, but when on mobile (iPhone for me), there's no apparent button to edit your posts...but if you tap your post with your finger then the edit button comes up.

Nice tip! Thanks!

I just discovered if you tap a post that's not yours, a "quote" button will come up.

There's also a "full version" button at the very bottom of every thread which makes the site on your phone look just like what you see on a computer screen

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Nice tip! Thanks!

I just discovered if you tap a post that's not yours, a "quote" button will come up.

There's also a "full version" button at the very bottom of every thread which makes the site on your phone look just like what you see on a computer screen

Yes, I'm using an iPhone right now, and I *hate* the mobile version of the site. Worse, I don't know how to make it "stay" in the full version, so I have to do it every time.

The good news: We're upgrading versions soon, and the newer version should have much better features.

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I hear you!

I wish there was a way to increase text size on either version without stretching the screen (which just leads to you constantly scrolling back and forth to read the entire sentence that is now stretched beyond the edges of the screen.

Is there way to increase the text size, but still have the sentences "wrap" so you only have to scroll down and not left and right as well?

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Yes, I'm using an iPhone right now, and I *hate* the mobile version of the site. Worse, I don't know how to make it "stay" in the full version, so I have to do it every time.

The good news: We're upgrading versions soon, and the newer version should have much better features.

If you're using Safari on your iPhone, you can ""request the desktop version" and it will reload and display as it does on, well, a desktop.  Is that what you're trying to do?  It will stay in the desktop version for the remainder of your session at least.  I do it all the time when looking at Yahoo Finance, where I hate the mobile version.

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Is there a reason or a glitch why I can't edit any of my own posts anymore?  I have wanted to go back and add or edit a couple of my posts the past couple weeks and just haven't been able to do so.  And I am logged in (every now and then in the past I would be logged out and not know it when this happened.).

It was my really important and substantive post in the Top Chef thread where I wanted to edit it and put the YouTube of Ice-T actually singing "Don't Hate the Player".  I guess the world will survive without that really important change.  But it happened in another post I made previously, but looking at another very recent post it is there now.  So I dunno.

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Any post with "911" in the name that I come across, I'll be tagging with "Help Needed" and "Urgent" as the first two tags, so going forward, it's best to use these threads for time-sensitive situations (this may well be what they're used for now, but I wanted to make doubly sure, so that people will jump in whenever they see one). For example:

Ingredient Source 911

Non-emergency calls can be handled by our regular threads. :)


On the posting end, please make sure it's a time-sensitive situation before you post in one of these 911 threads.

On the reading end, please make sure you read these threads each time you see one, and jump in to help if you can.

Also remember that, even if your response is too late to help the original poster, it might help people in the future with similar issues, so please don't hesitate to answer regardless of timing.

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I want to apologize to everyone for not replying to my PMs in a timely manner - I've fallen way behind in numerous things. Take a couple days "off" (going to only six restaurants during a 3-night NYC stay qualifies as a vacation, right?), lose your phone, and ...


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Welcome back, everyone, and I'm sorry this took so long. Anything that could go wrong, did; not in terms of the actual website, but in terms of bureaucracy, communication, and things like that. It got to the point where I didn't know whether to laugh or cry (I chose the former, because it was completely out of my control, but I knew things would eventually be okay).

Murphy, whoever he is, or was, owes me a pint of Guinness.

First things first: How was the dinner at Drift on 7th? Please feel free to post reviews, pictures, etc. in the Drift on 7th thread so Ferhat can benefit from the publicity.

This is only the second time we've changed website hosts in over 10 years, and the odds of *nothing* going wrong are pretty small, I would guess. Please report them here as you encounter them, and I will get on them as soon as possible.

I'm really sorry we were down two full days, but boy, it sure seems like it was longer than just two days.

It feels great to be back with Invision as our website host (that's who we first had, but they left the hosting business for several years, and I was paying an enormous sum of money each month without getting very much in return with our previous host). Invision's technical support is uber-responsive, and it's very comforting to know that our website host is also *the* expert when it comes to the forum software itself (i.e., Invision Power Board). A special shout-out goes to Rhett Buck, one of Invision's tech-support specialists, who was exchanging emails with me last night at 2 AM - this went on for a period of hours. Rhett, we couldn't have done it without your help, and needless to say, you are *more* than welcome to use me as a reference for any potential future customers - just give them my name and email, and you're going to get the highest praise I can possibly give out.

Finally, there is one - and only one - person who deserves to step onto center stage and take a bow: our indispensable Membership Director, Pat. I cannot emphasize enough how *much* she did to make this move possible - in fact, I flat-out asked her to be in charge of the move, and I would be her first-mate. She did *everything* - probably wrote close to 100 emails, made several phone calls, was dealing with three different organizations, and is single-handedly responsible for this website move (and all the associated problems that will undoubtedly accompany it). I'm kidding!

Pat, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done - not just in porting the website, but for *everything*. You have been a rock of stability, and are one of the most reliable people I have ever known. I've always gone out of my way to thank our Membership Directors (hillvalley, mktye, leleboo, goldenticket, and Pat) - it is an utterly thankless job that involves grunt, repetitive, work that cannot be simply mindless - it's *damned* hard work, and I wish to God that there was some revenue associated with this website, and if there ever is, the first dollars that flow in are *all* going to her. (Don't worry, there are absolutely no plans - I was just emphasizing how important she is). My guess is that Pat has done over 100 hours of work involved with this move.

I'm asking every single person on this website to thank her: publicly, privately - any way you can think of. We have a history of *unbelievably* fantastic Membership Directors, and Pat has taken the torch, and has anchored a race which is boring, difficult, thankless, invisible, and ten other related adjectives. If I ever lose Pat ... I'm just going to come right out and tell it like it is ... we're fucked.

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Don is exaggerating the extent of my contributions a bit, but I'm glad we're finally back :) .  It certainly seemed longer than 2 days.

Important administrative note:  The email address for membership is now < membership@dcdining.com >, though the emails still appear as coming from DonRockwell.com.  Please update your address books.  The old address is not currently configured with any mailbox, so mail to that will go into the void.

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The main page, www.donrockwell.com, doesn't work on iOS. Subpages do which is quite strange. 

You're the second person who has told me this tonight. I was told by Invision last night that it can take up to 48 hours for "it" to propagate through all systems. Do we have a third person? If so, I'll file a support ticket just to be safe.

(Thanks to both of you, btw - I would not have known until tomorrow.)

BTW, does anyone *hate* the mobile version on iOS as much as I do? I would *love* to have my icon default to the full version, but don't know how. Any tips?

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Not accessible for me on Iphone.   Interior sections are but not the main url.  Can be accessed via a laptop.  It must be the "propagation" to the mobile version  (m.donrockwell.com).   

After a bit of "juggling" but simply refreshing...the site now appears on my Iphone and all other devices.

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Is there a way on mobile to have it default go to the latest post when clicking on a thread? It usually does this for me, but for some of the much older threads (like in travel), if you click on the thread title it'll take you to the first post. It's not very helpful if you're, say, looking for current recommendations in a city, and it takes you back to 2006 or whenever and you have to click through multiple pages (with no idea how many pages there are in the thread) before getting to the recent stuff.

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So maybe it is a Samsung problem.  I am on an S-6 Edge.

Is this a Chromebook? I'm on an Acer, and am having no problems - try clearing your browser, and stopping/starting your machine if you haven't. Things seem to be auto-correcting, but it's taking some time to flow through whatever network it's flowing through. Invision told me to write them back if there were any more problems, so it's important that people keep me posted - letting me know the machine and OS is extremely useful.

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Why is it that even though I've logged off, when I return I'm already logged in? Did I inadvertently fat-finger an "always leave me logged in" feature?

You're not the only one having this occurring. ;)

This has *always* been the case with me on computers; for it to do otherwise would be horrible. On my iPhone, however, it won't activate, and I don't know why.

It's probably a setting (top right - click on your name), but I haven't found it. If it's a problem, I'll file a ticket with Invision.

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Logging out through the sign out link in the top right corner should log you out, even if you have checked the box to stay logged in on the log-in page.  Signing out overrides that and should require you to sign in again.

Could be an issue with cookies or cache.

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This has *always* been the case with me on computers; for it to do otherwise would be horrible. On my iPhone, however, it won't activate, and I don't know why.

It's probably a setting (top right - click on your name), but I haven't found it. If it's a problem, I'll file a ticket with Invision.

Do you have "private browsing" turned on on your phone?

I had to keep re-logging in on a different web site, even if I didn't actually leave the page, just if a certain amount of time elapsed, but once I turned off private browsing, I no longer had the problem.  I'd stay logged in for months at a time.

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Don -

Please move or delete this as needed.

Just posting here, because I can't do it in the "Administrative Announcements" tread. I don't have that option. I see a box that says "You can't reply to this topic".

Also, there are other forums I can't post in at all either. I see a box that says "You cannot start a new topic"

But the real reason I'm posting is the "View new content" button no longer works for me on 3 different devices (iphone, PC at home, PC at work). When I click, "view new content" only one thread comes up, this one, and the rest of the screen below it is empty.

I logged out and logged back in and that didn't work either.

Also, when I logged out, I couldn't even get into the site at all! When I clicked on donrockwell.com, the only thing that came up was a blank screen. In fact the only reason I was able to get back onto the site after I logged out was that I had accidently book marked Page 2 of the New Content thread months ago never deleted it. Without that, I fear I'd be unable to access the site or log in ever again!

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