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Bart, I don't have an explanation. However, I consider your problems to be of the highest importance, and am going to start a ticket with Invision right now - I'll be gone until about 3 PM today, so if I don't reply by then, have no fear.

Bart, wherever you can, please post and provide *as much specific detail* as you can - which forums you can and can't post in, etc. Invision will know about this within a few minutes, and will be looking for your next post - I've already filed a support ticket, and they're quite good at getting to things quickly.

Invision, if you could look in another thread for Bart's post (he cannot reply in this one) while I'm away, I'd really appreciate it.

Invision, if you want to actually *post* an answer here while I'm gone, you have my blessings.

I'm sorry I have to leave soon; otherwise, I'd put a full-court press on this one.

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Yesterday (Thursday) we only had 9 topics updated in the DC Restaurants section - we need to have at least 10 every day during the week - to put it in perspective, I consider 20 a "good day." Let's all try and post a bit more - I understand the scope of the website has expanded a lot, but DC Restaurants are still our raison d'ètre, and it's quite frustrating to see only 9 topics on a Thursday in our primary forum when the website is growing as quickly as it is (and it *is* growing quickly). Recruiting new members to participate is something only you can do, and it's an extremely effective way to ensure that activity grows along with membership, while at the same time not putting pressure on you to do it all yourselves - if everyone could recruit just one person to join and participate, membership would double. If I camp in front of the computer all day, I can easily get it up to 20, but that's not something I wish to do on a regular basis; this is something I wish to occur without me around all the time. Coaxing the most out of membership, i.e., "membership efficiency" is a full-time job, and I have *so* much else to do besides this that I just can't always do it, although I do the best I can given my allotted hours-in-a-day - I honestly do the work of 10 people here, and in a perfect world, would have 10 people working underneath me, as well as grooming the "future me" (actually in a perfect world, I'd have about 100 people working underneath me, but all in due time); as it stands, I have Pat busting her tail doing membership (a thankless, difficult, unrewarding job), cheezepowder single-handedly in charge of the Openings Forum (which is a great, important document), a couple decent *volunteer* forum hosts (who cannot rightfully be asked to do very much), and that's about it. Maybe I should engage in some type of startup-begging program (whatever they're called) to raise money to pay our people with - I would not take a dime; all the initial money would go to people *other than me* who do the nuts-and-bolts work here. Quite honestly, I *hate* those things since I find them demeaning, and one-step removed from begging on a street corner, but if it can pay our workers, then I would feel at least somewhat justified in telling people what I need done, and when; as of right now, all I can do is ask, and say "thank you," and that isn't fair to them.

Don't forget to vote in Poll #4 by Saturday at noon - this is shaping up to be an interesting race. This member-requested review system is working out even better than I had hoped, so thank you to everyone for participating. I hope you feel the same way about my end of the bargain - it was all a novel idea that simply popped into my head one night, so I thought I'd give it a try. As long as people are happy with it, I'll keep it going.

I also want to mention that I'm going to be writing a sort of "Constitution" that explicitly spells out your rights as members, and my limitations-of-power in terms of being site-owner and moderator. I've always been a firm believer that people deserve to have "the law" (if you'll forgive me for using such a pompous-sounding term) explicitly spelled out for them - otherwise, how can they be expected to know what they can and cannot do? The Constitution (or whatever it will be called) is my responsibility to do, and the ball's in my court.

One thing people should not do is pre-announce when they're arriving at restaurants - dates, names, etc. - because that is in essence telling the owners when a member is arriving, and that could be construed as an attempt to curry favor even though it isn't necessarily so. (I've recently had a member write me privately and point out that more-and-more people are doing this of late, and (s)he's right - that used to be absolutely verboten, but I've slacked off some in terms of enforcing it because it's in my general nature to trust people (which is why I so often get burned in real life)). So let's please try to put a stop to that, and if you want to let the owners know you're coming, simply contact them privately - there's nothing I can do (or should do) about that. If there are any comps, freebies, discounts, etc. included in a meal, it is required that you fully disclose them - this is, of course, all based on the honor system. There's nothing wrong with this, as many people are friends with owners, regular customers, etc.; just try not to use the website as the vehicle for it, as it may cheapen us in the public eye. Rest assured, I'm aware that the member-influenced reviewing system is a form of this, but I do not announce when I'm coming, do not use my real name when making a reservation, and try my best to minimize the inevitable favoritism that could occur if a restaurant knows I'll be arriving soon - it's all I can do without eliminating the program altogether, and since it's working so far, I don't want to do that. It also helps *me* enormously, as it keeps my finger on the pulse of what members are interested in - don't think that the "winners" are the only places I'll be going to.

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Sun, Apr 11, 2016, 4:00 AM:

Good morning folks,

We have upgraded to Version 4.x of IPB (Invision Power Board), and it is a radical change from Versions 3.x, as you will see.

It is best at this point for you to use the system normally, and to report any problems here in this central repository.

I will do my best to reply in chronological order, and to mark the issue "Resolved" when the reporting member is satisfied (or when I cannot fix a problem, or explain something further). However, if there are problems so large that the website is unusable, please make the first word of your post, in all caps, URGENT. I will drop everything I'm working on, and go straight to that issue, so please use it judiciously. 

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Version 4: Learning to use Unread Content, and jumping to the unwritten post.

1) Click "Unread Content" (top-right) - it's on every screen that I can think of (including this one).

2) For the first topic you wish to see (presumably the most-recent), click on the time it was written, shown next to a little clock on the bottom-left. (If, for whatever reason, you wish to go to the first post in that thread, simply click on the thread name - you have your choice of going directly to the first or last post, and once you're in there, you can traverse to wherever you want).

You'll go straight to the unread post (note that there could be several unread posts - this will take you to the last post, and the entire thread will be marked read, so do one of two things:

   a) Page back when you're done, and continue scrolling down the old "Unread Content" page which will not be updated. An inherent problem with this is that unless you go through *all* the Unread Content, you may miss some of the posts, for example, the penultimate post.

   b ) Scroll up to make sure you've read everything you haven't yet read, then once you're completely finished with the thread, click on "Unread Content" anew - this will refresh the Unread Content list.

   Either way works - I do both, and it's a matter of personal preference. I find b ) much more effective for my (rather unique) purposes, because once I'm in somewhere, I may end up jumping around some, and wind up doing something else altogether, and using a) would result in me not reading some of the posts. Once I'm inside a thread, I like to finish what I need to do with it.

(Does trivial (or seemingly trivial) advice such as this help? I figure it probably doesn't hurt, and it may help, so why not post it?)

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On 4/27/2016 at 0:20 PM, dracisk said:

The Baltimore Suburbs Including Annapolis part of the Baltimore Dining Guide seems to have disappeared. Is that a glitch or by design?

It's certainly a glitch - I found it myself a few days ago; the question is: Did *I* do it, or did the upgrade do it. I had reported this to Invision several days ago - they made a backup copy of the website before upgrading, so if it was there before, it will be recoverable; if not, I'll just have to redo it. It's large, but not enormous, and other than the fact that I have no free time, it certainly wouldn't hurt to go through and examine the Baltimore Suburbs Dining Guide for accuracy and completeness. This is the only post I've seen that is simply *gone* - has anyone seen any others?

One other thing I'm sure people have noticed: there are massive amounts of characters that didn't convert correctly during the upgrade. Three examples of these are:

' = single quote (apostrophe)

è = French è (accent grave)
é = French é (accent aigu)


I've started a compilation of all these (they're always the same thing, it seems), and will repost what I come up with in a week or so. I'm hoping Invision will be able to go through programatically and change these back into what they were. (If not, I'm sorta hosed. :mellow:)


And another thing: A huge number of posts - I'd say the majority - are triple-spaced in between paragraphs, i.e., there's a superfluous carriage return. I'm also hoping this can be correct programatically along with the accents. Essentially, you write a program that traverses all posts, and finds all instances of these things, and converts them back into what they're supposed to be. The extra carriage return would be converted into <null>. I could do this manually (and in some painfully obvious cases, I have), but it would be a fool's errand to attempt to do this when a program can do it in one iteration of the database.


If anyone cares to keep a separate list of special characters which didn't convert, it would be *extremely* useful if they could add anything I'm missing a week-or-so from now; otherwise, the program (if there is to be a program) will need to be modified and run a second time. Given that every character of every post will need to be examined, this is a hugely time-consuming process, and I'm trying to make life as easy as possible for Invision.

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Don -

You posted a couple things to Twitter recently and when I click on the link (from my phone which has me logged in to the site) I get an error messaging saying "you don't have approval to view this content".  This never happened with the old site. 

Don't know if it's intentional, or a glitch  (or how to overcome it), but if you have twitter followers who aren't members of this site, they are now essentially blocked.

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1 hour ago, Bart said:

Don -

You posted a couple things to Twitter recently and when I click on the link (from my phone which has me logged in to the site) I get an error messaging saying "you don't have approval to view this content".  This never happened with the old site. 

Don't know if it's intentional, or a glitch  (or how to overcome it), but if you have twitter followers who aren't members of this site, they are now essentially blocked.

That's because you have to be signed in to see the DC Forum now, so that has nothing to do with the upgrade.

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I am signed into the DC forum on my phone (via Safari), just like I was before the update.  But pre-update tweets would open up to the DR site and specific thread within the Twitter app.  Now when I click on a twitter link, I get an error message ("don't have approval to view") within the Twitter app.

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13 minutes ago, Bart said:

I am signed into the DC forum on my phone (via Safari), just like I was before the update.  But pre-update tweets would open up to the DR site and specific thread within the Twitter app.  Now when I click on a twitter link, I get an error message ("don't have approval to view") within the Twitter app.

You're right - I see it on my iPhone too. We were down for awhile earlier today - I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. How long has this problem occurred on your iPhone (that you've noticed)?

Do you see something that says "Existing User? Sign In"? If so, try that - it worked for me. Maybe there's a one-time sign-in for iPhone Twitter now that we've had the upgrade.

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1 hour ago, Bart said:

^ Hey!  The actual photo shows up, and not just a link!!! ^

Big improvement from the old system!

Yes, click on the thing that says "Existing User? Sign in," and you'll be fine - I got the same thing.

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I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it has.

Friends, for over eleven years, I have gotten emails, phone calls, or text messages at least once a week asking me for help. This can range from "Where should I ....?" to "I need a job, but only as a Chef de Cuisine in a top restaurant," to "I'm looking for an AGM to work 60 hours a week for $35K." 

More often than not, these requests come from members who do not regularly sign on or post, and quite often, these members are making several hundred thousand dollars a year, if not more. When the messages begin, they tend to be machine-gun persistent, often when I'm right in the middle of doing something.

I'm sorry to do this, and please understand that this is a cumulative result of hundreds of requests for free assistance, and not the result of any one person asking me for a favor, but effective immediately, my fees are as follows:

The service I provide is unique, and is not able to be duplicated by anyone else in the DC area, though I encourage people to try all other venues. However, despite that, I'm going to be charging only what a "normal fee" is for a decent attorney in the DC area: Starting immediately, my fees are $300/hour for any type of restaurant or wine help, and 1 month's salary for job placement, payable in advance. Large accounts will be handled on a retainer basis.

If you're a long-time, active member who signs on five days a week or so, and posts several times per week (you know who you are), these fees will be waved.

My goal here is not to make a penny; it's to be shown the same respect anyone else in such a senior-level position should expect to be shown: If you think you can find help elsewhere at my level of expertise, by all means, I beg you, please *do*, and I ask in advance that you accept my apologies for declining any further requests to drop everything I'm doing in order to work for free on your behalf.

And believe me, the first time I take any money for anything, I'm going to feel like a real shit, but I'm not going to do this for free any longer.

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Somehow, someway, Invision was able to restore the current version in a matter of minutes.

I have to run out the door for an MRI.

I haven't had a chance to even check the website, so I'm hoping you can all peek around for me - it should be current through the end of the day on Tuesday.

Please post here if you see anything that doesn't look right - I'll manually update the missing data later, maybe tomorrow morning.

I'm sorry we were offline for so long.

Do me a favor: Make yourself a copy of *anything* you post here today. I can't guarantee it's going to be right, but a cursory glance looks like it is. But still, please make a copy of any post, just today, so I can check it later tonight.

Off ...

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Welcome back Don!

So far I've had to login 3 different times.  The first was understandable because of the site shutdown, but I'm wondering about the other two.  I didn't log off or restart my computer or do anything weird, but when I returned and hit the "unread content" button I had to re-login.  I'll keep you posted if it keeps happening (or if it doesn't)

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13 minutes ago, Bart said:

Welcome back Don!

So far I've had to login 3 different times.  The first was understandable because of the site shutdown, but I'm wondering about the other two.  I didn't log off or restart my computer or do anything weird, but when I returned and hit the "unread content" button I had to re-login.  I'll keep you posted if it keeps happening (or if it doesn't)

I just noticed the Events and Gatherings forum wasn't viewable by anyone who isn't signed in - I fixed that. Has this been the case? If so, I didn't know.

Just let me know if this doesn't resolve, Bart - often, things like this are individual browser issues.

Me? I'm in a bar, having a 3 Stars Peppercorn Saison - it's been that kind of week. -_-

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17 hours ago, DonRocks said:

Do me a favor: Make yourself a copy of *anything* you post here today. I can't guarantee it's going to be right, but a cursory glance looks like it is. But still, please make a copy of any post, just today, so I can check it later tonight.

My post that I made just after the board came back up is still there with all of it's content. No complaints here.

Hope the weekend will help with this stressful week for you. Rumor is we may even get some sun.

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15 hours ago, DonRocks said:

Just let me know if this doesn't resolve, Bart - often, things like this are individual browser issues.

Don - it happened again twice this morning.  The first time was when I logged in after a restart.  The second time was just now after I was off the site for a bit.  I didn't close the browser window or anything, I just was off doing other things.

A little more data: 1)  A couple other sites that I frequent came right back up and had me automatically logged in after the restart, 2) that's what used to happen to me on your site - - I would be automatically logged in when I restarted my computer.  Now, I have to re-login after a restart and also when I've been away for a bit.  I'm using a PC at work so that might be the culprit, but these problems only started yesterday.

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1 hour ago, Bart said:

Don - it happened again twice this morning.  The first time was when I logged in after a restart.  The second time was just now after I was off the site for a bit.  I didn't close the browser window or anything, I just was off doing other things.

A little more data: 1)  A couple other sites that I frequent came right back up and had me automatically logged in after the restart, 2) that's what used to happen to me on your site - - I would be automatically logged in when I restarted my computer.  Now, I have to re-login after a restart and also when I've been away for a bit.  I'm using a PC at work so that might be the culprit, but these problems only started yesterday.

Clear your browser, and make sure "Remember Me" is checked when you sign in. I haven't heard from anyone else having this problem.

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The Auto-Save Feature in the New Invision Upgrade

Some may have noticed, and hopefully used, the auto-save feature in Version 3 of IPS (Invision Power Services, Inc.), which is the forum software we used before the recent upgrade. However, they have made some improvements in Version 4, which is what we're using now.

In the words of Stuart, an Invision tech specialist:

IPS4 automatically saves what's in the editor, if you don't click 'submit' the content will be there in the editor the next time you open it. Additionally, IPS4 also saves this in the web browser, so for example, it would still retain the data even if your internet connection went down (3.x wouldn't do this).

And when I asked for some further clarification about what happens when your computer crashes while typing in a brand new topic:

If for example you're posting a new topic and you don't save the post, the contents of the text editor are periodically saved into your web browser storage. If for example your PC got turned off, or you closed the browser window, the next time you attempt to create a topic (in the same forum section) the text editor will be pre-filled with the content that you had previously entered.

Many thanks for Stuart for his permission to reprint his words, and to the entire Invision team for being so responsive.

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On ‎5‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 10:44 AM, DonRocks said:

 I haven't heard from anyone else having this problem.

Don -  I think the problem is gone.  I didn't have to re-login on Friday or today, so it looks like everything is back to normal.  Thanks!

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I have to admit I haven't visited the boards in a few months, but it seems that fewer people have signature lines. Is this the new norm or am I misremembering? I actually used the search function to find this thread and it worked, so I'm over the moon!!

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42 minutes ago, DrXmus said:

I have to admit I haven't visited the boards in a few months, but it seems that fewer people have signature lines. Is this the new norm or am I misremembering? I actually used the search function to find this thread and it worked, so I'm over the moon!!

41 minutes ago, Bart said:

I haven't noticed the signatures, but I did notice a few people that had avatars no longer do.

These are both probably settings that I can change - you're the first people to bring them up.

Awhile back, I reported the avatar situation to Invision, and they told me that Gravitars weren't being allowed - I changed that, and more avatars showed up. Can you show some examples of members who used to show an avatar, but no longer do?

I haven't noticed the signatures either, but if you give me some more specifics, I'll report these to Invision Monday morning as issues. I'm not sure where every setting is located, so I'll need their help on these.

If anyone out there used to display an avatar or a signature, but no longer is, can you let me know as well? This way I can give them some concrete examples.

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I have noticed that the replies are no longer numbered, or at least it's not displaying for me. That sometimes used to help when referring to an older post. Could it be brought back? Also, when I hit "unread content" to see what's new I'd like to see all recent topics including those I happened to have already read, because then I know there's nothing new and I don't have to go searching for it to be sure.  That requires a change in the "read status" from "unread" to "everything" every time.  Can that default be changed permanently?

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26 minutes ago, johnb said:

I have noticed that the replies are no longer numbered, or at least it's not displaying for me. That sometimes used to help when referring to an older post. Could it be brought back? Also, when I hit "unread content" to see what's new I'd like to see all recent topics including those I happened to have already read, because then I know there's nothing new and I don't have to go searching for it to be sure.  That requires a change in the "read status" from "unread" to "everything" every time.  Can that default be changed permanently?

This is a really good point, and I don't like that either. I suspect they *are* numbered (in fact, I *know* they're numbered); the question is: Can those numbers be displayed? I will ask Invision on Monday if there's a way to do it. 

The "unread content" issue is probably a personal setting - I can look for you, but I suspect each member can set their own preferences there (and if I can't find out, I will ask on Monday). 

Bart, I saw your comment about Mark and Katelin, and I hope to hear from them - there might be one certain "pattern" of avatars that isn't showing up, and it would be helpful to establish that pattern.

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3 minutes ago, DonRocks said:

This is a really good point, and I don't like that either. I suspect they *are* numbered (in fact, I *know* they're numbered); the question is: Can those numbers be displayed? I will ask Invision on Monday if there's a way to do it. 

The "unread content" issue is probably a personal setting - I can look for you, but I suspect each member can set their own preferences there (and if I can't find out, I will ask on Monday). 

Bart, I saw your comment about Mark and Katelin, and I hope to hear from them - there might be one certain "pattern" of avatars that isn't showing up, and it would be helpful to establish that pattern.

While we're at it, one additional thing.  Some of us have words in our avatars.  They displayed fine when they were shown as squares.  But since the board went to the circle display, the words get partially cut off and no longer make sense (maybe they never did, but I digress).  Is it possible to go back to the old square display?

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14 minutes ago, johnb said:

While we're at it, one additional thing.  Some of us have words in our avatars.  They displayed fine when they were shown as squares.  But since the board went to the circle display, the words get partially cut off and no longer make sense (maybe they never did, but I digress).  Is it possible to go back to the old square display?

I will ask (my guess is no, but I can see what you mean by looking at your avatar, and will use that as an example).

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51 minutes ago, Mark Slater said:

My PC shows the same screen as my mobile version. Only my laptop displays the desktop version.

What do you mean by "PC?" A desktop? What type of PC do you have, and which operating system?

Screenshots would be very useful here. Could you either post them, or email them to me and I'll post them?

I use the mobile version very sparingly, so I don't have a lot of real-world experience with that; I only know that there are no longer two different mobile options.

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19 hours ago, DonRocks said:

I will ask (my guess is no, but I can see what you mean by looking at your avatar, and will use that as an example).

There are many others.  For example, go up several posts in this thread (sorry I can't cite the post number :angry: -- it's 11 back) and look at DrXmus' avatar -- same issue.

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22 hours ago, johnb said:

...Also, when I hit "unread content" to see what's new I'd like to see all recent topics including those I happened to have already read, because then I know there's nothing new and I don't have to go searching for it to be sure.  That requires a change in the "read status" from "unread" to "everything" every time.  Can that default be changed permanently?

I think I have figured this out.  Click on "unread content."  Then change "read status" to "everything" and set the time frame for last 1 or 2 days, or whatever you want.  I was then (can't remember exactly how) offered an opportunity to save or not save this as a "stream."  Saved it, gave it a name, and now it shows up under the tab "activity" as a "custom stream."  A bit of a workaround, but it's ok.  Sorry not to have better step-by-step instructions.

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4 hours ago, sheldman said:

I think I have figured this out.  Click on "unread content."  Then change "read status" to "everything" and set the time frame for last 1 or 2 days, or whatever you want.  I was then (can't remember exactly how) offered an opportunity to save or not save this as a "stream."  Saved it, gave it a name, and now it shows up under the tab "activity" as a "custom stream."  A bit of a workaround, but it's ok.  Sorry not to have better step-by-step instructions.

Pat has done some independent hunting around, and found some settings, so I'm going to check in with her later to see where we stand.

Marc Stridgen, with Invision (responsive as always), answered all the issues in one support ticket:

1) Signature lines missing


From what I am reading, it seems someone is assuming this to be the case with no example or even being sure. If you could find me an example of what is meant there, then we can of course assist, however there is little we can do based on the information from that member.


[Note from Don - Pat found out some information about this, and I'll coordinate it with her in the next day or two.]

2) Missing avatars (not the Gravitar issue we found earlier)


The reality with this one, is that most people on your site do seem to have them. Given it has now been quite a while since your upgrade, reverting to backup or even getting information is not really an option. I would simply be asking people to add another avatar at this point.


[Note from Don - I agree with Mark. It's a shame having to ask folks to re-do their avatars, but it really is the easiest solution at this point. Here's how to do it: Click Your Name in the Upper-Right -> Profile -> Click the Little Square to the Bottom-Right of Your Avatar -> And you should be able to take it from there, having several options to choose from, with my apologies.]

3) Replies within posts are no longer numbered.


This is indeed the case in IPS4 and is by design. The numbers, whilst looked helpful, were not actually as useful as people thought it IP.Board. The reason for this is that everyone has 1 - x, however some people can see more posts. For example, if there is a hidden post which is the second post, everyone elses #2 would actually be your #3.


[Note from Don - I liked the numbers, too, since I don't employ the methodology of "Hiding Posts" (there's a button I can click to "Hide" posts from everyone's view but my own, but I've never used this feature except in exactly one situation: Before I manually approve posts made in the Professionals and Businesses Forum, the posts remain "hidden" (I need to make sure each post is at least 100-words-long and signed with a real name before approving it)). Unfortunately for us, many other IPB Communities do use the "Hide" feature regularly, and Invision needed to do what was best for the most users of their product - I can't argue with this rationale. John, this isn't optimal, but each post on the entire website can be uniquely identified by clicking on its URL (the little "<"-looking thing on the top-right of each post - or simply looking at the URL in the Google search bar), it will be on the rightmost side of the URL, i.e., if you look at this URL, it will say "comment=309399" (which means it's the 309,399th comment ever made on the website, and will *always* have that number associated with it, e.g., if I were to delete this post, the post written immediately afterwards - anywhere on the website - would be post #309,400). Believe me, I know that isn't as simple as simply saying "the 13th post in this thread," but there is no other option, and at least it's a way to definitively refer to each post without ambiguity. I'm sorry about this.]

4) Circle avatars instead of square avatars


You can change this to square avatars if you would prefer from your theme settings. If you visit Customization>Appearance>Themes, then select the pencil icon at the side of your theme and select the 'Custom' tab, you will see this option there.


[Note from Don - I'm going to go ahead and change them back to squares.]

5) A PC showing only the mobile version; only a laptop shows the full version.


This can only really be the resolution of the screen. The system is now responsive in design, so it changes based on the size of window in which it is showing. If its showing the mobile theme, then that PC has an extremely low resolution.


[Note from Don - If anyone needs me to act on something else, please let me know. The two BIG things that I'm dreading bringing up with Invision are the triple-spacing between all paragraphs in all posts (which weren't there before), and the special characters having translated into garbage characters (note: this is in the display only; the database itself (i.e., the internal storage of the posts) should be fine) - and as far as I can tell, a custom program will need to be written, traversing every single post in the database, searching for patterns, and changing them when found. The irony is that I could easily write this program myself, but I'm not familiar with the programming language they use - well, at least the "black diamonds with question marks" are gone, so it's something of a wash. The special characters are obviously a huge problem; do people agree with me that double-spacing is much more "clean looking" than triple-spacing in-between paragraphs, such as what I've done in this post? I'm afraid they're going to be reluctant to write a custom program for one customer, but these problems didn't exist before the upgrade, so what am I supposed to do?]


[One more note from Don: There are probably several hundred settings that I can adjust, many of which I don't even know what they are, or do. I've asked Invision if there's some kind of course I can take to familiarize myself with the product, and if I take such a course, I'll be glad to have a group meeting (I can get a private room in a restaurant somewhere, and we can go through all of this while drinking), and we can decide on what's best for the community - sort of a "focus group" meeting with drinks involved - but if we do this, I need to educate myself first.]

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1 hour ago, DonRocks said:

1) Signature lines missing


From what I am reading, it seems someone is assuming this to be the case with no example or even being sure. If you could find me an example of what is meant there, then we can of course assist, however there is little we can do based on the information from that member.


[Note from Don - Pat found out some information about this, and I'll coordinate it with her in the next day or two.]


Sorry, I didn't mean to generate a shitstorm. My general, subjective impression of the new site was that there were fewer sig lines, not that that mine or anyone else's is missing, just that it seems there are fewer. I was simply asking if I'd missed a request that we. It have them, that's all. 

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I also miss the numbered post feature, but I accept your explanation.  Another feature I miss, is that in the index for a forum you used to be able to click on an arrow in the middle of the page that would take you automatically to 'The last post,' in the thread.  There was also one that would take you to 'The first post.'  I found that feature very useful and would like to see it come back, if possible, without a lot of work on your part.

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Did you get a response to my question... is there a way that clicking on the topic heading can take a signed in user to the last item they read in that topic?  I will note that eGullet has this feature & I suspect that they are using the same version of Invision software that donrockwell.com is using.

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6 hours ago, curls said:

Did you get a response to my question... is there a way that clicking on the topic heading can take a signed in user to the last item they read in that topic?  I will note that eGullet has this feature & I suspect that they are using the same version of Invision software that donrockwell.com is using.

I was wondering this too, I thought on the old DR when you clicked something on the unread content it took you to the last page and was wondering about this, it isn't a big deal, but slightly annoying.

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33 minutes ago, Rieux said:

Click on the little dot or star next to the topic name

Thank you. Unfortunately not every topic that I can see has a dot or star next to the topic name. Where I do have a dot or star, it looks like it takes me to the last unread post. I am hoping there is a setting that can be tweaked so that all topics keep track of the last unread post.

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12 minutes ago, curls said:

That is not my experience. I have topics with new content & without dots or circles.

It may be the computer / system you're using.  When I'm at work, I don't see the little dots or stars at the beginning of posts, there's just a blank space.  I can put my mouse there and click on the (not visible) dot to go to the first unread post

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