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Technical question which will eventually be moved to another thread...

Why is it that some pictures, apparently pictures that can be seen by others, show up as a big red "X" on my screen? I assume there's something my computer doesn't have on it, but what?

I'm certain I'm not the only one who has this problem.



I too suffer from BRX syndrome. You're not alone. See your doctor about prescribing Redexafil from Pfizer.

Drug Warning: You may feel a powerful sense of impending doom; this is because you are about to die. Men may experience impotence, but only during intercourse. Otherwise, a powerful erection will accompany your daily "walking-around time." Do not take this product if you are uneasy with lockjaw. Do not be near a ringing telephone that works at 900 MHz or you will be very dead, very fast. We are assuming you have had chicken pox. You also may experience a growing dissatisfaction with life along with a deep sense of melancholy-join the club! Do not be concerned if you arouse a few ticks from a Geiger counter. You might want to get a one-month trial subscription to Extreme Fighting. The hook shape of the pill will often cause it to become caught in the larynx. To remove, jam a finger down your throat while a friend holds your nose to prevent the pill from lodging in a nasal passage. Then throw yourself stomach first on the back portion of a chair. The expulsion of air should eject the pill out of the mouth, unless it goes into a sinus cavity, or the brain. WARNING: This drug may shorten your intestines by twenty-one feet. Has been known to cause birth defects in the user retroactively.

Thanks Steve!

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Technical question which will eventually be moved to another thread...

Why is it that some pictures, apparently pictures that can be seen by others, show up as a big red "X" on my screen? I assume there's something my computer doesn't have on it, but what?

I'm certain I'm not the only one who has this problem.



I'm having the same problem too.

Back to the market - the saltenas Monavano mentioned ARE delicious. The one quirk of buying them (at least in my experience) is that no matter what you order, it is never quite certain whether you are going to get beef or chicken. Last time I asked for one of each and wound up with 2 beef, last time I asked for beef I got chicken :angry: . Beef or chicken, they're both good, filled with meat and various veggies in a thin gravy. The spicy green (jalapeno) sauce that comes on the side adds another dimension of flavor.

The jams available from ?? (I'll update this when I check the jar) are also quite good - we've enjoyed the blackberry and cherry this summer.

And then there's Tom the cheese man - what can I say about him - it's always a treat to talk to him. The Amish cheeses he sells are reasonably priced and he offers a variety of flavors (spicy, herbs, etc). Be sure to try the cave aged varieties when he has them.

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I suspect eG has blocked third-party links into their image hosting service so other sites can't sponge off their bandwidth, hence the X.

As a test, I'll try linking to an image I just uploaded there; we'll see if it works or not.

ETA: Yep, that's the issue; solution is to upload your images to flickr, photobucket, or someplace similar, and link from there. Removed link.

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I suspect eG has blocked third-party links into their image hosting service so other sites can't sponge off their bandwidth, hence the X.


Definitely true for eGullet:

wget --referer=http://egullet.org/ http://forums.egullet.org/uploads/1188919036/gallery_8815_5112_1879.jpg

works just fine, but

wget --referer=http://foo.org/ http://forums.egullet.org/uploads/1188919036/gallery_8815_5112_1879.jpg

results in a 403:Forbidden error.

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I would like to know how people reduce their images when they post them. I would rather that than the billboard sized pics I post.

There are more sophisticated ways, of course, but using the tools that come with the machines:

On a Mac, I use a two-step process:

1) from iPhoto, select an image and choose the Export... menu item (this is under the File menu in iLife '06). From the pop-up window, set the "Format:" dropdown to JPG if necessary. Now select "Scale images no larger than:" and choose a more friendly size like 800x600, then hit Export. Give the file a new working name.

2) Open the newly-created file using Preview. It'll be a lot smaller than the original, but probably still several hundred KB. Choose File -> Save As... and kick the "Quality" slider a couple of notches to the left. I usually set it around the 60% neighborhood. Now hit "Save" and enjoy your newly reduced file.

On Windows XP:

Select and open your image file with Paint. If it opens with Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (the default application), you'll see a row of icons along the bottom of the application window...the second from the right looks like a tiny painting, and will reopen the file using Paint. From within Paint, select the Image -> Stretch/Skew... menu item. Set both the Horizontal and Vertical "stretch" values to the same fractional value: 20 or 25% works well for 4 or 5 megapixel photos. Click "OK". Now select File -> Save As... and give it a final name. Paint doesn't give you a quality setting, but tends to write adequately small files by default.

Both iPhoto and Paint can be used to crop your image composition to focus on your subject (and save space); if you're so inclined, you should do this right after opening the original file. Note that iPhoto makes it difficult to accidentally permanently alter the original photo file, but Paint can and will overwrite your original if you allow it to. So use "Save As..." and pick a new name whenever possible.

Here's a 2.3MB photo processed both ways.

Mac version (63k): post-710-1188943003_thumb.jpg Windows version (58k): post-710-1188943018_thumb.jpg

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I suspect eG has blocked third-party links into their image hosting service so other sites can't sponge off their bandwidth, hence the X.

As a test, I'll try linking to an image I just uploaded there; we'll see if it works or not.

ETA: Unless someone else is seeing something other than the X, that's the issue; solution is to upload your images to flickr, photobucket, or someplace similar, and link from there.

I see no X. I see an empty space. I didn't see the X on the original post Rocks was replying to either. I'm cutting the link from this reply, as there seems no point to keep hammering it.

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I see no X. I see an empty space. I didn't see the X on the original post Rocks was replying to either. I'm cutting the link from this reply, as there seems no point to keep hammering it.

Actually, I replaced the img link with a link to the pics on eG. I think that works. I also posted a Flickr slideshow down thread. I gave that a check and it works too. I've not been able to post my photos from Flickr as an img on DR.com. Mr. MV is going to help me out with these issues so I don't post red x's anymore.

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I see no X. I see an empty space. I didn't see the X on the original post Rocks was replying to either. I'm cutting the link from this reply, as there seems no point to keep hammering it.
The X is a placeholder that doesn't show up on all browsers (Firefox, for instance) unless you've chosen to configure them that way.
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Boring legal stuff, but it needs to be done once in awhile. This user agreement is effective immediately, and supercedes all prior versions. It has been updated primarily to emphasize the importance this website places on safeguarding our members' privacy. Changes are in bold. Cheers, Rocks.

Please take a moment to review these Registration Terms and Rules detailed below. If you agree with them and wish to proceed with the registration, simply click the "Register" button below. To cancel this registration, simply hit the 'back' button on your browser.


You agree to provide your real, full name and other certain other limited data when you register. While we encourage you to use your real name either as your username or in your signature line, so long as you abide by the site's Terms and Rules this information will be held in confidence by the site's administrators, but you cannot participate unless you provide it. Your registration and continued participation on this board is at our complete and total discretion and may be suspended or cancelled at any time for any or no reason without notice.

You agree to be bound by the terms of these Terms and Rules as they exist at the time of your initial registration and any changes or amendments to them that might be made by us from time to time. Logging onto this site constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Rules as they exist at that time. We reserve the right to modify these Registration Terms and Rules at any time for any reason and, if we make substantive changes, we will make an announcement on the donrockwell.com bulletin board.

You agree that your participation in discussions on donrockwell.com, your use of the private messenger system, and any other activity involving donrockwell.com’s server or content are governed by these Terms and Rules. Whether you read these Terms and Rules or not, you will be legally bound by them when you use this site.

Please remember that we do not at all times actively monitor the activities of this bulletin board and are not responsible for any messages posted or their content. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, legality, completeness or usefulness of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of Don Rockwell or donrockwell.com. Any Registrant who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by private message or email, or via the site's "Report" function. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

You agree, through your use of this bulletin board, that you will not use it to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. If you engage in a persistent pattern of disruption, your registration will be cancelled and you may have your posts deleted, or have your conduct otherwise curtailed, at our complete discretion.

You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bulletin board, or you have the express consent of the copyright holder, or you otherwise comply with copyright laws governing the use of the material.

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These Registration Terms and Rules shall be governed by the laws of the state of Virginia, and any in-person proceedings must occur in the state of Virginia.

These Registration Terms and Rules took effect on September 21, 2007, and supersede all prior versions of the Registration Terms and Rules. Notice of changes was provided via site Administrative Announcement.

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This is an open letter to our Forum Hosts about editing/deleting posts:

1. The big reasons to delete a post are when they contain deliberate untruths, personal attacks (for example, it may be okay to say the service was idiotic, but it is never okay to say the server was an idiot), talk about food poisoning, religion, or politics, or when the posts are so off-topic that they cannot possibly be applicable on this website - sometimes I'll leave "one-liner" comments up for a few hours just to keep the flow going, and sometimes - if they're funny enough - I'll leave them altogether. Also, sometimes posts are deleted if a thread totally gets off topic, but usually the thread can just be split and/or the posts deleted at a later time so no one's fun is spoiled. When it comes to religion and politics, a general guideline is that if it offends just one person (and they use the "report a post" function), it may be too political and the poster should be asked to remove the political comment(s) from their post. If you have any doubts or questions about this, just ask me.

2. When deleting a post, send the poster(s) a PM telling them why the post was deleted and including a copy of the deleted post so they have the option of editing what they wrote and reposting. Also, deleted posts are never gone forever, but reside in the "deleted posts" forum and can be retrieved if necessary.

3. Do not edit the content of anyone's post without explicit permission from them (for example, if they want something removed/changed, but, due to the passage of time, they are no longer able to edit their own post).

4. Feel free to change thread titles, merge, split, move things to other more appropriate forums as needed. The only thing is to make sure the "The thread has been moved to _________" option is not checked when moving threads to another forum, since that creates needless clutter.

5. Nit-picky, I know, but a uniform "look" is important to me in order to create a welcoming atmosphere: The desired formatting of thread titles and descriptions is to have the first letter of all words in the thread title being capitalized and only the first word (and proper names, of course) being capitalized in the subheading.

6. The only exception to rule #3 is to go in to remove the dreaded triple-spacing. Especially with serial triple (or more!) -spacers. Just be very, very careful because post content can be permanently lost during editing with no way to retrieve it. I've occasionally gone in and corrected an obvious typo (most recently in one of Ann Cashion's responses), but even this should be done with extreme restraint, and not become a habit.

7. Any other questions? Just ask me! Members, feel free to ask me as well. Most importantly, THANK YOU for the time you spend volunteering to help here!



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membership as it stands today:

37% of members live in DC

36% of members live in VA

20% of members live in MD

7% of members live outside of the area

24% of members are industry professionals (given our rather loose definition)

The most popular first letter for a display name is "M" with 148 members (yay "M"!) and the least used, with 4 for each, are "Q", "X" and those starting with a number. :blink:

It has been a while since I've figured these out and thought an update was due with membership now topping 2000. :P

36% of members live in DC

37% of members live in VA

20% of members live in MD

7% of members live outside of the area (including members in: Canada, China, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Greece, Japan, Spain, Sudan & Qatar)

26% of members are industry professionals (given our rather loose definition)

The most popular first letters for a screen name are "M" & "S" with 183 members, second most popular is "D", 161 members, and "J" is third with 158 members. The least used letter to start a screen name is "Q" which is still standing at 4 members, then "X", 5 members, and "U" & those starting with a number are tied at third with 9 members.

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7% of members live outside of the area (including members in: Canada, China, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Greece, Japan, Spain, Sudan & Qatar)

And BlakeG just moved to New Jersey. :blink:

The most popular first letters for a screen name are "M" & "S" with 183 members, second most popular is "D", 161 members,

Are you saying that I follow S&M?

I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but hillvalley and mktye really need to take their bows here - I cannot emphasize how much thankless work goes into keeping track of membership. Also, mktye has actually pruned 282 users (these are people who have never posted, and haven't signed on in a year). The monthly pruning process alone is a major pain, but it keeps the member roster active and vibrant (instead of just going for sheer numbers).

Thank you both, once again. And again, and again.


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I'm not sure if everyone got auto-zapped back into Daylight Savings Time this weekend (I did). But to undo it, click on "My Controls" up above, then on the lefthand side click on "Board Settings," and then make sure Daylight Savings Time is unchecked.

Any question? Flip me a PM.



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I received this PM from one of our members (who may chime in if she likes):

I got this warning about a Trojan horse script exe attempt from McAfee when I hit the site this evening - you might want to give Invision a nudge and see if they can check things out.

12/14/2007 8:54:15 PM Script execution blocked [membername] iexplore.exe(http://www.donrockwell.com/) Script executed by iexplore.exe VBS/Psyme (Trojan)

I wrote Invision and this is what they said:


We're trying to track this down.. SOMETHING is up.. But we can't tell what just yet..

Are YOU getting the error/warning?


IPS Support

So something is going on - I have no idea what, but I think it's a good idea to let people know. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, can you provide as much information as possible?

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Whatever it is, it seems to happen just as the site address resolves, before the browser starts loading any images or text. Both our home PCs have flagged the virus, so there's clearly something going on. If you're using a PC, particularly if you're browsing the site with Internet Explorer, and you haven't gotten any similar messages from your virus scanner, please update your virus signatures immediately and run a full system scan. The virus in question, VBS/Psyme or Downloader.Psyme, is considered to be a fairly low threat, but it's not something you want hanging around on your machine either since it opens a back door to future potential nastiness. There are files you can search for to find out if your machine has been hit - details can be found at http://vil.nai.com/vil/Content/v_100749.htm(McAfee's Threat Center listing) or http://www.symantec.com/security_response/...-99&tabid=1 (Symantec's Security Response listing). Mac users should be safe on this one since it won't execute on OS X.

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I got the same error message a couple of times from my work computer yesterday. I am not at that computer right now, but if I remember correctly, that computer uses Windows 2000 and Internet Explorer.

Incidentally, I have not gotten an error message on my home computer, which I am writing this from. This computer runs on Windows XP and I am using Firefox.

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Is it ongoing? I noticed yesterday evening that several times, upon first entering the site, the topmost graphic would be replaced with a broken object indication...a bit unusual, but I thought Invision's webserver might have had a minor file or cache corruption problem with that image. I'm on a Mac tho - no VB here.

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I'm getting it too...on XP/IE/McAfee.

Here is some info from the Symantec site (link above) that states that those using IE are at risk.

Downloader.Psyme is a Trojan horse that downloads and executes a file. It uses a known exploit of ADODB stream objects in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
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Is it ongoing? I noticed yesterday evening that several times, upon first entering the site, the topmost graphic would be replaced with a broken object indication...a bit unusual, but I thought Invision's webserver might have had a minor file or cache corruption problem with that image. I'm on a Mac tho - no VB here.

Thanks for saying this. Yesterday was the first time I've ever seen a Lego-like image indicating a break, i.e. cube rendered in 3/4 "profile" with round prong on top. Just saw the same thing, now, above the Don Rockwell.com banner.

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IE7, xp professional 5.1.2600

I get an active x control message saying that microsoft wants to run something. I haven't clicked on it because I've never seen it before. I only get the message once when I first log in to this site after logging off my laptop altogether.

Then nekkid pics of Paris Hilton start jumping all over my screen.

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Thanks for saying this. Yesterday was the first time I've ever seen a Lego-like image indicating a break, i.e. cube rendered in 3/4 "profile" with round prong on top. Just saw the same thing, now, above the Don Rockwell.com banner.

According to Symantec,

Virus definitions dated before April 2, 2004 detect this threat as a Trojan horse.
, so it has been around a long time. If you are not getting a virus detected message update your software or get an anti-virus package ASAP.
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Thanks for saying this. Yesterday was the first time I've ever seen a Lego-like image indicating a break, i.e. cube rendered in 3/4 "profile" with round prong on top. Just saw the same thing, now, above the Don Rockwell.com banner.

Looks like this, and seems to be associated with a request to load "www.donrockwell.com/hwole.js", which doesn't exist. Not obvious to me where this reference is coming from.


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I got the same error message a couple of times from my work computer yesterday. I am not at that computer right now, but if I remember correctly, that computer uses Windows 2000 and Internet Explorer.

Incidentally, I have not gotten an error message on my home computer, which I am writing this from. This computer runs on Windows XP and I am using Firefox.

I got the error message again this morning on my work computer. It looks like this:


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Broken object corresponds to a randomly inserted, randomly named script link at the top of the page body.

Here's an excerpt of the main index page source showing the latest one tossed my way. In this instance, gobbj.js is the nonexistent broken object.


<body><script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='gobbj.js'></script>
<div id="ipbwrapper">
<script type="text/javascript">
 var ipb_var_st			= "0";
 var ipb_lang_tpl_q1	   = "Please enter a page number to jump to between 1 and";

Here's the same snippet from an undamaged page:


<div id="ipbwrapper">
<script type="text/javascript">
 var ipb_var_st			= "0";
 var ipb_lang_tpl_q1	   = "Please enter a page number to jump to between 1 and";

I'm not 100% certain that this is related to the trojan horse problem (for one thing, it's trying to send me a nominal javascript file, not a vbs file), but the behavior is highly suspicious. Can't see any reason for IPB to change the name of the script on the fly, if it's a normal part of the board.

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Okay, Invision wrote me about ninety minutes ago:


I apologize for the issues. There appears to have been an exploit related to the Apache webserver software on the server. We have made some changes that should fix this. Please reply and let us know if this continues to occur.

So at this point, please report anything that isn't normal, and I'll get back to them with any further problems.



P.S. Anyone who thinks it's "glamorous" running a restaurant website ... think again. This is the equivalent of a chef having to mop the bathroom when a toilet overflows!

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Okay, Invision wrote me about ninety minutes ago:

So at this point, please report anything that isn't normal, and I'll get back to them with any further problems.



P.S. Anyone who thinks it's "glamorous" running a restaurant website ... think again. This is the equivalent of a chef having to mop the bathroom when a toilet overflows!

I'm in FF, and while I don't get the virus problem (thank goodness). It has a pretty strong lag when I load the initial landing page.

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I saw these posts, and just checked my messages from Invision. This was in my inbox:


Just wanted to give you an update. Our hosting department made the changes to all of the servers but still seem to be able to replicate the issue so untimately, it's not 100% corrected yet. I do apologize for the abrupt reply that it was.

I'll put your ticket here on hold status for now. When we get this worked out, we'll go ahead and respond and let you know. Again, I do apologize for the inconvience.

Thank you,


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Thanks for saying this. Yesterday was the first time I've ever seen a Lego-like image indicating a break, i.e. cube rendered in 3/4 "profile" with round prong on top. Just saw the same thing, now, above the Don Rockwell.com banner.
According to Symantec, , so it has been around a long time. If you are not getting a virus detected message update your software or get an anti-virus package ASAP.
:( :( Would someone explain this to me? I am intelligent but virtually utterly ignorant when it comes to computer-related issues. As the user of a fairly new Mac, need I worry? Thanks!
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This was in my inbox, but it looks like Invision put it out as a general announcement:


It has come to our attention that a recently discovered weakness in the Linux kernel has allowed dynamic altering of some customer websites, triggering anti-virus software. The issue exists on a Linux/server level. There will be no data loss due to this weakness and your website will remain fully in tact. The actual files of your web site were not altered.

A fix for this issue has been identified and we are working diligently to apply this fix to all servers as quickly as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience while we work to restore normal service as quickly as possible. We hope to have the fix implemented by the end of the day.

Updates on the IPS Hosting servers can be found at: http://ipshosting.net

Thank you,

Keith Kacin

Support Supervisor

Invision Power Services

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Anyone else besides me having problems with the board since last night?

On my desktop, I can't stay signed in - it says I am, then it immediately reloads the screen as if I'm a guest. My laptop is fine.

Invision has changed a couple settings in the past day or two, and now they're saying I need to clear Invision's cookies (there's an option for that on the main page), and also my browser cache and cookies using Windows. I've done both, but it isn't helping.

This has happened before, and Invision invariably figures out what the problem is, but it takes a couple days of back-and-forth.

For now, it looks like many people are able to sign in normally, but I've had a couple alerts from others who can't.

From this end, I'm working on it. Starbuck's coffee sucks, by the way.

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