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Where the heck is the thread for National's Park? I have tried every search string I could think of, and got nada. :(

Here's the thread:


You can find it by searching for "nationals park" on google advanced search, limiting the search results to donrockwell.com, which is my preferred way of finding anything on the site.


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You can also search "Eating" in the forums on this site. It is one of the threads titled "Eating at" instead of "Dining at/in/near" ... and the revamped search function here actually does a better job but really only if you know what you're looking for. (Not sure why it wouldn't find "Nationals" though ... I'll investigate.)

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Wow, the search engine on the board really didn't want me to find this thread!

It bears repeating - go to Google and type "don rockwell <name of restaurant>" rather than using the board search. 9 times out of 10 (including "mad fox"), it's the first link.

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It bears repeating - go to Google and type "don rockwell <name of restaurant>" rather than using the board search. 9 times out of 10 (including "mad fox"), it's the first link.

Another very fast method is to go to the correct Dining Guide and use Ctrl+F or Open Apple+F, it's a breeze. The major difficulty there is if a restaurant is in Multiple Locations but you're looking in DC/MD/VA.

Invision's search won't search words fewer than four letters (ol_ironstomach and I tested this one day, when we were apparently supremely bored). It might find "Mad Fox" in quotation marks now, since it does do grouped searching.

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Well, I can attest that it does not, in fact, find "Mad Fox" in quotation marks.

What a crappy search engine.

No, it failed to find it because you didn't follow the rules -- no words under four letters will be accepted. Except you won't know that because it will just respond as "no results found for <under four letters word>."

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No, it failed to find it because you didn't follow the rules -- no words under four letters will be accepted. Except you won't know that because it will just respond as "no results found for <under four letters word>."

I was more commenting on what leleboo said: "It might find "Mad Fox" in quotation marks now, since it does do grouped searching. "

It is still a crappy search engine. There are at least a couple of restaurants with three character names...

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I was more commenting on what leleboo said: "It might find "Mad Fox" in quotation marks now, since it does do grouped searching. "

It is still a crappy search engine. There are at least a couple of restaurants with three character names...

Right - you can't group because each of the word is under four letters. So even if you searched "mad fox" as a grouping, because each of the word is only 3 letters, the search will fail. It's a weird algorithm.

I find the "Unread Notifications" box on the right inaccurate as well as distracting. I know you can get rid of it w a simple click, but I'd like to know if there is a way to keep it offscreen via "Preferences". Thanks.

There is the "recent topics" box on the right that you can make disappear by clicking that ">>" arrow, but not sure about permanently.

If you are talking about the notifications box, AB, you can go up top, click on "my settings" then click on "notification options" and uncheck any "email" or "inline notifications" to get rid of pop ups on the mainframe (but this won't get rid of the "topics" box on the right).

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Right - you can't group because each of the word is under four letters. So even if you searched "mad fox" as a grouping, because each of the word is only 3 letters, the search will fail. It's a weird algorithm.

Why not just use Google or Bing and put site:donrockwell.com after the words? That will eliminate the need to use the crappy search feature on this site.

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I find the "Unread Notifications" box on the right inaccurate as well as distracting. I know you can get rid of it w a simple click, but I'd like to know if there is a way to keep it offscreen via "Preferences". Thanks.

I believe if you go into "My Settings"-->"Notification Options" and unclick the entire vertical line of boxes under "Inline notifications" then that box will go away.

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Another very fast method is to go to the correct Dining Guide and use Ctrl+F or Open Apple+F, it's a breeze. The major difficulty there is if a restaurant is in Multiple Locations but you're looking in DC/MD/VA.

Invision's search won't search words fewer than four letters (ol_ironstomach and I tested this one day, when we were apparently supremely bored). It might find "Mad Fox" in quotation marks now, since it does do grouped searching.

Another super-fast way to do a good search of the forum is to Google (without the quotes) "site:www.donrockwell.com" and then whatever you're searching for, e.g.

site:www.donrockwell.com komi

It's basically the equivalent of the Google advanced search trick, but it does it in one fell click instead of two.

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I need some help resolving an access issue. My home computer cannot connect to DR.com -- I get an error message saying the server may be down. I've tried several different browsers and two different internet connections. Ideas?

This was happening to everyone last night, I believe. Essentially, we've overloaded Invision's server - we're way over out allotments for disk space and web traffic. In the next week or two, we're moving the entire website to another host (warning: expect glitches!) The problem may or may not be related to this, but I suspect it is. (Invision, by the way, is phasing out of the hosting business to concentrate on their forum software.)

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This was happening to everyone last night, I believe. Essentially, we've overloaded Invision's server - we're way over out allotments for disk space and web traffic. In the next week or two, we're moving the entire website to another host (warning: expect glitches!) The problem may or may not be related to this, but I suspect it is. (Invision, by the way, is phasing out of the hosting business to concentrate on their forum software.)

It isn't the same problem because I still get that message on my home computer but not on other computers. This is the only page I have tried to access that I can't. I can get other Invision boards.

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It isn't the same problem because I still get that message on my home computer but not on other computers. This is the only page I have tried to access that I can't. I can get other Invision boards.

Do you have more than one computer at home? Can you test to see if its limited to a single computer of if it's your ISP?

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Do you have more than one computer at home? Can you test to see if its limited to a single computer of if it's your ISP?

I can bring my work laptop home tomorrow and test that. I have tested my laptop and on two other networks and it doesn't work -- that is why I suspect it is a setting on my computer. I just don't know what that would be.

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I need some help resolving an access issue. My home computer cannot connect to DR.com -- I get an error message saying the server may be down. I've tried several different browsers and two different internet connections. Ideas?

I have been having the same problem from my work computer for a couple of months now, which stinks, because it means that I actually have to do work now. :(

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I have been having the same problem from my work computer for a couple of months now, which stinks, because it means that I actually have to do work now. :(

Glad to know I'm not suffering alone. I've tried a bunch of suggestions on different tech boards with no luck. I'm now beyond my own limited computer skills and need to ask a savvier friend for help. If I find something that works and I can describe it without butchering it, I will post info.

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I can bring my work laptop home tomorrow and test that. I have tested my laptop and on two other networks and it doesn't work -- that is why I suspect it is a setting on my computer. I just don't know what that would be.

Sorry I haven't checked this forum in a while. My guess is you have some sort of blocker "protecting" your computer. It's hard to say what specifically without looking at all your apps and browser settings. Hopefully your friend can pinpoint it.

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Thanks for the merge, Don. I did search for a listing prior to creating a thread, but this one did not come up.

FWIW -- It's in the Multiple Locations dining guide. If you use Invision's search and type "Taylor" it doesn't come up until the third page. See here for other ideas on how best to search the forum. :(

(This message will self-destruct in 24 hours.)

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FWIW -- It's in the Multiple Locations dining guide. If you use Invision's search and type "Taylor" it doesn't come up until the third page. See here for other ideas on how best to search the forum. :(

(This message will self-destruct in 24 hours.)

Thanks for the tip on the Multiple locations guide and the google search. I did use Invision's search and type taylor. There must be a better way to do this short of a Don Rockwell website with geographical map and listings.

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Thanks for the tip on the Multiple locations guide and the google search. I did use Invision's search and type taylor. There must be a better way to do this short of a Don Rockwell website with geographical map and listings.

Well that's what the Dining Guides are for. If you put "Taylor Gourmet" in quotation marks in the Invision search it'll come up sooner, but the native search function is really notoriously bad.

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I've trying to convince Don since the dawn of the Dining Guide that it is not as useful as it could be because of the Multiple Locations restaurants not showing up in their respective locations. You can see how far I have gotten. :(

edit: yeah, I know I should have said tried but you go through the day I went through and you'd understand why I don't care :)

Edited by hillvalley
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I've trying to convince Don since the dawn of the Dining Guide that it is not as useful as it could be because of the Multiple Locations restaurants not showing up in their respective locations. You can see how far I have gotten. :(

I agree. I rarely consult the Multiple Locations guide because it is not organized by location, and therefore sometimes forget to consider those restaurants as an option.

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I've trying to convince Don since the dawn of the Dining Guide that it is not as useful as it could be because of the Multiple Locations restaurants not showing up in their respective locations. You can see how far I have gotten. :(

I agree and I am also well aware of what I can and cannot do, time-wise.

Remember, it's not just a matter of splitting up the restaurants in the Dining Guide; in theory, it's a matter of me GOING TO THEM and ranking them within each geographical location. I cannot keep up with how every Taylor Gourmet is doing these days!

I drove past Veronica's Bakery in Del Ray last night, remembered Kibbee's post, and almost drove my car into a pole.

"Spierdalaj," he said.

Patience, grasshopper ... your humble narrator has a workable solution.

(Name the TV show and the movie reference and you get one point. (No Googling.))

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I agree and I am also well aware of what I can and cannot do, time-wise.

Remember, it's not just a matter of splitting up the restaurants in the Dining Guide; in theory, it's a matter of me GOING TO THEM and ranking them within each geographical location. I cannot keep up with how every Taylor Gourmet is doing these days!

I drove past Veronica's Bakery in Del Ray last night, remembered Kibbee's post, and almost drove my car into a pole.

"Spierdalaj," he said.

Patience, grasshopper ... your humble narrator has a workable solution.

(Name the TV show and the movie reference and you get one point. (No Googling.))

Old fart (not as old as Master Po or Anthony Burgess) says, "Kung Fu" and "Clockwork Orange"

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Well that's what the Dining Guides are for. If you put "Taylor Gourmet" in quotation marks in the Invision search it'll come up sooner, but the native search function is really notoriously bad.

I did a little research on the topic and came up with two possible avenues to approaching the issue using google maps to arrange either by city or neighborhood.

1>Making each restaurant a 'member' and using this Example

2> Google Spreadsheets Data/Maps API Example

Each one has a space for description that could be used to link to the relevant thread in the discussion group.

Sorry I'm not able to provide a full implementation solution at this time, October is a little bit busy.

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[We've had an unusual number of visitors these past couple of weeks, and it's mostly been what appears to be MSNBC search bots crawling the website (the IP addresses always begin with 207.46). I see no upside in this - can anyone see how this has benefitted dr.com? I can block the IP address, but don't want to throw out any unknown baby with the bathwater.

Also we may indeed be porting the whole website to a new server (Dreamhost, which is very highly rated) this coming weekend (Invision is getting out of the web hosting business), so I may need to shut it down for a day on Saturday. We have over 1.1 GB of information, and are too heavily trafficked for Invision's servers to handle without me paying exorbitant monthly fees for a dedicated server.]

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I just wanted to say thanks to goldenticket, hillvalley, leleboo, DanielK, mktye, crackers, and all the other wonderful volunteers current and past who have paradoxically kept this playground both orderly and vigorously lively. And especially to Don, whose vision and generosity makes it all possible year after year, beginning with the day he decided to strike out on his own after his last playground became too corporate.

This month marks five years here for me, and there are more than a few members whom I now proudly count as friends that I probably wouldn't have known otherwise. I celebrate you all this Thanksgiving season; may your meals be thoughtful, sensual, and fulfilling. Saluté!

- ol_i

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Hear! Hear! [raising glass of Gewurtztraminer to all].

This is a very special place, with a special meaning for me, personally. I haven't met most of you face-to-face, but I value each one of you more than you'll ever know. Thank you, Don, for starting this, and thanks to all of the volunteers who help with the site and with the outings and events!



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We have outgrown Invision's servers, and for the first time in 5.5 years, we're moving to a different server - TONIGHT. The website will be down at around 11 PM, and stay down until it's ported (assuming there are no major problems).

It is exceedingly complicated to switch hosts for such a complicated website - there is almost 1.5 GB of website to port, and even Invision themselves (whom I'm paying to do this for me) says there are many things that can go wrong; sometimes it goes well; sometimes it doesn't.

So! Get your posts in while you can, and don't expect too much from this website over the weekend!



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Fingers crossed for a smooth transition!

Good news and bad news:

It WAS a semi-smooth transition. It took about 1 1/2 hours, with only some minor problems. However, there was one clincher: there was a pointer that needed to be set in order to point to the new website host, and nobody knew how to do it - the right people at Invision were gone for the weekend, and won't be back until Monday.

So in the interim, the board is back online - at the old host - until Monday night, where it will be moved again. This time, the move should take less than a half hour since they've already had a "practice run."

Post away, and everything between now and, say, Monday at 11 PM (or whenever you see the board back offline) will be preserved and ported over to the new host.

Sorry for the day off, and we'll try this again on Monday night. (No guarantees this will be foolproof even the next time, however!)



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Looks like it worked. My profile photo got lost in the move, so I reuploaded it.

Seems to have happened to a few of us.

There's also an issue with the email servers, so if you're trying to register and having message delivery failures, it's not you, it's us! Rest assured we'll fix it soon.

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