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Electronic Music Mixes and Sets


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One of my Pandemic Projects was teaching myself to mix music sets.  I started screwing around on Youtube finding music tracks that could be paired together and using multiple windows to mix these tracks together to build a set.  It was surprisingly effective although with limitations.  Since I couldn't manipulate the speed of the records on Youtube, my track selection was limited and veered more toward ambient music.  Which was somewhat fitting for our pandemic times.

I finally decided to acquire Traktor, a DJ music program, which allows me to mix and record music.

First up is a demo which is mostly ambient music:

27 Minutes of Bliss 

Second is Novas, my first completed set featuring ambient, neoclassical, with some more upbeat progressive house and breaks:


I suggest listening with good headphones after a couple glasses of wine or other intoxicant of your choice.  Enjoy!  

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